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Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology,

Architecture and Art – Peila, Viggiani & Celestino (Eds)

© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-38865-9

Ensuring safety during construction of double-track subway

tunnels in quaternary deposits

M.O. Lebedev, K.P. Bezrodny & R.I. Larionov

OJSC “NIPII “Lenmetrogiprotrans”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

ABSTRACT: For the first time in the subways construction practices in the territory of the
Russian Federation, a double-track running tunnel was built on two sections of the Saint-
Petersburg subway. The drivage carried out by a Tunnel-Boring Machine (TBM) with Earth
Pressure Balance (EPB). The tunnels’ route crosses road junctions and railway; buildings and
structures are also located in the construction influence zone.
Ensuring the construction safety requires geotechnical monitoring, and one of its goals was
adjusting the process parameters of the shield. Adjustment of TBM parameters was made
according to the data from borehole extensometers on the tunnel axis at different depths.
The result of geotechnical monitoring, and also the performed analytical and numerical
simulations, is conclusion that a major influence on the development of the stress-and-strain
state for the tunnels sections passed within the quaternary deposits has the depth of the tunnel
and, to a lesser extent, the mechanical characteristics of the soil massif.


The subway construction in the city of Leningrad started at significant depths, approximately
60 metres under the ground, on average. The reason for such deep placement was the presence
of a thick layer of quaternary deposits in the form of water-saturated unstable soils. Since the
pick hammer served as the main tool for tunnelling up to the middle of the 20th century, the
water tightness of the subway facilities could only be achieved within the aquilide of dense
claystone-like Kotlin underclays of the quaternary deposits.
The development of the technologies and the international experience of their application
for the construction of wide diameter subway tunnels (Maslak et al. 2014, Merkin & Khokh-
lov 2016) allowed constructing a two-track tunnel in Saint-Petersburg. This, in turn, made it
possible to apply modern engineering solutions when constructing subsurface stations (Boy-
tsov & Evstifeeva 2016).
The world experience of tunnels construction with a large cross-section by EPB-shield has a
broad geographic spread. Tunnels of this type are built in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany,
America, China, Brazil, Egypt, Greece and other countries. The construction of the first
double-track running tunnel completed by EPB-shield on the section of Frunzensky radius of
Saint-Petersburg subway.
A major part of the 3800 metres long running tunnel is in the completely unstable soils at
the depth of 10.0 to 13.6 metres (measured at the height of the vault crown). The TBM reaches
the dismantle chamber at the depth of more than 50 metres.
A tunnel with inner and outer diametrs of 9.4 m and 10.3 m respectively excavated by “Her-
renknecht” shield with EPB in the face. The cross-section of the tunnel is presented in
Figure 1.
The influence zone of the tunnel includes the Ring Road, railroad tracks, buildings and
structures, tramway tracks and motor roads.

Figure 1. Cross section of a double-track tunnel.

The construction of the second double-track running tunnel completed by EPB-shield on

the section of Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya line of Saint-Petersburg subway with similar engin-
eering and geological conditions, with the exception of tunnel section passed under the Gulf
of Finland.
During excavation the geotechnical monitoring was set up, aimed at reducing the negative
anthropogenic impact on the environment and at the safety of tunnel excavation. The geotech-
nical monitoring served the following purposes:
– making engineering and geological, as well as hydrogeological forecast beyond the face;
– identification of the surface and deep level movements of soil massif;
– visual and instrumental monitoring of the structures in the area of tunnel construction;
– backfilling quality control of the area outside of the tunnel lining;
– assessing the stress-and-strain state of the tunnel lining.
The safety of tunnelling works depends on a large extent on the availability of ultim-
ately reliable and up-to-date data on the stress-and-strain state of the “tunnel – soil
massif” system, as well as of the ground surface. This data can be obtained through geo-
technical monitoring with the use of automated systems that assure the availability of
up-to-date information received from all fixed control and measuring devices (Lebedev


2.1 Adjustment of shield TBM process parameters

The main problem of soft grounds tunnel construction at shallow depths is support of ground
surface. The presence of geodetic control of deformations doesn’t allow determining the spe-
cific TBM process parameters that affect the development of deformations in the enclosing
solid mass. To this end, boreholes with extensometers were placed along the entire length of
the running tunnel, both in the shallow (Figure 2a) and deep level (Figure 2b). Lower extens-
ometers are located 1.5 meters above the tunnel lining with diameter of 10.3 meters. Auto-
mated measurement system located in a protective cabinet took the gauge every 2 hours with
data transfer to a remote Internet portal. The measurement results at one of the tunnel sec-
tions are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Location of wells with extensometers over a double-track running tunnel: a) in shallow level;
b) in deep level.

Figure 3. Development of deformations in the depth of solid mass for two extensometers located in one
well: 1 - at a depth of 5 meters; 2 - at a depth of 10 meters.

Following the results obtained, a timeframe has been set up to establish correlation
between strains and technological parameters of the TBM guiding, and also the strain
spread velocity from the lining contour to the surface was calculated. The optimal pres-
sure of the face’s EPB did not incur any strain of the soil massif either beyond the face
or during the movement of the shield under the borehole. Ascent strain occurred only
when delivering grout beyond the lining. Given the absence of the engineering communica-
tions in this section of the tunnel, it became possible to exceed the pressure of delivery of
backfill compared to the estimated threshold of the surface rising (Figure 4). Besides, it
was discovered that the 12 metres thick layer of soil above the tunnel almost does not get
compressed, that is why the excessive pressure produced when backfilling the space
beyond the tunnel lining was immediately transferred to the ground surface. Within 2
days from 26 March, 2014 till 28 March, 2014, the ground level ascended by 45 mm,
though its subsidence had been estimated by 20 mm.
Another result obtained during the study of the soil massif strain was indirect limita-
tion of the “survival time” of the grout. The extensometer ascent strain lasts for more

Figure 4. Crack on the earth surface when inflating the grouting mortar beyond lining.

than 24 hours. Within this period, 6 ring sections of the lining were erected; the distance
from the shield was about 10.8 metres. This is only possible when the pressure is applied
from the contour of the tunnel, that is, through the pressure of the grout. The setting
time of the grout determine not only the surface strain, but also the stress-and-strain
state of the lining.
The adjustment of the TBM technological parameters at the subject section allowed the
excavation of the rest subsurface tunnel route with minimal surface strain, ranging from -5
mm (sinking) to + 15 mm. The areas with an ascent of the surface commonly did not sink
later on.
Altogether, 6 extensometer boreholes have been placed along the tunnel route in the subsur-
face area, and 2 ones in the deep level area.
In the deep level area the extensometers registered sinking strain of the near-lining zone by
0.5 mm. No surface strain has been observed following these sinking strains of the near-lining
In the construction of the second double-track running tunnel, 5 boreholes with extensom-
eters were placed in the shallow and 7 ones in the deep level. The measurement results at one
of tunnel sections in the shallow level are shown in Figure 5 and show the emergency mode
of TBM.
The deformations’ development begins when the face is located at a distance of 7.5
from the well. Having reached the value of 18 mm on the lower extensometer, the
deformations are stabilized. By this time was installed ring 608, the surface deformations
were 11 mm.
A rapid increase of subsidence begins when the lining ring is mounted under the borehole
and the next two rings reaching 65 mm along the lower extensometer and 13 mm along the
upper extensometer. The difference in the readings between the upper and lower extensom-
eters shows the value of “segregation” of the solid mass over the tunnel.
Subsequent extensometer readings show more than 100 mm subsidence of the ground

Figure 5. Development of deformations in the depth of solid mass for two extensometers located in one
well: 1 - at a depth of 4 meters; 2 - at a depth of 8 meters; 3 – face at a distance of 7.5 from the well; 4 –
erection of a lining ring under the well.

2.2 Monitoring of buildings and structures

The visual and instrumental monitoring of buildings plays a significant role in assessing the
impact of the construction process on the pre-existing buildings and structures or the absence
of such impact.
Along the route of both tunnels, residential and public buildings fell into the construction
influence zone in the section of shallow and deep levels.
In order to assess the stress-and-strain state of the buildings, a fixed system for monitoring
architectural structures was used. The measuring devices regularly registered the change in the
crack openings, in the vibration intensity, in the tilt angle and the temperature in the points
where the devices were installed; the collected data was further transferred through radio
channel to a remote Internet portal.
The 2-year-long monitoring with the help of the control and measurement devices installed
determined that the crack openings mostly depended on the changes in the temperature alone.
The range of the crack opening/closing reached 2 mm. The cracks did not return to their pre-
vious state. Neglecting the temperature, the accumulated crack opening amounted to 0.5 mm.
At the same time, no crack opening resulting from the tunnel construction was observed on
the façades of the buildings or on the inner structure.
The use of an automated geodetic monitoring system for the construction of the Nevsko-
Vasileostrovskaya line showed its effectiveness in controlling the deformations of WHSD
(Western High-Speed Diameter) supports (Figure 6a) in line of the small Neva river and the
Gulf of Finland.
The supports receiving loads from the cable bridge and the support of exit from the high-
way are in the zone of construction influence of a double-track running tunnel. By means of a
robotic tachymeter located outside the zone of construction influence the deformations of sup-
ports were monitored with an interval of one measurement per hour. The measurement results
(Figure 6b) were transmitted in real time to a remote Internet portal.
The largest influence from piercing had the support with prism No.12 which is also the
most loaded. The vertical deformations along this support were 16 mm. Actual values of verti-
cal deformations along all monitored supports coincided with the calculated values or were
less than calculated values.

Figure 6. Layout of the WHSD supports equipped with mirror prisms a) and measurement results for
vertical deformations b).

2.3 Stress-and-strain condition of the lining

The stress-and-strain state of the tunnel lining was assessed with the use of control and meas-
urement devices installed in the blocks during their production. The lining was equipped with
string strain meters – tensometers with 200 mm spacing. The registered local relative strains
were used to calculate the regular tangential stresses. In concrete and reinforced concrete
structures the stresses are calculated using a special method that takes into account the load-
ing of the concrete at an early stage and concrete crawling.
The most extensive data on the formation of the stress-and-strain state of supports and lin-
ings is provided by a combination of sensors (strain meters) inside the structure (Figure 7a)
and measurement of the inner contour strain starting from the moment of construction.
Considering the construction technology, it is possible to control the qualitative and the
quantitative changes in the stress-and-strain behaviour of the lining (Figure 7b) from the
moment of the ring assembly to under the protection of the TBM. The comparison of the
stress in the lining with the strains in the inner lining for a specific cross-section allows assess-
ing the load-bearing capacity of the other sections of the tunnels with fewer costs, limiting it
to inner lining strain control only. For reliable and sufficient determining of the load-bearing
capacity of the lining along the tunnel route using this method, the lining is equipped with
sensors within all lithological varieties that the tunnel crosses. Along the route of the tunnel
analysed, 18 rings were equipped with sensors.
The control of the stress-and-strain state of the lining as concerns the duration and the
change speed of the observed values allows assessing not only the absolute values determined
through calculation, but also assessing indirectly the quality of backfill of the space beyond
the tunnel lining and the time of setting of the grout.



The prediction of stress-and-strain state of the lining for double-track tunnel and enclosing
soils was carried out using 3D-finite element modeling.
The basic scheme for simulation of construction for double-track tunnel includes the
deformation area of ground in front of the face crown, the deformation of ground along the
shell length of the shield (due to their joint deformation and the loss of tunnel volume due to
the conical shape of shield shell), and the ground softening in the grouting zone behind the

Figure 7. Layout of sensors in the lining of a double-track running tunnel a) and indicative schedule for
development of forces in the lining b): 1 - stringed tensometers; 2 - relative deformations on inner and
outer contours*10-5 relative units; 3 - normal tangential stresses in concrete on inner and outer contours,

The simulation of construction for double-track tunnel was carried out using the software
complex Plaxis 3D. The basic design scheme embedded in the model is presented in Figure 8.
The model geometry was divided into 250,000 spatial solid-state elements of tetrahedral
shape. The finite element grid was created with differentiation in size: it thickened the tunnel
contour and thinned out near the model faces.
The elasto-plastic model Hardening Soil was used in the framework of studies to describe
the behavior of solid mass. The linear solid model was used to describe the mechanical behav-
ior of lining for double-track tunnel.
The tunnel construction was simulated by sequential execution of calculated stages, during
which the drivage for the next pass and the erection of lining were made. In total, the model
included 23 calculation stages, the first of which assumed the formation of natural stress in
solid mass. The remaining stages enabled to simulate the drivage for a section of double-track
tunnel with a length of about 40 m.

Figure 8. Basic design scheme of finite element model for construction of double-track tunnel.

Table 1. Process parameters for tunnel construction.
Solid mass properties
Pressure of face Pressure of grouting Force from shield
Plot crown EPB, kPa mortar injection, kPa jacks, kN Е0, MPa ν ϕ, deg. С, kPa

1 300 500 41000 14.5 0.35 22 27

2 250 700 39000 14.5 0.35 22 27
3 250 300 31500 14.5 0.35 22 27

The calculations are performed for three plots which are practically in the same geological
engineering conditions, the tunnel face is practically homogeneous in the geological plan and
is represented by claying soils, the laying depth is in the range of 12–13 m (above the tunnel).
The process parameters of tunnel construction were taken according to the EPB-shield
protocols created by the results of drivage for each ring. The process parameters of construc-
tion of double-track tunnel by means of tunnel-boring machine are summarized in Table 1.
The largest predicted subsidence of the ground surface was obtained for the plot No.2
where there is the largest spread of EPB pressure and pressure of grout injection.
Absolute values of vertical subsidence at the final design stage are: for the plot No.1 — 2
mm, for the plot No.2 — 3 mm, for the plot No.3 — 1 mm.
The major principal stresses in the lining side of double-track tunnel have only one growth
stage — immediately after insertion into the work (Figures 9, 10). The major principal stresses
in the lining side stabilize fairly quickly. Absolute values of the major principal stresses in the
lining side at the final design stage are: for the plot No.1 — 4.5 MPa, for the plot No.2 — 4
MPa, for the plot No.3 — 5 MPa. The calculations conform to the results of field studies.
Calculations of the stress-and-strain state of a system “lining – soil” show that the process
parameters of TBM influence the uniformity of load transfer from the solid mass to the tunnel
lining, and as a result, the qualitative and quantitative force distribution.
To predict the stressed state of the lining for double-track running tunnels in the conditions
of Saint-Petersburg, multivariate calculations were performed by the analytical solution and
the numerical method in a plane-deformation setting.
As a basis for analytical method, a decision was made in (Einstein & Schwartz 1979) which
corrections were made to take into account the change in deformation characteristics of the
ground from the value of acting stresses of the rock mass, as well as the presence of ground-
water. The problem is considered in effective stresses.

Figure 9. Isochromatic curve of distribution of the major principal stresses in the lining.

Figure 10. The curves of development of the major principal stresses in the lining side for the plots 1–3.

To perform a comprehensive analysis of the stressed lining state, the following geological
engineering conditions are adopted: a) dry rock mass formed by sandy grounds; b) dry rock
mass formed by clay grounds; c) watered rock mass formed by sandy grounds; d) watered
rock mass formed by clay grounds.
The calculation results are presented in the form of change dependencies of integral indica-
tors of stressed state of the tunnel lining section and the maximum values of tangential normal
stresses on the inner and outer lining contours (Figure 11a).
The tangential lining stresses are predominantly compressive, and starting from a depth of
12 m, the normal tangential stresses go completely into compressive stresses.
In general, it can be noted that from the point of view of lining behavior under the condi-
tions in question, the clay watered grounds are more favorable, while the lining arrangement
in sandy dry grounds leads to the appearance of significant bending moments forming an
uneven distribution of tangential stresses in the lining section.
The comparison of calculation results for the stress lining state performed on the basis of
analytical calculations (Figure 11a) and numerical modeling (Figure 11b) allows us to draw
the following conclusions. The values of longitudinal forces are insignificantly dependent on
the chosen model of solid mass deformation and calculation method. The change in bending
moment at the tunnel depth of 10 m from the ground surface on the basis of numerical simula-
tion and the application of elasto-plastic model with double hardening varies from 21 to 50
kN*m, then on the basis of analytical solution the bending moment in such grounds varies
from 54 to 89 kN*m. Thus, the value of bending moment on the basis of analytical solution is
overestimated 1.5–2 times. By increasing the tunnel depth to 40 m, the value of bending
moment obtained on the basis of numerical simulation varies from 61 to 116 kN*m, while on

Figure 11. The calculation results for stressed lining state located in the clay watered grounds by analyt-
ical method a) and numerical modeling b): c – rock coupling value (kPa); phi – internal friction angle
value (deg.); the solid line represents the stresses on inner lining contour, the dashed line — on outer
lining contour.

the basis of analytical solution from 87 to 130 kN*m. Thus, the value of bending moment on
the basis of analytical solution is overestimated 1.15–1.4 times. The difference in calculation
of bending moment in the tunnel lining leads to the change in predicted values of tangential


The construction of a large cross-section running tunnel in the complex engineering and geo-
logical conditions of Saint-Petersburg confirms that the safety during construction is assured
through the implementation of the modern technologies to complement the geotechnical
The results of the studies allowed determining the main factors that influence the move-
ment of the soil massif across the entire soil layer and working out recommendations for
adjustment of the construction technology parameters, for reduction of the negative
impact of the ground sinking and the related process of building deterioration within the
shift trough, as well as for the reduction of the vibration impact on such building to the
admissible level.
The use of modern automated geotechnical monitoring systems during tunnel excavation
for different purposes, particularly in urban construction areas, constitutes an efficient
element of the technological process allowing to mitigate considerably the risks of emer-
gencies and to increase the efficiency of the measures adopted following the monitoring
The placement of the control and measuring devices within the lining for assessment of the
stress-and-strain state helps not only to control the pressure formation during the tunnel con-
struction, but also to estimate the load-bearing capacity of the lining in order to assure safe
operation of the transportation tunnels.
Generalizing the accumulated experience of geotechnical monitoring, it is important to rec-
ognize its role in the process of subterranean construction and to point out the following
advantages of such monitoring:
– the research tasks allow formulating an overall understanding of the cooperation and joint
functioning of the “tunnel – soil massif” system to be used for rapid decision-making
related to the need of adjustment of the construction technical parameters;
– the aims of the monitoring complement each other and help avoiding possible mistakes in
the interpretation of the data collected;
– the monitoring assists in reducing the negative impact of the tunnelling on the environment;
it assures industrial safety during the construction phase.
If the tunnel depth is constant, the qualitative and quantitative distribution of stress-and-
strain lining state is affected by process parameters of TBM-shield, such as the pressure of
face EPB, the pressure of grout injection behind the lining, and the pressure of shield jack.
Taking into account the results of field researches, the numerical simulation of the stress-
and-strain state of the double-track tunnel lining and the soil mass is performed. The obtained
regularities after verification of the design scheme show that the main influence on the devel-
opment of the stress-and-strain state of the lining has a depth of the tunnel and to a lesser
degree the mechanical properties of the soil mass. The calculated values of the stresses in the
lining are close to the actual stresses, obtained by field researches.


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