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Doan Thi Diem Secondary School IELTS



No. Word Meaning Vietnamese Meaning Example

Children who are addicted to
to beprone
____ to to be likely to become fat watching television, instead of
obesity (in an unhealthy way) playing outdoor games, are more
____ to obesity.
Advertising tells women that they
serious conditions related
should have bodies like
2 to persistent eating
eating _______
disorder supermodel celebrities and this
behaviors that negatively
sometimes leads to eating ____
impact health
such as anorexia or bulimia.
a safe level of keeping Maintaining safe _____ standards
safe ______
hygiene yourself, living areas or in hospitals, homes and
3 working areas clean in workplaces is a simple and
order to prevent illness and inexpensive way to combat the
disease spread of diseases.

_____ a full- to start an investigation Scientists are about to _____ a
4 completely or using all full-scale investigation into the
scale investigation
available methods, cause of the outbreak of the
into sth equipment, money, etc. disease.
A lack of government programs for
the outbreak of an a large number of diseases vaccination and regular health
5 occurring at the same time care may lead to the outbreak of
epidemic in a particular community an ______, particularly in
developing countries.

sedentary involving little exercise or A _______ lifestyle is a major

6 ______ lifestyle factor in health problems such as
physical activity
obesity and heart disease.
Even elderly people can adopt a
fitness _____ by taking light
7 a method or routine of
a fitness ______
regime exercise such as walking or
taking regular exercise

to make regular payments In countries with poor public

to ___
out private to an insurance company, health services, many people have
8 who will pay for medical or to _____ private health insurance
health insurance
hospital treatment when in order to receive adequate
you need it medical treatment
degenerative Breakthroughs in medical science
9 a _______ illness an illness that becomes are providing more effective
worse as time passes treatment for ________ illnesses
such as Alzheimer’s disease
a condition in which a part
I used a cream to reduce
10 of the body becomes red,
inflammation ___________.
painful and swollen (=
larger than normal) because
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School IELTS

of infection or injury

the type of medicine that is Homeopathy is especially good for

__________ generally used in the US migraines and all those odd
11 and Europe which uses illnesses and discomforts which
drugs and surgery as a form _________ medicine has no
of treatment answer to.
I believe that the
the _________ _________industry must be strictly
12 an industry that makes
regulated by governments,
industry drugs and medicines
especially in the testing of new
a system in which the
government provides free
social services such as For any _____ state, the
13 health and education and government is the subject to
welfare state
uplifting the living standard of
gives money to people people
when they are unable to

Safe hygiene standards are

operating a room in a hospital where
14 important throughout any hospital,
doctors carry out surgery
theatre but particularly in an operating
on patient
In Britain, the government has
the money paid by a patient abolished ______ charges for
15 prescription
________ charges to receive medicines elderly people, so that they no
authorised by a doctor. longer pay for the medicines they

to build up one’s to increase the ability of A healthy lifestyle and a diet rich
16 in vitamins are a sure way to build
____ system
immune your body to fight diseases
up one’s ______ system.

a person who works as a It is essential to train more

17 medical ______
practitioner medical ________ if public health
doctor or surgeon
is to be improved
causing serious impairment
18 to be __________
delibitating of strength or ability to She found the heat __________.

19 to identify a disease, They _______ him as having

to ______
condition, etc. in (a patient) mumps
a person who knows a lot
about a particular subject Shirley's brother is now a
20 ____________
consultant and is employed to give __________ heart surgeon in
advice about it to other Sweden.
the branch of medicine He graduated from medical school
21 ________ concerned with the with a distinction in pharmacology
treatment of disease and_________.
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School IELTS

the medical treatment that Developing countries must

you receive first when you allocate resources to establish
________ health
22 are sick or ill, for example ________ health care clinics in
from your doctor or local rural areas and overcrowded city
clinic districts.

An emphasis on ______ medicine

practices of healthcare
23 will result in a healthier
________ medicine intended to try to stop
population and reduced costs for
medical treatment.

to be unable to stop taking More specialist clinics, offering

24 harmful drugs, tobacco or treatment and advice, are required
to be ______ to st
to help people who are ______to
alcohol drugs.

to be _____ to Lying in the sun for too long can

25 to be harmful to health be _________ to health and result
in skin cancers.
In order to identify health
to have a regular to have a regular problems at an early stage, people
26 examination carried out by should have a regular _______ so
a doctor or dentist that preventive measures can be
taken if necessary.
medical drugs used to kill Your doctor may prescribe a
27 __________ bacteria and treat
course of __________
Although playing football can help
to prevent _______ disease, taking
an illness relating to the
28 _______ disease part in competitive sports can act
heart and blood vessels
as a trigger for sudden cardiac
a disease caused by germs Ear _______ are common in pre-
29 _________
or bacteria. school children
a state of worry and tension
She was tired and under
30 ___________ caused by a difficult


Exercise 1: Match the sentence in the left-hand column with a sentence in the right-
hand column. Use the words and phrases in bold to help you.

1. Air conditioning units are often responsible for (A) Illnesses which affect the circulation of
spreading infections around an office. blood are particularly common with people who
are overweight.

2. Cardiovascular disease is becoming more (B) This is deposited on the walls of the arteries
common in Britain. and can block them.
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School IELTS

3. Too much exposure to the sun can cause skin (C) They can easily be spread from one person
cancer. to another.

4. It is important not to eat too much food with a (D) Pains or stiffness in the joints or muscles
high cholesterol content. can be very difficult to live with.

5. Too many people these days live a sedentary (E) They don’t get enough exercise.

6. People in positions of responsibility often have (F) This is because their immune system is not
stress-related illnesses. properly developed.

7. Premature babies are vulnerable to illnesses. (G) Anyone who has caught the virus is
reminded that it cannot be treated with
antibiotics, and they should stay inside until the
symptoms have passed.

8. Healthcare professionals say that hospitals (H) The painful inflammation of a joint may
around the country are suffering from serious require surgery.

9. The AIDS virus is incurable. (I) However, the government denies it has made
cutbacks to the National Health Service.

10. The country is currently experiencing its worst (J) However, there are drugs which can slow
flu epidemic for over 30 years. down its cell-destroying properties.

(K) Once the body’s cells start growing

abnormally, a cure can be difficult to find.

(L) The pressures of a high-powered job can

cause nervous strain, which may require drugs.
Doan Thi Diem Secondary School IELTS

Exercise 2: Replace the words or phrases in bold in these sentences with a word or phrase from the box so
that the sentence sounds more natural. There are some words or phrases that you do not need

active a diet consultant conventional medicine

debilitating diagnose minerals operation protein

surgeon vitamins traditional medicines welfare state

1. If you suffer from a bad back, a massage may be able to cure or relieve the disorder.

2. One of the secrets of remaining in good health is to choose food to eat that is high in fiber and low in fat.

3. Most people, when they are ill, rely on modern pills and tablets to cure them.

4. Some old-fashioned cures for illnesses, such as herbal tablets and remedies, are becoming increasingly popular.

5. Doctors sometimes refer their patients to a medical specialist attached to a hospital.

6. Meat, eggs and nuts are rich sources of a compound which is an essential part of living cells, and which is
essential to keep the human body working properly.

7. On his holiday, he had to take essential substances which are not synthesised by the body but are found in
food and are needed for growth and health, because the food he ate lacked the B and C groups.

8. Calcium and zinc are two of the most important substances found in food.

9. Most doctors recommend an energetic lifestyle, with plenty of exercises.

10. British people enjoy free healthcare thanks to the large amount of money which is spent to make sure they
have adequate health services.

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