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Production of Iron (aluminothermically)

Andrea Blancová

Faculty of chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic


This article focuses on aluminothermic iron production, that requires the use of iron (III) ,

aluminum powder and slag-forming substances. These substances were poured into a fireclay
crucible, carefully compacted, and then heated, which caused the formation of iron.


Aluminothermy, iron, reduction, iron (III) oxide,


Iron (III) oxide is a reddish-brown, air-stable powder with a rhombohedral crystal lattice. It is
paramagnetic with very variable magnetic susceptibility according to the method of
preparation. The solubility of iron (III) oxide in water is very low, but it dissolves in
hydrochloric and sulfuric acid forming corresponding iron salts. Fe 2O3 is commonly used in
aluminothermic reaction in iron production. [1]

Aluminothermic reaction is exothermic reaction that uses aluminum as the reducing agent [2].
The essence of the reaction is the high affinity of aluminum for oxygen. Aluminum takes
oxygen from another metal oxide and oxidizes to Al2O3, reducing the metal from the oxide.
Very high temperatures are reached in the aluminothermic reaction. This process proceeds
according to the following reaction:

Fe2O3 + 2 Al → Al2O3 + Fe


The first step of the iron production is the preparation of iron (III) oxide. 30 grams of iron (II)
sulfate heptahydrate were dissolved in a beaker that contained 100 cm 3 of water, the solution
was then heated to 80 °C on a Meker burner. After that, 11,4 grams of sodium carbonate
dissolved in 100 cm3 of water were added to the hot ferrous sulfate solution. The resulting
mixture was brought to boil. By boiling the mixture, larger particles are formed which settle,
decant and filter better. Once the solution was boiled briefly, decantation was performed until
the sulfate ions were completely washed out. To make sure that sulfate ions were not present,
a demonstration reaction was preformed with barium chloride. If the solution did not turn
white, no sulfate ions were present. Pure ferrous carbonate was filtered off on a Büchner
funnel by filtration under pressure. The precipitate was removed and removed and placed n an
annealing crucible and annealed immediately. After annealing, the preparation was grounded
in a mortar and pestle. The prepared iron oxide was mixed with 2,5 grams of aluminum
powder in an Erlenmeyer flask, which was then stoppered and mixed. The mixture was
poured together with 2,5 grams of slag-forming substance into a fireclay crucible and
carefully compacted. After that a sparkler was inserted in the crucible, which was then placed
in a fume hood. In order for the aluminothermic reaction to take place, the sparkler had to be
ignited. The iron formed by the reaction was removed and, after cooling, cleaned of slag.


Table 1 Yield of Fe2O3

Theoretical yield of Fe2O3 (g) Practical yield of Fe2O3 (g) Percentage yield of Fe2O3 (%)
8,6 7,0 81,4

Maximum possible result Fe2O3:

n n
(Fe2 O 3 )= ( Fe SO 4 .7 H 2 O)
2 4
m m
( Fe2 O 3)= ( Fe SO 4 .7 H 2 O)
M 2M

30 g ∙159,69 g ∙ mol−1
m ( Fe2 O 3 ) = =8,6 g
2∙ 278,0 g∙ mol−1
Percentage yield of Fe2O3:
8,6 g Fe2O3 ……………………………………………100 %
7,0 g Fe2O3 ………………………………………………x %
7,0 ∙100
x= =81 , 4 %
Table 2 Yield of Fe

Theoretical yield of Fe (g) Practical yield of Fe (g) Percentage yield of Fe (%)

4,9 2,8 57,1

Maximum yield of Fe:

n(Fe 2 O 3 )= (Fe)
m m
( Fe2 O 3)= ( Fe)
M 2M
7 g ∙ 2∙ 55,847 g ∙mol−1
m ( Fe )= =4 , 9 g
159,69 g ∙ mol−1
Percentage yield of Fe:
4,9 g Fe ……………………………………………100 %
2,8 g Fe ………………………………………………x %
2,8 ∙100
x= =57 , 1 %

The practical yield of Fe2O3 is 7,0 grams, which corresponds to 81,4 % of the maximum
possible yield. Losses occurred during decantation when part of the precipitate could be cast
with the solution. Further losses could occur during filtration, when part of the yield adhered
to the walls of the beaker and the Büchner funnel and, after annealing, to the walls of the
crucible. Furthermore, 2,8 grams of iron were obtained, which corresponds to 57,1 % of the
maximum yield.
[1] , [2] PILÁTOVÁ, Ivana, Božena KÁBELOVÁ a Lukáš RICHTERA. Praktikum z
anorganické chemie II.Vyd. 1. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta chemická, 2006,
121 s. ISBN 80-214-3140-7.

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