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Sustainability …...... . . 1 December 2021

Sustainability Con’t ...2


Environmental Sustainability
What is sustainability? Environmental sustainability is the Valiant TMS has defined sustainability in three areas:
responsibility to conserve natural resources, and protect  Environment
global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, for today  Safety and Well-Being
and for the future.  Human Rights & Corporate Governance

Valiant TMS Leadership and Team VTMS Sustainability Goals:

Members are fully committed to support Sustainable Devel- Health & Safety
opment efforts by our customers and the community to spur  Commitment to “Zero” work-related injuries
economic growth while tackling the
climate change at same time, protecting Ethics & Corporate Governance
the environment we operate in.  100% adherence to Valiant TMS Human Resource Man-
agement Policies at all of our global locations by 2021
 100% of our direct & authorized supply base to validate
compliance to Valiant TMS Human Rights Policies by

Responsible Consumption & Production

 100% adherence to Waste Management as per federal /
provincial regulations & guidelines as well as Valiant TMS

Climate Action
 Reduce our CO2 footprint 28% by 2030

How will we do this? Valiant TMS Environmental Objectives:

We have aligned ourselves with the United Nations
Reduce electricity consumption by 1% every year
Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). These Sustainable
Development Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global
goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and Reduce water consumption by 1% every year
more sustainable future for all".

Let’s look at associated actions relating to “Sustainable Employee Well-Being & Human Resource Management”

1. Employee safety & quality of operations with mindset of continuous


2. Employee development through trainings and education in order to qualify

more team members and develop pool of subject matter expertise

3. Productive employment with equality among all with good

working conditions and pay for work

Here is a sample of Policies & Procedures in currently in practice:

– Pandemic Preparedness & Response Program

– Code of Conduct and Basic Employee Responsibilities
– Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
– Global Business Ethics Policy
– Accessibility for Team Members with Disabilities Policy
– Health and Safety Policy
– Workplace Violence Policy
– Heat Stress Policy
– Supplier Code of Conduct

How can you contribute? What are some additional things we can all do at work & at home?

 Save energy. By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions. Turn off lights in rooms that are not being used. Turn
off computer monitors at the end of the day. Unplug electronic items on or near your desk when they are not being used.

 Go paperless. Avoid wasting paper by choose to receive information via email and only print off docu-
ments if necessary.

 Print larger documents on both sides of paper.

 Compost where you can.

 Recycle and reuse. Use recycling bins. Pack your lunches in reusable containers.

 Donate unused items. If you don’t use a product or wear a piece of clothing anymore, donate it.

 Save Water. Fill the kettle with only what you need. Consider that tap water is fresher and cheaper – it costs up to 300
times less than bottled water. Scrape plates into a food waste bin instead of rinsing them under a running tap – it will save
water and help to avoid sewer blockages too. Turn the tap off when washing your hand – this could save litres of water
every time.

Get free, confidential help any time Got feedback or questions?

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managing personal issues at work or at home with

Contact Us

Contact your supervisor, or

Life Balance, the Employee Assistance Program. Debbie Cottrell
life • health • family • money • work Corporate Health, Safety &
1-877-630-6701 Environmental Manager • User ID: valiant • Password: eap 519-974-5200 ext. 5325

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