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Emergency Room Game: Self-Debriefing Questions

Instructions: In the ER simulation game, you assumed the role of emergency nurse Laila Stein, as she starts her
day shift, assigned to room 1. The following is a series of questions to guide your reflection on your
experience. These questions will help you express your reactions, analyze issues, and reflect on your
performance, while making connections to future clinical practice.

There are 10 questions to be answered. It will take you up to 60 minutes to complete the questions. It is
important to use your simulation summary report during this self-debrief.

1. What were your thoughts and feelings while playing the simulation game?
- It felt so real, so real in the sense that I feel like I am the nurse on duty. I felt the tension and
emotion in the situation being simulated. I feel like I just had the glimpse of my possible
whereabouts when time comes, as I pass my board exams and be on the actual profession, nursing.

2. Did you play the simulation more than once and, if you did, was it helpful to you? How?
- To be honest I have to play it more than thrice not because I didn’t understood the situation but
because of the slow internet connection, the simulation plays but buffers every now and then
which distracts me away from my focus, but when the clips play constantly, I am able to grasp the
situation accurately and be able to decide proper action/answer to the questions.

3. How did you feel in the role of the nurse Laila Stein during this simulation?
- I somehow felt thrilled and excited. Maybe because I know I will be in that situation one day, but in
connection to that I feel like it bears a lot of responsibility, because the role of Laila Stein or being a
nurse in general deals with lives of actual people, missing small details might result in losing once
life, it’s so scary but at the same time it feels so good that you can also help someone increase their
chance of living.

4. What were your thoughts about triaging Roman, Abel, and Charlotte? Did anything surprise you?
-About the triaging of patient Roman, Abel and Charlotte, I am not that surprised that abel is the first
priority, I based my stand in ABC assessment or the Airway Breathing and Circulation, this is like a
guide for nurses to know what or who to prioritize in terms of possible conditions from worst to that of
lesser one, abel having the condition of asthma is considered priority compared to roman that is
recently checked by the nurse on duty and charlotte knowing she is alert and no possible head injury.

5. Share what you learned in relation to establishing a therapeutic nurse–client relationship with Roman,
Abel, Charlotte, and their families.
- During the simulation in terms of therapeutic communication I learned that patients and their s/o
are highly subjective interms of their perception/feelings to a certain situation and as a nurse you
should be more considerate and aware of those factors to be an effective nurse.
6. Share what you learned about interprofessional communication within the healthcare team. Did
anything bother you about the interprofessional communication? How should the communication be
- During the simulation activity in terms of interprofessional communication, I have no issue with
how they communicated with each other it didn’t bothered at all. Personally I think it should be
more of a friendly manner but given with the situation that is the best professional way of taking
7. Not everyone works their way through this scenario perfectly. What can you take away from the
incorrect decisions/responses you may have made?
- The wrong decisions/mistakes I’ve made is on that part of mrs. Charlotte and all I can take from
that situation is that, I must not focus on my own perception when dealing with the feelings of
patient, I should be more considerate and assume their position to avoid misunderstanding and
inflicting emotional distress to patients.

8. In summary, the learning objectives of this simulation are to:

 Apply knowledge of physical and psychosocial factors when caring for pediatric and adult
patients and their family members.
 Identify normal findings, abnormal variations, and potential complications of medical and
surgical conditions, such as asthma, fractures, and Crohn’s disease.
 Prioritise care based on clinical assessments and findings.

What was your key learning points related to these learning objectives?
- My key learning points related to those learning objectives are not that far of the actual learning
objectives, first there should be “experience”, in applying knowledge there should always be that
experience to back up the actions for the better evaluation or result.

9. What will you take away from this simulation to incorporate into your clinical practice?
- Everything, Everything that has been showed from that simulation is a must know factors and
should be considered to incorporate in clinical practice, especially for me as an aspiring nursing
professional someday. Those activity shown to that simulation is very important and so near to that
of an actual setting in a clinical environment, proper handling of patients, knowing the normal and
abnormal findings and their possible outcome and prioritising patient in large numbers, theses are
important factors that a professional nurse should have.

10. What questions remain unanswered for you in relation to this emergency simulation scenario?
- The question that remained unanswered during this simulation for me is that, how is mr. roman
operation went, if they are successful in the operation or if they have found more severe condition
in relation to his present condition that must be addressed.

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