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English Async- Visual Text.

1. A) The consistency of the ice was strong, solid and hard before. It used to be blue in
colour. However now the ice melts very easily and is not to be seen anymore.

B) The ice has been melting at such a rapid rate that by 2040 we will be able to sail
over the North Pole as most of it would have turned into water by then.

C) if the ice in the arctic goes away, it will make the floods and droughts more
catastrophic and the second effect would be the change in currents and weather

2. A) Professor Jason thinks that the projections for the future are very conservative and
if the climate stays at the temperature it has been for the last decade then it is certain
that Greenland is going away.

B) Research and the rate of ice melting shows that If the temperature that has been
there for the last decade stays throughout the coming years then Greenland will
disappear soon.

C) The water that flows between the crevasses should be balanced with snowfall,
otherwise the ice sheets will get smaller.

D) the climate equipment at Greenland is not in a good condition and it looks like
broken down pool equipment. The hose that went down 30 feet deep into the ice is
seen lying on the top as the ice has melted away.

E) Distance- Hundreds of cubic kilometres, Thickness- 30 feet

3. A) In Florida the water and sea levels are rising massively. It is because of this that
even on a sunny day there can be water seen coming up on the streets.

B) the city of Florida is using electric pumps and building the necessary pumping
systems all across the city in order to control the floods. They also made higher sloped

C) These measures cost over 4000 million dollars. They are paying for it through the
city revenues such as tax. Higher tax is imposed in order to gain higher revenues.

D) 40-50 years.

4. A) China has beaten U.S.A to become the world number one polluter.
B) China being a centre of urbanization and industrialization generates huge amounts
of pollution which becomes almost uncontrollable.

C) He means to say that since China is the country dedicated to manufacturing goods
for all other western countries, China is burdened with the huge waste and pollution

D) A phenomenon known as airpocalypse arises when over pollution takes place.

E) An Airpocalypse is when there is dense and heavy smog in the atmosphere.

F) People in China are worried about health problems such as cancer, breathing
problems like asthma, throat infections etc.

G) The Chinese people want their factories and government to take accountability and
responsibility for their actions. The emissions need to be controlled and the facts and
figures regarding these should not be concealed. They must be transparent and
available for public review.

H) In order to hold the factories accountable, they started a national pollution-based

database where each factory has to report their monitoring data to the people every
hour and people can view this on their mobile phones and make factories accept their

I) The government changed their plans towards renewable energy. Now, China has
one of the biggest winds and solar power companies in the world.

J) The challenge of over population.

5. A) 3rd largest emitter

B) 1. Development 2. To eradicate poverty.
C) 300 Million people
D) Cow dung cakes.
E) Coal
F) The rate at which America is using up the fossil fuels is going to destroy the planet.

G) He argues that it is going to be difficult to stop using fossils and reduce the
consumption unless renewables become cheaper.

H) The poverty struck parts of Africa, Bangladesh and India are the worst affected.

F) the immense rainfall that the farmers of India received destroyed all their crops.
This led to deprivation of livelihood for the farmers who were mainly dependant on
their crops. This increased the poverty in the country.

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