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Speak English With Vanessa

Free PDF Worksheet

How to use IN, ON, and AT
Dear English Learner,
Get ready to level up your English with these common English prepositions! I
recommend reading this worksheet out loud and using the blank space on the last page
to answer my challenge question using the key words. Thanks so much for learning
English with me. You rock!

Your teacher,

How to use “IN”

General Rules
1) an enclosed space 2) general time

1. Did you find your coat in the closet?

enclosed space

2. I love to spend summer vacation in the mountains.

enclosed space

3. I enjoy taking walks early in the morning.

general time

4. Do you have this in a smaller size? Do you have this in red?

fixed phrase: “to be in a [size or color]”

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?

fixed phrase: “to believe in [love/ peace/ etc.]” 1
How to use “ON”

General Rules
1) a surface 2) a specific day

6. Oh no! I spilled coffee on my homework!

a surface

7. I jumped when he tapped me on my shoulder.

a surface

8. Do you have a date on Saturday night?

a specific day

9. The building is on fire!

fixed phrase: “on fire”

10. My date was on his phone the whole night--it was so rude!
fixed phrase: “on your phone”

How to use “AT”

General Rules
1) a specific place 2) a specific time

11. My favorite cafe is at the end of this street.

a specific place

12. My date will be here at 5:15.

a specific time

13. We are having dinner at my favorite restaurant.

a specific place

14. You can email me at

a specific place

15. He is really good at juggling.

fixed phrase: “to be good at something” 2
Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question.

When do you usually work?

[Sample answer: I usually work on weekdays at 8 in the morning and on Saturdays at 2

in the afternoon. When I first started this job, I was so excited about it. I woke up on fire
every morning, but now I’ve lost my passion, so I’m not good at getting up early
anymore. I’m thinking about changing my job. Maybe I’ll work at a job that starts at 2 in
the afternoon every day. ]

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