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Assignment #1 - Fitness Assessments

Name: Kaitlyn Robison

Point Value: 40 points

Due Date: September 12th, 2021 (Sunday) at 11:30pm to D2L Dropbox

Please record the following information and submit on D2L by assigned due date in the dropbox and

Heart rate (HR)

1. Resting HR:___78 bpm__ (1 point)

2. 55% of age predicted max HR (using the Karvonen formula – show math):_________ (1

220-18=202 202-78=124 (124*.55)+124=192.2

3. 85% of age predicted max HR (using the Karvonen formula – show math):_____________
(1 point)

220-18=202 202-78=124 (124*.85)+124=229.4

Body Composition (please answer in FULL sentences) – Pages 351-354 in ACSM book and pages 135-
140 in Dunford

4. What does body composition measure and describe two ways of measuring body composition
(name and how it’s done) and comment on the accuracy for each? (3 points)
Body composition measures the percentages of muscle, fat, and bone in your body. One way to
measure body composition is a skinfold test. During a skinfold test a caliper is used to measure
subcutaneous fat at several body sites. This test if performed with the wrong technique can be
very inaccurate. Another way to test body composition is kinanthropometry. This involves
comprehensive individual measurements of elements that influence movement. This method
depends on accurate skinfold test that have to be performed by a trainer professional.
Kinanthropometry is an accurate way to measure body composition.

5. Does B.M.I provide information about one’s body composition (if two people have the same
BMI, do they have the same body composition)? Give an example of two athletes that might
have the same BMI in two different sports, but varying body compositions? (3 points)

BMI provides no information about a person’s body composition. For example, if a track runner has the
same low BMI as a professional show body builder, they would have extremely different body
compositions. The track runner would have a low BMI because they are constantly running, burning fat,
and staying lean. On the other hand, a body builder would have a low BMI because they need to look
extremely muscular and vascular for competitions causing them to need constantly burn fat and use it
for fuel the build muscle.

6. How is B.M.I. calculated and why is BMI used? What are the categories of BMI classification and
the numbers/categories associated with each (be specific)? (3 points)

BMI is calculated by dividing weight in pounds by height in inches squared and multiplied by a
conversion factor of 703. BMI is used because it is easy to measure and also correlates strongly with the
percentage of body fat. If your BMI is below 18.5% you are classified as overweight. The next BMI
classification is 18.5% to 24.9%, that is normal or healthy. Then if your BMI is 25% to 29.9% you are
considered overweight. Finally, if your BMI is over 30% you are classified as obese.

Aerobic Fitness

Please complete either the Rockport One-Mile Walking Test OR the 1.5 Mile Run Test. Pages 82-86 in
the ASCM book 2nd edition.

7. Please indicate what test you are completing and why you chose the walking test or the running
test. (5 points)

I chose to complete the walking test because it seemed more reasonable for me to do based on my
aerobic fitness. I am an athlete; however, I currently do not run as part of staying fit, but I am hoping
that will change after this class.

8. What is your estimated aerobic capacity (show math)? (5 points)

132.835 minus 132.835-10.1398-6.9786-63.2835-14.711= 37.7221
37.7221 aerobic capacity

9. What is your fitness classification? (3 points)

For my age, my fitness classification is fair because my aerobic capacity was 37.7221. Fair is being
classified as having an aerobic capacity between 34.6 to 40.5.

NOTE: Refer to pages 103-108 in the ACSM Complete Guide to Fitness and Health text for information
regarding the testing and results. You can do the muscular strength (1 rep max OR push up test)

Muscular Fitness

10. What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance? (5 points)
Muscular strength is the ability to exert maximal force in a single effort, such as a one rep max
test. Muscular endurance is the ability to repeat or maintain muscle contraction. Muscular
strength helps you complete more reps or go for a longer amount of time while testing your
muscular endurance.

11. Choose one of the tests for either muscular strength or muscular endurance. Please describe
what you did during the test and record your results. (5 points)

I chose to complete the muscular endurance test. I completed 22 normal pushups, not women pushups,
and that places me in the very good category, 21 to 29 pushups, for females. During the test I did strict
pushups and didn’t count the ones when my form was bad.

12. How do you compare to other individuals in the same age/gender category? (5 points)
I am 18 so I am aged a little bit lower than the first age group of 20 to 29, however in that
category I am considered very good for doing 22 pushups.

Grading Rubric for Assignment #1

Item Points
Uploaded on Time to No points deduced (50% automatic for late assignments)
Correct grammar No points deduced (-1 for each offense)
/spelling & complete
Question 1 Answered correctly = 1 point
Question 2 Answered correctly = 1 point
Question 3 Answered correctly = 1 point
Question 4 Answered with a complete sentences based on text (1 point for first part
of question, and two methods described and accuracy for 2 points) = all 3
Question 5 Answered each portion of the question (including two athletes) with
complete sentences based on text = all 3 points
Question 6 Answered all questions with complete sentences based on text = all 3
Question 7 Answered in complete sentences with BOTH what test and 1-2 sentences
on why this particular test was chosen for you personally = all 5 points
Question 8 Math is shown on how to complete analysis and aerobic capacity level
indicated = all 5 points
Question 9 Complete sentence with correct fitness classification =all 3 points
Question 10 3-4 sentences differentiating the two types of fitness based on text = all 5
points. These must be complete sentences to receive FULL credit.
Question 11 1-2 sentences on which test you completed and correct values shown (2
points)/ correct math shown matching type of testing= all 5 points
Question 12 1-2 sentences on how you compare with individuals of your same age
based on your testing results = all 5 points

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