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Points: 72/87


This survey aims to collect information that could inform the needed Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
programs of Junior High School Teachers.

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No, I do not give my consent in the use of my data provided in this survey.

Demographic Information

Instructions: Please respond by supplying the information or selecting from multiple options as required by each
item. Please provide the information as honestly and as accurately as possible.
item. Please provide the information as honestly and as accurately as possible.

Last Name *


First Name *


Middle Name *


DepEd Email Address *

Mobile Number *


Age *

Below 20 years old

20 to 29 years old

30 to 39 years old

40 to 49 years old

50 to 59 years old

60 or older

Region *

Region XII: Soccskargen "

Region XII: Soccskargen Divisions *

Sultan Kudarat "

Grade Level/s Handled *

Grade 8

Grade 9


Subject Area Group *





Highest Educational Attainment *

Post doctorate degree

Doctorate degree

Master’s degree with Doctorate units

Master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree with Master’s units

Bachelor's degree with Certificate in Teaching

Bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree


Professional Licensure Obtained *

Teaching License

Non-teaching license

No professional license


Area of Specialization in the Highest Educational Attainment *


Educational Management


English Education


Mathematics Education


Science Education


No. of Hours of Training in Assessment in the Last 3 Years *


1 to 8 hours

9 to 16 hours

17 to 24 hours

25 to 32 hours

33 to 40 hours

41 to 48 hours

49 or more hours


Resources Available at Home for Assessment *

Printed books and other reading materials

Digital/electronic books and other reading materials

Subscription to online/electronic library

Subscription to assessment and other related journals

Internet connectivity (e.g. WiFi, LAN)


I am confident that I can design/develop online assessment tasks and tools for the
subjects I handle. *

1 2 3 4

1 : Strongly Disagree

4 : Strongly Agree


I am confident that I can effectively administer/conduct assessment of learning in an

online learning environment. *

1 2 3 4

1 : Strongly Disagree

4 : Strongly Agree



A Junior High School teacher wished to assess her students' understanding of a

specific problem solving method she had been teaching. Which assessment strategy
would be the most valid to do given the intention of a classroom assessment?
(3/3 Points)
(3/3 Points)

Select a standardized test that provides a score on problem solving skills.

Select a textbook that has a "teacher's guide" with a test on problem solving
developed by the authors.

Select an instrument that measures students' attitude towards problem solving

Design an assessment consistent with an outline of what the teacher has actually
taught in the class. #

Developing an assessment consistent with an outline of what the teacher has actually taught in the
class is the most valid way to assessing students' understanding of the problem solving method
taught to them.


Which of the following is the appropriate assessment method when a teacher aims to
measure if learners are able to demonstrate product-type of learning targets? *
(3/3 Points)

Demonstration with performance rubric

Essay with scoring rubric

Multiple-choice test

Feasibility study #
Feasibility study is an example of product-type learning as it could produce knowledge and
information as a result of learners’ use of knowledge, reasoning, and skills.


Which of the following choices is the appropriate assessment for the given scenario?
The teacher wants the students to reflect on their own learning, new
understanding, and recently acquired skills. The students are expected to
provide evidence of the changes in terms of their understanding, beliefs, or
(3/3 Points)

Formative assessment, which requires students to reflect on their learning progress

Summative assessment, which measures the extent of students’ learning based

on pre-set criteria #

Summative assessment measures whether learners have met the content and performance
standards. This form of assessment measures the different ways learners use and apply all relevant
knowledge, understanding, and skills.

Summative assessment, which requires recording and reporting of students’

performance to improve instructional practices

Formative assessment, which determines the students’ strengths and weaknesses

for them to learn on the assessment process itself


Which of the following statements about formative assessment is TRUE? *

(3/3 Points)

Its results are not recorded because they only intend to provide feedback to teachers
for their reflection.

It is administered after the day’s lesson or after covering a unit based on the budget
of work.

It intends to continuously monitor students’ learning progress before, during, and

after instruction. #

Formative assessment is a characteristically informal and continuous assessment and is intended to

help students identify strengths and weaknesses to learn from the assessment experience. It is also
considered “assessment as learning” through which students reflect on their learning progress.
considered “assessment as learning” through which students reflect on their learning progress.

It is used to measure the extent to which the learners have met a given set of
learning standards.


A Junior High School teacher is developing a diagnostic test to determine the writing
skills of her incoming Grade 9 students. Which of the following test formats below is
the most appropriate to use and why? *
(3/3 Points)

Multiple-choice type, as this is convenient and easy for the students to answer

Essay test, as this demonstrates students’ language/grammar skills and ability to

organize their ideas #

Essay test is the best format to assess students’ writing abilities.

Short-answer test, as this requires students to create an answer through writing

Completion test, as this measures students’ grammar/language skills by completing

a sentence


What condition will help you decide that the students are ready to learn and move to
the next learning competency? *
(3/3 Points)

When 100% of the students are able to submit the requirements of a competency.

When every student is able to meet the prerequisite skill to the target learning

When more than 90% of the students have passed the summative assessment of
When more than 90% of the students have passed the summative assessment of
the competency. #

More than 90% of the students passing the summative assessment of the competency indicates
mastery and hence signals readiness of the students to move to the next competency.

When every student is able to demonstrate the task from the previous-level


Why is a table of specifications (TOS) needed before item writing? *

(3/3 Points)

To give the impression that a test is sophisticated.

To provide the basis for developing test items. #

Having a TOS is important because it maps out test content or coverage, test objectives, and other
relevant information that serve as bases for developing test items.

To serve as a blueprint of the test.

To ensure that the test is valid.


What processes are relevant when a teacher designs a performance task worksheet
for the students?

I – Select learners who have the resources in performing the task.

II – Accompany each task with clear directions and appropriate scoring tools.
III – Integrate performance tasks that have two or more competencies.
IV – Provide learners with flexibility in accomplishing performance tasks.
(3/3 Points)


In designing a performance task, it is correct to integrate two or more competencies when designing
it with clear directions, appropriate scoring tools, and with flexibility for students on how to
accomplish the task.




Which of the following is an acceptable test-taking behavior when students answer

each section of a standardized test that is timed separately? *
(3/3 Points)

Mary finishes the vocabulary section early; she checks her answers on the previous
test section.

John finishes the vocabulary section early; he then rechecks many of his
answers in that section. #

Rechecking one’s answer in the section of a timed standardized test, when there is still time, is an
acceptable behavior.

Bob did not finish the vocabulary section; he continues to work on that section when
the testing time is up.

Jane finishes the vocabulary section early; she looks ahead at the next test section
but does not mark her answer sheet for any of those items.


The table below shows the percentage of students who are able to answer the items
correctly for each of the learning competencies assessed in one subject area. *
(3/3 Points)
(3/3 Points)

Competency 4 is the most difficult as compared to the other competencies. #

The percentage students who answered the items correctly in a certain competency assessed could
explain the level of difficulty of the said competency. Therefore, the lower the percentage of correct
answers to a given competency, the more difficult the competency is based on assessment results.
Hence, the statement that states that Competency 4 is the most difficult as compared to the other
competencies because it has the lowest percentage of students answering it correctly among all
competencies assessed.

Competency 4 was mastered by very few students.

Competency 4 requires complex skills to master.

Competency 4 shows results consistent with the national performance on the same


The table shows the average performance scores of Grade 10 learners from two
sections on the 50-item English proficiency test. Which of the following is the most
accurate interpretation of the results shown on the table below? *
(3/3 Points)

In general, learners from Grade 10-Mahusay performed better than those from
Grade 10-Magaling in the English proficiency test. #

Mathematically speaking, one could say that the learners from Grade 10-Mahusay with an average
mean score of 37.75 performed better than those from Grade 10-Magaling with an average score of
32.25 in the English proficiency test with reference to the mean. Hence, when interpreting the mean
score, if the mean is higher, the performance of students or sections measured by the same
assessment tool would he higher. However, such an interpretation is better tested using a statistical
test of difference, and that is the t-test for independent samples.
There are more learners from Grade 10-Mahusay that have high proficiency in
English compared to learners from Grade 10-Magaling.

Overall, learners from Grade 10-Mahusay have higher levels of English proficiency
than learners from Grade 10-Magaling.

No learner from both sections scored lower than 50% of the total number of items in
the English proficiency test.


How would a teacher effectively elicit response from the students in the conduct of a
review of the previous lesson?

I. Ask questions that have different levels of complexity.

II. Distribute the questions to all the students through fishbowl technique.
III. Provide a token to every student who could answer the question.
IV. Make the review more engaging through a game. *
(3/3 Points)

I, II, and IV #
It is good for the teacher to ask questions of varying complexities that all students must answer in a
more engaging activity such as a game.

I, II and III


I, III and IV


When planning for classroom instruction for a unit in your subject, which of these
types of information have more potential to be helpful?

Norm-referenced information: describes each student's performance relative to other

Norm-referenced information: describes each student's performance relative to other
students in a group (e.g., percentile ranks, stanines)

Criterion-referenced information: describes each student's performance in terms of

status on specific learning outcomes (e.g., number of items correctly answered for
each specific objective). *
(3/3 Points)

Norm-referenced information

Criterion-referenced information

Most often, norm-referenced information is more useful in helping plan for


Most often, criterion-referenced information is more useful in helping plan for

instruction. #

Criterion-referenced information and norm-referenced information are both useful in planning for
instruction. Each one has its unique information to provide in the planning. However, most often,
criterion-referenced information is used in planning instruction as it tells what learning outcomes one
student has or has not learned that could inform planning for instruction of a unit. Norm-referenced
information, on the other hand, could tell how near or far one’s performance is to a comparison
group, which is also a good reference to knowing whether the student performed differently or
similarly with how the other students performed. If one student’s performance is just the same as
those of the rest of the students in the group, then instruction could be designed to be more or less
the same for all students. However, if one’s performance is either high or low when compared with
the majority in the class, then there must be a more fitting instruction for that concerned student.


How do the summative assessment results from the previous school year help you
revise the lesson plan that you will develop for the next school year? *
(3/3 Points)

Increase the instructional time for the learning competencies whose prerequisites
are not yet fully mastered. #

More time is needed in competencies in which pre-requisite skills are not yet fully mastered.
Remove unnecessary information on the competencies that are not yet mastered.

Use complex teaching methods on the competencies that have not yet been

Remove the learning competencies if they are difficult to master.


Half of your class attained a failing grade in a formative written test. What would you
do to address this result? *
(3/3 Points)

Give a retest to those who failed in the formative test using the same test to check if
their scores will improve.

Identify the learning competencies where the learners have difficulty and ask the
students to study them again on their own.

Proceed with the new lessons then conduct another formative assessment to
prepare learners for the summative assessment.

Identify the learning competencies in which the learners have difficulty and
provide more effective instruction for the class to master these competencies. #

It is important to know the learning competencies where learners have difficulty to demonstrate as
revealed by the formative test. This can be done by looking at the specific items where many
learners failed to answer correctly and determining the learning competencies they represent. The
information should then be used to guide instruction, including modification of teaching strategies
and learning activities if necessary.


The results of the students’ completed assessments showed that theycan be grouped
into two. Group I students can already successfully perform the target skill without
assistance. Group II students, however, cannot perform the target skill yet but they
already have some prerequisite knowledge about it. How can you effectively use these
already have some prerequisite knowledge about it. How can you effectively use these
assessment results to help each group of students? *
(0/3 Points)

Give Group I students opportunities to use skills in independent practice and provide
Group II students with more guided practice

Review the class about this specific lesson then ask all students to answer the same
assessment again.

Give appropriate feedback to each group. Then guide the Group II students in
rechecking their task. Give the Group I students more opportunities for #
independent practice.

Give Group I students opportunities to use skills in independent practice and $

provide Group II students with more guided practice. Tell the students that they
are good and hardworking students.
Giving the Group I students opportunities to use skills in independent practice (as they
have already mastered the assessed skill) and provide Group II students with more
guided practice (as they have not yet mastered the assessed skill) is a good
instructional decision based on assessment results. This response uses the
assessment interpretations for improving teaching and learning based on the definitions
of Zone of Proximal Development and Zone of Actual Development. However, the
feedback level used can be improved. Self-leveling Feedback (i.e., “Good girl, you’re
hardworking.”) involves praising the students. This should be done but it does not
enrich students’ learning of a concept, which is why we still need to give other types of
feedback. (In SOLO scoring, this option would have been scored 2 points.)


You are developing your rubric to evaluate students’ decision whether to approve or
not a certain action. What indicators are appropriate to be used for the criterion
“evidence of answers” in the scoring rubric? *
(0/3 Points)

The flow of the answer showed deduction from premises to conclusions.

The explanations are similar to the idea provided in another essay.

The information provided is backed up by available data. #

The answers are rationalized with examples. $

Providing examples to rationalize a response is an indicator for illustrating and not
evidence. (In SOLO scoring, this option would have been scored 1 point.)


Which of the following should be the MOST essential criterion in developing an

analytic rubric for grading a research project proposal? *
(3/3 Points)

The rubric should cover multiple standards or criteria for evaluating a research
project proposal. #

The rubric should contain performance benchmarks that will be used to evaluate a
research project proposal

The rubric should be as brief as possible.

The rubric should undergo validation.


Which is the appropriate response to the given scenario?

You have scheduled a Performance Task Day wherein your students will have to
report about their individual work. Juana is one of your students who does not have
internet access, but she regularly retrieves and submits her modules by having her
nanay go to school every week.
(0/3 Points)

Prepare a worksheet and include it in packing the modules of those without

online access. #

Give a failing mark to Juana and to those who will not present their work online.

Do home visitation to grade the students with their presentations. $

Teachers must adapt assessment and grading practices that don’t endanger the health
and safety of the learners. (In SOLO scoring, this option would have been scored 2

Arrange a face-to-face presentation in school.


Which of the following would help the parents understand the grades of a learner on a
project when they ask about it? *
(3/3 Points)

Connect the misbehavior of the learner to their performance in the task

Explain to the parents what have happened in the performance of the learner.

Show the criteria and how the checking was done in a project would help the
parents better understand how the grade was derived. #

Showing the criteria and how the checking was done in a project would help the parents better
understand how the grade was derived.

Discuss the nature of performance-based assessment to the parent is good but it

does not address the need to understand how the grade of a project was computed.


You were able to determine that the essay test by one of your students suffers from a
case of intentional plagiarism. Which of the following feedback would be BEST given
to the learner? *
(3/3 Points)
Give the learner a failing mark in the essay and inform him that plagiarism is the

Ask the learner to submit a new essay as the one submitted has been found to have
plagiarized content.

Tell the learner that his/her submitted essay is guilty of plagiarized content and
explain the consequences of plagiarism

Inform the learner that his/her essay has plagiarized content by pointing to the
specific parts where plagiarism is evident, and then discuss how such content #
can be better written.
Informing the learner that his/her essay has plagiarized content by providing more specific details
where plagiarism occurred and providing guidance on how to write without committing plagiarism
could serve as effective feedback.


Which of the following feedback mechanisms can be practiced to encourage a growth

mindset among learners? *
(3/3 Points)

Feedback on the outcome that turned out to be successful.

Feedback on the strategies and processes that led the students to a successful
performance. #

Feedback focused on the strategies opens the idea that the strategy will work in other tasks.

Feedback on the innate qualities of the learner that made them successful.

Feedback on the high grade received by the student.

In a school where teacher evaluations are based partly on their students' scores on a
standardized test, a teacher noted that one of his students did not reach the
vocabulary items on a standardized test. Which of the following teacher's actions is
considered ethical? *
(0/3 Points)

Teacher A read each question and darkened in the bubbles on the answer sheet $
that represented what he believed Mario, his slightly below average student,
would select as the correct answers.
Putting answers in a student’s unfinished test is unethical for the teacher to do, even if
such action is to the advantage of the student. (In SOLO scoring, this option would have
been scored 1 point)

Teacher B who turned in the answer sheet as it was, even though she though
George, an average student, might have gotten a higher score had he finished #
the test.

Teacher C filled in the answer sheet the way he thought Joan, who was not feeling
well, would have answered based on her typical in-class performance.

Teacher D darkened circles on the answer sheet at random. He assumed Fred, who
was not a good student, would just guess at the answers, so this would be a fair way
to obtain Fred's score on the test.


Which of the following situations depicts misuse of the result of learners’ intelligence
tests? *
(3/3 Points)

Making inferences on why some students are advanced in some tasks

Making conclusions about curricular effectiveness. #

Intelligence tests are designed to measure a trait that an individual possesses without attribution to
the curriculum content. Hence, it is not meant to describe curriculum effectiveness but more of an
innate trait nurtured by the environment the person was exposed to.
Helping learners determine their career tracks.

Identifying the appropriate advanced studies for every learner.


Which of the following situations shows ethical use of learners’ assessment data in
research? *
(3/3 Points)

Providing tokens to students who volunteered for their assessment data to be used
in research.

Ensuring that learners’ names and other identifying information are private and
confidential. Ensuring that learners’ names and other identifying information are #
private and confidential.
Ensuring privacy and confidentiality of learners’ identity in research reports is a standard practice
and a critical element in observing research ethics. Failing to do so is unethical.

Writing the research report with learners’ aggregate data as results.

Using learners’ assessment data in the absence of parental consent and children’s



Which feedback illustrates helping the learners to think of strategies to arrive at the
answer? *
(3/3 Points)
Compare your procedure to your classmate. Is your procedure effective?

What steps can you possibly follow to get the answer? #

Focusing on the steps to arrive at the answer would be the strategies

Can you search for the process on how you will find the answer?

What makes the process difficult for you?


Which feedback is concrete and specific? *

(0/3 Points)

The colors used in the painting are not bright. $

Does not specify which part is bright.

You can use the paintbrush to apply the watercolor on the paper. #

The objects in the portrait are small.

The landscape shown in the painting can’t be recognized.


What constructive feedback is given when a learner could not distinguish the use of
“has” or “have” in their essay? *
(3/3 Points)

Read your work and check the grammar

Check again the grammar of your sentences.

Recall again the use of has and have. #
Additional difficulty is given to the learner

Use has because the subject in your sentence is singular.


What feedback mechanism can be practiced to encourage a growth mindset among

learners? *
(3/3 Points)

Feedback on the outcome that turned out to be successful.

Feedback on the strategies and processes that led the students to a successful
performance. #

Focusing on the strategies opens the idea that the strategy will work in other tasks.

Feedback on the innate qualities of the learner that made them successful.

Feedback on the high grade received by the student.



Instructions: Below are the statements about your beliefs. Please rate how much you
personally agree or disagree with these statements that could reflect how you feel or
think personally. Select your answer by clicking the button from strongly agree to
strongly disagree. *

I like projects that I will learn from even if I make mistakes.

I like projects that I will learn from even if I make mistakes.

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

I engage in activities that I can do easily without making any mistakes.

Strongly disagree

I like to work more on a challenging task.


I avoid trying new things because it is stressful for me.

Strongly disagree

My ability can be improved depending on whether I spend time practicing it.


I am truly a smart person and do not need to try hard.

Strongly disagree

Learning new things will make me more skillful.

Strongly agree

People can never change my ability.

People can never change my ability.

I need to try harder to improve my job performance.

Strongly agree

I do things which I find comfortable and easy.


Mistakes are part of learning.

Strongly agree

I got a high-performance rating in my work because I am smart and not because I worked
Strongly disagree

I can be more intelligent no matter how intelligent I am at present.


If my colleagues succeed, I feel threatened.

Strongly disagree

The harder I work at something, the better I will be at it.

Strongly agree

I do not use strategies to complete the task and practice the skill.

An important reason why I do my work is that I will learn from it.

Strongly agree
I give up at the first sign of struggle.
Strongly disagree

I reflect on what I have learned from my mistakes and then try again.

I give up when I am frustrated.

Strongly disagree

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