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Matter Webquest - Key

Click on the links below to begin the quest.  Follow the directions and write
your answers on your worksheet in ink.  Keep the volume down as to not
distract others working on the quest.  Once you have completed the quest,
you may go back to any part of the quest that you feel you need more time
to complete or work on. 
Matter Web quest
Name ___________________________ Date ________________ Matter Web quest
Directions:  Find the answers to the questions.  Note:  Many of the links in this project take you to web servers
in other countries.  That may mean the pages load a bit slower.  Be patient!  Write your answers in the space

Matter is anything made of ____Atoms and Molecules______________________________


Simply stated, matter can be thought of as "stuff" and energy is _____The stuff that moves the


Describe the motion of the particles in three of the states of matter:

     Solid ____Molecules are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern

 Liquid ____Molecules are close together with no regular


     Gas molecules are well separated with no regular arrangement.


Describe what happens when you click on the:

         Gas ____molecules start to move quicker and are spread out, temperature is higher

         Liquid __Temperature drops and molecules past one another easily, they are close
together but no as neat_________________________________

         Solid ___Temperature drops and molecules are tight packed, regular pattern, they
move very little.________________________________________________


Who were the first to identify our three states of matter?

____________The Greeks______________________________________________


Use the “next” button on this page to learn about the Kinetic Molecular Theory.  Write the ideas
behind this theory:

First: __All matter is composed of tiny particles_____________________________

Second:__This particles are in constant motion__________________________________
Third: ____The amount of motion is proportional to the temperature. Increased temperature
means increased motion_______________________________________________
Fourth: _Solids, liquids and gases differ in the freedom of motion of their particles and the
extent to which the particles interact.__________________________________
7. Use to:

Describe what happens to the atoms as they are heated: ___Increased temperature means
increased motion_____________________________________________________________

8. What happens to the atom when it is traveling in a straight path and then collides with another
Atom? _____The atom change


Changing States of Matter:  

Scientists use the __freezing point or melting point____________ to measure when a liquid
becomes a solid.  When an atom gains enough ________temperature____ or heat, it will
change phases.  Scientists then use the __freezing point___________________ of a liquid to
determine when it will become a solid.

10.       Find out more about the ideas and life of Archimedes the Greek mathematician and
scientist.  Who was Archimedes? _____Archimedes of Syracuse was an Ancient Greek
mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. Although few details of his life
are known, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical

11.      Describe Archimedes principle. ____Archimedes' principle, physical law of buoyancy,

discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, stating that any
body completely or partially submerged in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest is acted upon by an
upward, or buoyant, force the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid____


Physical properties describe matter.  Name 6 different properties and tell what they describe
about the matter. ____

Color, Odor, Luster , Malleability, Ductility, Conductivity, Melting/Freezing Point, Boiling

Point  and Density.


13. Matter can be altered.  Tell about three ways we can physically alter matter. ______Size,
Shape, States (solid-liquid-gas)__and dilutions_________________________
14.  There is one solid that you will find in all living things.  What element are we talking about? 

Name the difference between a physical and a chemical change and give examples of each.
____The greatest difference is that physical changes can be undone and chemical changes
cannot be undone. Example of physical change: Aluminum foil cut in half, clay molded into a
new shape, butter melted on a warm toast. Examples of chemical chance: Milk goes sour,
jewelry tarnishes, bread becomes toast.___________________________

16.  Draw a diagram to show the six phase changes of matter as shown in the video you are going
to watch.  Provide an example of each.  You must watch the entire video!

fusion, melting: solid to liquid phase change

boiling, vaporization: liquid to gas phase change

                     **evaporation: liquid to gas phase change of

the particles on the outer surface only

solidification, freezing: liquid to solid phase change

condensation: gas to liquid phase change

sublimation: Solid to gas phase change
deposition: gas to solid


Click on the slide that says “Chemical Properties”.  Tell about two chemical properties of
_____Flammability is the ability to burn. Reactivity is when 2 substances get together,
something happen. ________________________________________
18.   What is the Law of Conservation of Matter ?

_____Matter cannot be created or destroyed _________________________

19.  What are atoms?

___Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday

20.  Atoms are made of three basic parts:

a.      ___Protons__________ with a charge of _______positive____________________

b.      ___Neutrons_________ with a charge of _______neutral____________________

c.       ___Electrons ________ with a charge of _______negative___________________

20.  Can you name at least 10 elements?  Listen to the element song and remember 10.

______Nitrogen, oxygen, neon, chlorine, hydrogen, carbon, Magnesium, neon, aluminum,
sulfur, helium….._________________________________________________

21.   Find a site about matter that you did not use in this web quest.  Write the web address from
(http to html) on the line provided and write one fact you have learned from viewing the website


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