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Analysis of soldier pile wall with jet-grouting as retaining system for deep

Conference Paper · September 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1421.8722


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3 authors, including:

Josif Josifovski Bojan Susinov

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


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Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE
Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development
ISBN 978-0-7277-6067-8

© The authors and ICE Publishing: All rights reserved, 2015


Analysis of soldier pile wall with jet-grouting as

retaining system for deep excavation
Аnalyse de mur de soutènement avec „jet-grouting” comme système
de retenue pour excavation profonde
J. Josifovski*1, B. Susinov1 and I. Markov2
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
BETON Construction Company A.D., Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
*Corresponding Author
ABSTRACT This paper presents an analysis and execution measures for protection of deep excavation pit in the city centre of Skopje of
administrative building with three underground floors. The 1155 m2 pit borders with two frequent streets, adjacent an existing high-rise
building and another construction site. The foundation depth is -12.6 m, around 3.5 m under the ground water level, thus the technical so-
lution should offer adequate hydraulic and equilibrium stability of the excavation pit. A detailed site investigation had detected sandy
gravel until -32 m which continues as well compacted marl. Together a combination between soldier pile retaining wall with anchors and
jet-grouting elements has been employed to form a hydraulic barrier, seal completely the pit from direct inflow of ground water into the pit.
Moreover the jet-grouting will have certain effects on stability through the soil improvement of the local material. A double fluid jet-
grouting has been chosen as most effective because a larger eroding diameter was needed. The calculation has been performed u sing
the finite element method while the jet-grouting parameters were defined according EN 12716 and later confirmed with trail investiga-
tions. In a period of 2 months 1344 jet-grouting columns with total length of 4893 m had been successfully executed followed by con-
struction of the underground structure.

RÉSUMÉ Cet article présente une analyse et d'exécution les mesures de protection du fouille en profondeur dans le centre de la ville de
Skopje de bâtiment administratif de trois étages souterrains. Les frontières de 1155 m2 avec fosse de deux rues adjacentes fréquentes, un
bâtiment de grande hauteur existant et un autre chantier. La profondeur des fondations est -12.6 m autour de 3.5 m sous le niveau de la
nappe phréatique, donc la solution technique devrait offrir la stabilité et l'équilibre hydraulique adéquate de la fouille. Une enquête détaillée
du site a détecté gravier sableux jusqu'à -32 m qui continue ainsi marnes compactées. Ensemble Une combinaison entre le mur de soutène-
ment de la pile de soudure avec des ancres et des éléments „jet-grouting” doit former une barrière hydraulique, sceller complètement le
puits de flux direct de l'eau du sol dans la fosse. En outre, le „jet-grouting” aura certains effets sur la stabilité à travers l'amélioration du sol
de la matière locale. Un jet de fluide à double-injection a été choisi comme la plus efficace, car un diamètre d'érosion plus grande était né-
cessaire. Le calcul a été effectué en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis, tandis que les paramètres „jet-grouting” ont été définies selon la
norme EN 12716 et plus tard confirmées par les enquêtes de sentiers. Dans un délai de 2 mois 1344 colonnes de „jet-grouting” avec une
longueur totale de 4893 m avait été exécutée, à la réussite suivie par la construction de la structure souterraine.


The location of the new public administration build- task. Especially when from all four sides the site is
ing in the Skopje city centre is not far away from the surrounded by existing structures or streets which
main square on the corner of the Macedonia and cannot be closed for the execution period. Beside ad-
Dame Gruev Street (Figure 1). The building should jacent streets (up and left on Figure 1) to the site, on
have 3 underground floors for parking and 8 floors the right side there is block of flats on six floors. On
above the terrain for offices. distance of around 10 m from the bottom, there is a
The protection of 52.35 x 22.8 m excavation pit or high-rise building with 16 floors. The protection of
area of 1155 m2 with depth of -12.6 m, 3.5 m under the excavation pit beside the ground stability had to
the ground water level is a formidable engineering

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ensure hydraulic stability and dry conditions for con- a solution with stiff anchored pile retaining wall has
struction. been primarily considered. At some stage beside this
one also other possibilities were analyzed such as di-
aphragm wall. The design concept considers addi-
tional jet-grouting columns (soilcrete elements) add-
ed as curtain and carpet sealing the site from ground
water inflow. They also introduce improvement ef-
fects on the local soil material.
The pile retaining wall is constructed of 101 piles
with diameter of 80 cm spaced at 140 cm is discon-
tinuous soldier pile barrier sealed with additional ver-
tical soilcrete elements in between (Figure 2). To sta-
bilize the wall, anchors were added at level -3 m at
every opening in between the reinforced concrete
piles. Together with the horizontal barrier (carpet)
the pit is going to be complete secured from ground
water infiltration from side and bottom.

Figure 1. Site location as aerial view.


The geological conditions were defined by field in-

vestigation, such as boreholes reaching depth up to
40 m. The profile is homogeneous up to 32 m of
depth classified as sandy gravel material (SFc) after
which a well compacted marl (M) appears. The max-
imum diameter of the particle reaches up to 40 mm,
but on some location at different depths layers of
compacted sand had been registered. The ground wa- Figure 2. Excavation pit with pile retaining wall.
ter level was detected at -9.7 m from the surface.
Other test such as SPT has been performed at differ- The piles start from the street level at 0.0 m and go
ent depths to correlate the compressibility modulus up to 14.5m in the depth. Next to them the first row
and angle of internal friction of the material. Addi- of soilcrete columns is inclined by 11 degrees start-
tionally, laboratory tests had been perform to obtain ing from level -8.5 m with height of 6.85 m. The sec-
the relevant material properties presented in Table 1. ond row starts a bit lower from level -10.5 m and is
inclined by 6 degrees reaching depth up to 14.5 m.
The first row has 108 and second row of the curtain
OF THE EXCAVATION PIT The horizontal barrier (carpet) is also constructed
by soilcrete elements grouted in a patter spaced on
Due to the build-up of Skopje city site surrounding 87 x 110 cm on area around 970 m2. The total num-
with many neighboring buildings and other infra- ber is 1198 with the height of 3 m. For total sealing
structure, the criteria for allowed deformation or soil of the excavation pit of 1155 m2, a 1344 soilcrete el-
mass movement was very strict (conservative) not al- ements with total grouting length of 4893 m’ are
lowing displacement greater than 15 mm. Therefore, used. The drilling length is larger for additional
2554 m or 7447 m in total.

Josifovski, Susinov and Markov

step, stability or deformation analysis, were precisely




Figure 3. Excavation pit (a) Base plan and (b) Cross section 2-2.


A two-phase jet-grouting procedure was adopted af-

ter trial pitting. They were used to establish optimal (b)
recapture for the injection mass and determine the
Figure 4. Field investigations and laboratory tests (a) visual in-
minimal eroding diameter. An injection mass with spection and (b) soilcrete specimens.
water / cement ratio was injected with water for bet-
ter mixing with the local material and larger diameter
soilcrete columns. The injection pressure was set to
400MPa which forces the mass through two nozzles
of 1.8 mm diameter at speeds of around 100km/h.
The global stability of the soil masses in the excava-
Different water cement ratio and rotation speeds as
tion pit together with the protection measurements
well as monitor lifting speeds were considered. In to-
has been calculated on finite element model. This
tal 9 test piles were executed and investigated. After
way the stress-strain behavior of the different materi-
7 days some of the grouted bodies were excavated,
als and structures could be checked and the forces
under the GWL (Figure 4a) and specimens for labor-
and deformation could be determined. For this pur-
atory testing were taken (Figure 4b).
pose the PLAXIS program as a well established and
The uniaxial compression strength (UCS) as well
specialized for geotechnical problems was used.
as the tension strength from Brasilian test of the soil-
Thus, the problem was calculated using two-
crete material was determined on representative sam-
dimensional plane strain analysis where the soil ma-
ples. The material parameters necessary for the next

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

terial was modeled using the МC and HS model in variations in the stiffness and dimensions. On dis-
contrast to the linear elastic model for the concrete tance of 1.25 m from the wall, a uniform surface load
material. The material properties of the soil and soil- q=33.33 kPa is assumed as design traffic load.
crete material are presented in Table 1. The total displacements on the top are smaller than
6 mm while at the toe of the wall it is between
Table 1. Material properties.
10 mm and 12 mm, see Figure 5(b). The maximum
Material SFc Soilcrete deformation of 28 mm in upward direction is in the
Unsat. unit weight un(kN/m3) 21,5 22,0 middle of the pit. It is a result of the water pressure
Sat. unit weight un(kN/m3) 22 22 but more as an effect of the unloading (3 m of exca-
Cohesion c (kPa) 2 658 vation) which realistically may not occur. In Figure
Angle of internal friction  35 37
5c the vertical distribution of the total pressure is pre-
Young’s modulus E50 (MPa) 40 8.000
Poisons ratio  0,3 0,2 sented where the maximum registered acting on the
Permeability k (m/s) 10-4 10-8 wall is 196 kPa and 50-120 kPa in the zone from the
wall to centre of the pit. To certain amount the total
pressure is influenced by the active pore pressure un-
A special attention has been put to definition of the der the GWL (Figure 6а).
soilcrete material according to the results from the The pore pressure is linearly distributed starting
laboratory tests. The characteristic UCS after 28 days from zero at -8.5 m finishing with 55 kPa at the toe
was adopted conservatively as 8 MPa although there of the wall. Another very important indicator which
were others ranging up to 17 MPa. The Hoek-Brown limits the bearing capacity and stability of the soil is
material model has been used for transformation to the potential for developing plastic and tension points
MC model according the measured parameters. For (Figure 6b). The sliding mechanism is depicted by
the deformation parameters the recommendation the red plastic zone in the toe and in combination
from the literature were followed defining the Hooks with tension zone in the middle of the pit. Although
modulus as Е = 1000*UCS (MPa), but again the tests the plastic zone is formed, the total resisting capacity
gave much greater value. The analysis had been per- at the toe is still not reached. This fact is confirmed
formed for static loads without seismic acceleration with the diagram of wall displacement depicted in
because the protection of the pit has temporal charac- Figure 6(c) and FOS calculation. Hence, displace-
ter. To be able to simulate the execution of the pro- ments are described with rotating mechanism with a
tection in different phases, a stage construction ap- centre positioned relatively low (in the lower third of
proach in calculation has been employed, in four the wall) resulting in 10 mm toe deformation which
consecutive phases: is result of the anchor. The rotation angle of the wall
1. Partially excavated pit with soldier pile wall is 1/475 which below allowed value of 1/500. The
with anchors (-8.5 m depth); global stability of the system is confirmed through so
2. Execution of jet-grouting elements; called /c reduction procedure resulting with a global
3. Complete excavation of the pit (-12.5 m FOS =1.64 far larger than the 1.1 allowed for tempo-
depth); rary structures.
4. FOS (φ- c reduction) procedure. All design measures for protection of the excava-
In this paper only the results from phase no. 3 will tion pit had been executed as planned, but the antici-
be presented and discussed in details. The modeling pated deformation had not occurred at least not in
process begins with definition of the geometry as such extent. For the whole process the site was in-
well as others, such as: anchors, load, soilcrete and strumented registering the deformations on the wall
soil material as depicted in Figure 5(a). The anchor and outside. Finally, the excavation in the pit had fin-
capacity is 250 kN/m’ calculated according to the ished in March 2014 after two months of work when
provisions from EN1997-1. As such it was modeled the construction of the structure started (Figure 7).
with inclination of 15 degrees, bond length of 7 m
and total length of 12 m. The pile wall is discretized
as equivalent diaphragm taking in consideration the

Josifovski, Susinov and Markov

3 4

(а) (a)



Figure 5. (a) Discretization of elements and materials, (b) Total
displacements |u| from the excavation phase and (c) Vertical Figure 6. (a) Active pore pressure pactive from the excavation
stresses yy from the excavation phase. phase, (b) Plastic and tension points from the excavation phase and
(c) total displacement |u| of the retaining construction from the ex-
cavation phase.

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

bling designers to have optimal solutions, especially

when effects of material combinations with largely
differing properties and soil-structure interaction are
considered. The two-dimensional finite element
model of the whole excavation process has been able
realistically to simulate soil-structure interaction be-
havior, but slightly better results are expected if
three-dimensional model has been used especially at
the corners of the pit.
Finally, it can be concluded that even for larger
sites the combination of soilcrete elements and sol-
Figure 7. Finished protection of the excavation pit status from dier piles are successful in protection of deeper exca-
March 2014. vation pits in build-up areas such as the city centre of
the Macedonian capital Skopje.

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