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An important language for mechanical engineering in the 21st century

The English language is an international thought. It's proper to master English as a

mechanical technician. We study different sciences from different countries in the world of
mechanical engineering. After the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century,
mechanical engineering began to develop as a science. Then in the 19th century, after the
development of physics, it continued to develop again. It continued to develop again in the
19th century, following the evolution of physics.
Mechanical engineering has also become increasingly sophisticated, and engineers are
developing in composites, mechatronics and nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering also
has links to other types of engineering, including civil engineering, aeronautical engineering,
electrical engineering, petroleum engineering, and chemical engineering.

Science and technology are also growing in this 21st century. It's easier for us to do
something with so many automatic machines. Energy-efficient electric vehicles, automatic
robots and even the latest energy discoveries are the result of engineering research. Of
course, this does not take away the important role of English. English makes communication
very easy between technicians from different countries.

This international language is not only needed to adapt globally, it also becomes a gateway
to increasing mastery of science and technology. That's because there are so many scientific
literatures that use English, or at least have translations in that language. In the world of
work, apart from mechanical engineering, someone who has the ability to speak English has
more value and the opportunity to develop his career at an international level. The English
language is so important that we have to know English in order to be able to compete

The need for English skills is a standard that must be met for a good job. This language skill
can make it easier to communicate with foreign clients, foreign bosses, or just to
understand the company's work manuals from outside. Many students use their time while
studying to practice English for their future.

Even though they're busy with college obligations, engineering students still take their time
to absorb other skills. If you can master English as long as the communication stage is fluent,
you will enjoy many benefits.
If they learn English and become experts, mechanical engineering students can already
benefit from their studies. Many lecture materials, such as books or academic papers, are
available in English. If they fail to learn English, they will have difficulty absorbing and using
academic material.

Students who study in the world of colleges are not limited to their learning resources. If
you want to get high scores, it is a must to absorb other sources of learning. Things like
tutorials, website data sources and many other academic material on the Internet are
mostly in English. So, if you learn this international language during college, students can
take advantage of all these materials.
You should be able to master and master English well as a mechanical engineering student.
Besides being a support in the world of lectures, English is very important to the world of

English is known as the association language of the world. More than fifty countries around
the world use English as their vernacular. With English language skills, it will be easier for us
to keep up with the latest information, issues and news.

As mechanical engineering students, we need to understand technology, most of the latest

technologies, such as smartphones, laptops, televisions, machines and software, are in

Imagine what happens if you don't have some basic English skills. Tools that carry advanced
technology will definitely be difficult to operate. It is different if at least learning English and
mastering English vocabulary can easily operate the latest technology in the world.

From the above description, we know that it is very important for mechanic technicians to
master English to support their work in this global era of the 21st century.

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