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日期:9/1/2019 星期:三

Subject: BI Class: 6H Time: 7.30am- 8.00am

Topic Unit 1 : All About Feelings
Theme World of Self, Family and Friend
Focus Listening and speaking
5.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to construct various sentence types
Content Standard
Learning Standard 5.2.1 Able to construct various sentence types correctly
Learning By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
Objective 1. rearrange the words below to form at least 5 exclamatory sentences.
1. Teacher guides students to read the comic strip. (pg7)
2. Teacher explains about the exclamatory sentences.
3. Students discuss in group to rearrange the words below to form at least 5 exclamatory sentences.
4. Teacher discusses answer with students.
EMK Language HOTS Remember
Teaching Aids Textbook


Subject: BI Class: 3K Time: 8.00am- 8.30am

Topic UNIT 1: Welcome!
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Focus Writing
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital
Content Standard
Learning Standard 4.3.1 Use capital letters , full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence level
Learning By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
Objective 1. write a sentence about one of the people in Activity 3.
1. Teacher guides students refer to activity 1 and match each picture to the corresponding sentences
2. Teacher plays the CD and students listen and write the correct numbers in the corresponding boxes.
Activity 3. Teacher checks their answer.
4. In their notebooks, pupils write a sentence about one of the people in Activity 3.
5. Partners read each other’s sentences to guess who it is. Encourage them to check their partner’s work
for correct punctuation (use of capitals, full stops and apostrophes).
EMK Language HOTS Remember
Teaching Aids textbook


科目:健康 班级:2K
时间:9.30 am–.10.00am
单元 我爱健康生活
课题 生理和生殖健康教育
内容标准 1.1 认识与了解健康生活。
1.1.1 说出姿势,睡眠及休息的意思。
1.1.2 维持正确姿势以帮助身体健康成长。
目标 1) 说出姿势,睡眠及休息的意思。
2)回答 5 道有关如何维持正确姿势以帮助身体健康成长的提问。
跨课程元素 联想与联系
教学评价 观察 教具 课本
教学活动 2.教师提问关如何维持正确姿势,学生抢答。


科目:音乐 班级:4K
时间:10.50 am–.11.20am
单元 大家来唱歌
课题 唱歌
内容标准 1.1 唱出各种形式乐曲。
学习标准 1.1.6 以清晰的咬字唱歌。
1) 以正确的音调唱出《唱歌》。
跨课程元素 联想与联系
教学评价 观察 教具 课本
教学活动 2.教师让学生分组比赛根据乐谱的力度符号, 唱出《唱歌》。


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