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CLASS – IX 2020-21
1. i. (i) training of drivers, CISF personals, dhaba owners and hotel staff.
ii. (iii) by training guides in several languages and group-guided trips at
regular intervals
iii. (i) interpretation
iv. (iv) providing owners of bed and breakfast homes information about
Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.
v. (ii)Etiquette training and hospitality training

2. Format- 01 mark
Content – 02 marks
Fluency and accuracy- 02 marks

3. A. ii. Could not

b. iii. Must

4. A. ii. were playing

b. iii. have completed
c. ii. will be visiting

5. A. Mirror reflection gives us clear images.

b. The boy could not cope us with the ongoing situation.
c. He needed help from his sister to pass in the upcoming examination.

6. A. on-in
b. took-take
c. in-at
d. proof-prove
7. A. iii. A Muslim boy was invited to have food in her kitchen.
b. iii. refused to serve food in her kitchen.
c. iv. Horrified
d. i. a motivator

8. A. When Kezia’s father came to calm her when she had a nightmare, she
saw her father as loving and doting. That is when she realized that not all
fathers are like Mr. Macdonalds,

b. Her devotion to learn music, her passion, she never thought of herself as
any less than others, she even said that if a person knows the way and knows
how to do it, then nothing can stop the person from achieving the objective.

c. Albert was working as an intern at a patent office and was also working
on his little discoveries side by side. That is why, he mentioned his desk
drawer as bureau of theoretical physics.

d. The lady kept on baking new cakes as whenever she thought of parting
with the cakes, she found them to be too big. The saint kept waiting for the
cakes and when he could not get the cakes even after waiting for them, he
got angry.

e. The grandfather realized that they could not afford breaking of plates and
other expensive items of the household, so he gave Toto back to the tonga

f. Since the poet gave valid explanations of how no men are foreign and no
land is strange, so if people would raise arms against each other, then it is
our own people whom we dispossessing and condemning.

9. A. When the Hsppy Prince gave his eyes as well, he could not see. Swallow
decided to be his eyes and help him save people from their miseries.

b. Character sketch of Prashant will come. Being courageous, realized that in

order to forget his pain, he must try to help others overcome theirs. He even
tried every bit by bringing the youth together, removed filth from the camp,
helped in starting a new life for orphaned children and parents who lost their

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