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Community and education

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A neighbourhood is characterized by the personality of individuals living in it. How

individuals complete their degrees and other accomplishments in life is influenced positively or

negatively by certain factors such as successful adults and peer influence.

Neighbourhood qualities impact aggregate socialization measures by forming the sort of

-good examples youth are exposed to outside the home. Neighbourhoods, where most grown-ups

have solid employments, cultivate practices and perspectives that are helpful for achievement in

both school and work. In this manner, kids in such advantaged neighbourhoods are bound to

more likely to see the worth in education, follow the school rules, and strive to excel in order to

be like their role models

Peers are often a group of people in the same age bracket who engage in similar social

activities. Neighbourhoods with fewer grown-ups or grown-ups with restricted chance to impact

the lives of young people are likely to have less individuals associated with arranging activities

for youths in the community (Ainsworth, 2002). Children in such networks have fewer options

about investing their energy usefully and are bound to partake in degenerate exercises. With

restricted grown-up supervision, the peer influence maybe is greater than the impact parents have

on an individual. That is, understudies who are observed less might be bound to create anti-

school perspectives and practices. This circumstance may lead to an increase in the number of

teenagers who drop out of school (Ainsworth, 2002). However, peer influence may have positive

effects. The appealing nature and the behaviour of the group decide if a group is probably going

to affect individuals' inspiration and accomplishment contrarily. If the environment is conducive,

accomplishment will be positive. The academic achievements of an individual will adversely be

affected if he/she is socializing with a group of people who have not ambition and have no desire

to succeed.

Being assertive plays an essential role in the success of a student. Assertiveness affects a

student's self-esteem, how well they make decisions and how well they communicate. In a family

or neighbourhood where education is not valued, and individuals may discourage a student, they

can stand up for themselves and defend their reason for studying. To have ample time to study, a

student needs to be assertive, for instance, a teenager may be invited to a party by her peers

during school days when she has an assignment, and an assertive student is able to decline the

offer and channel to the time towards completing her schoolwork.

Discipline is one of the fundamentals things that contribute to the success of a student.

Disciplined students are time conscious. Instead of using their time to party with other teenagers

or do unnecessary things, a disciplined student will utilize that time to study. The result is seen in

academic excellence. In a neighbourhood where most young people engage in crime, discipline

is important to a student. A disciplined student would not be engaged in crime because it would

have negative effects on their education. It could lead to jail time terminating the individual's

academic progress.

Success in education starts with having a positive attitude. In an environment where a

teenager has seen other teenagers choose crime over education, a positive attitude towards

education is required. This attitude enables a student to remain focused on excellence even

people try to discourage the student.



Ainsworth, J. (2002). Why Does It Take a Village? The Mediation of Neighborhood Effects on

Educational Achievement. Social Forces, 81(1), 117-152. doi: 10.1353/sof.2002.0038

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