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7 billion video

1. A) 2 billion it took 130 years to reach

B) 3 billion it took 30 years to reach
C) 4 billion it took 14 years to reach
D) 5 billion it took 13 years to reach
E) 6 billion it took 12 years to reach
F) 7 billion it took 12 years to reach
2. I think there has been so much quick population growth because more people want to
have kids and expand their families.
3. It increased by 16 years because of new medicines being discovered and people taking
better care of themselves throughout the years.
4. It defines megacities as population being greater than 10 million. There are currently 21
5. If we all stood shoulder to shoulder, we would all fit in the city of Los Angeles.
6. The problem with the world having 7 billion people is we need balance, because we all
don’t share the same appliances then the rest of us. Such as clean drinking water and
National geographic – are you typical?
1. The physical and cultural characteristics of the world’s most typical person are being
right-handed, making less than 12,000 a year, has a cell phone, male, and the largest
ethnic group is han Chinese.
2. By 2030 the world’s most typical person will come from India.
3. I think there is a big difference because of the choices they make and their lifestyles.
They also could have different opportunities or decisions to make, and the major reason
is where they are located and the community around them.
Key issue 2.1 essential knowledge
1. Mali is an example of overpopulation because the environment to support life is
extremely low, which won’t be enough for all their people.
2. The purpose of the census is to figure out the population in the years ending in zeros.
Places around the world find this to be controversial because homeless people or
immigrants may not fill out the forms therefore the data will be inaccurate.
3. The scale of analysis between the two figures is the population in portions from two
different spectrums.
4. My observation in 2-2 doesn’t give a clear picture of what patterns they are trying to
show the 1 billion inhabitants. In figure 2-3 the diagram is clearly shown of the
population in each place.
5. Three countries that are non-existent in figure 2-3 are Canada, Russia, and Greenland.
6. Three countries that are grossly oversized is the United States, Brazil, and India. This
means that there are too many people all in one area.
7. They all have uninhabited (mainly ice) and hunting and gathering.
8. East Asia = China, Japan, and South Korea
South Asia = India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
Europe = Western, Eastern, and Russia
Southeast Asia = Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand
Northeast US = Maine, Maryland, and Pennsylvania
West Africa = Nigeria, Benin, and Togo
9. Pakistan, Canada, and Indonesia have little population because of limited work and
household options, or opportunities.
10. Physiological density is considered more useful than arithmetic density because it tells
you by unit area and that gives you a better view of things.
11. The purpose of agricultural density is to show the ratio of farmers to arable land. It is
calculated by total population and total land area.
12. Overpopulation is a very real problem in Asia.
13. The measure density that differs most is physiology density. There is a wider availability
of arable land in Ethiopia than in Egypt, which is what might account for that.

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