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Title: Developer Open

Percentage: 53.3%

Duration: 00:17:49

Date started: Sat 15 Jan 2022 09:46

Date finished: Sat 15 Jan 2022 10:04


Thank you for taking the Developer Open assessment of Scrum. Please read the Scrum Guide on
and take this assessment again to improve your score.

Scrum on,
Ken Schwaber

Correctly answered Incorrectly answered Missed correct option

All Questions 16 Correct 7 Partially Correct 7 Incorrect

Question 1 of 30

What does Code Coverage show?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: C.
You chose: E.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. When a feature is done.

B. The absence of defects in code.

C. Code being exercised by tests.

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D. The ratio of number of tests to lines of code in the system being tested.

E. The quality of unit tests being written.

Question 2 of 30

Who writes tests in a Scrum Team?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: D.
You chose: D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Coders

B. Quality Assurance Specialists

C. The Scrum Master

D. The Developers

Question 3 of 30

When a Continuous Integration build fails, who ideally ensures the build is repaired?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: E.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. The tester responsible for validating builds.

B. The next person who needs the build to complete successfully.

C. The person who broke the build.

D. The person assigned to the configuration management role within the team.

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E. Whoever the Developers agree should fix it.

Question 4 of 30

Should User Stories be part of the documentation generated by a Scrum Team?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Never.

B. If they are part of the Definition of Done.

C. Always.

D. They must be provided to the Developers as part of the user specifications documents.

E. If the architect requires it.

Question 5 of 30

What is Technical Debt?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. A term representing the eventual consequences of poor technical choices.

B. The money an organization owes to tool and hardware vendors.

C. Code that has not been commented or documented.

D. The average time or money a Scrum Team spends per Sprint on bug fixes.

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Question 6 of 30

Which statement describes test-first development?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: C.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Having the tester in the Scrum Team write the test plans before coding.

B. The continuous restructuring of software to retain flexibility.

C. Designing tests before satisfying them.

D. Testing existing code before adding more code to it.

Question 7 of 30

Which statement describes how often the build should be executed?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: C.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Once per day.

B. As often as possible, and certainly prior to the end of the Sprint.

C. Whenever new or modified code is pushed to the version control system.

D. Whenever the Quality Assurance group becomes uncertain that the system works.

Question 8 of 30

Which statements describe why automated builds are important?

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(choose the best three answers)

Correct answer: A. C. D.
You chose: A. C. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. They support continuous integration.

B. They eliminate the need for Build Engineers.

C. The build process is clearly defined and scripted, making it easy, consistent and

D. They allow frequent validation of the unit of software being worked on, ensuring it remains
in a potentially shippable state.

E. They ensure your product remains bug free.

Question 9 of 30

What are some shortcomings of code coverage as a measurement for how well a system or
product is tested?

(choose the best three answers)

Correct answer: A. C. E.
You chose: B. C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Code coverage does not ensure that the most important or highest risk areas of the code
are being exercised by tests.

B. Code coverage metrics vary by development platform.

C. Code coverage does not necessarily provide functional coverage.

D. It is too complicated to explain to management.

E. Could create incentives to write tests that simply increase code coverage, rather than tests
that find bugs without increasing coverage.


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Code coverage is a useful metric, but not in isolation. It should not be considered a replacement for
effective test design techniques.

Question 10 of 30

The Definition of Done describes the work that must be completed for every Product Backlog
item. What should the Developers do during the Sprint, if they find a problem outside of their
control that is blocking them from delivering work?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B.
You chose: B.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Cancel the Sprint.

B. Immediately raise the issue to the Scrum Master as an impediment.

C. Complete the work that can be done on as much scope as possible and complete the rest
during the "hardening" sprints at the end of the release.

D. Stop using Scrum.

E. Complete the work that can be done on as much scope as possible and use the Sprint
Review to plan the rest with the stakeholders.

Question 11 of 30

What are reasons to automate the software build process?

(choose the best two answers)

Correct answer: A. D.
You chose: B. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. To get feedback on changes to the code early and often.

B. Code reviews are much faster if you automate your build.

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C. You cannot run automated tests without an automated build.

D. Automation improves the quality of software by making builds less error prone.

Question 12 of 30

Which of the following best describes Continuous Integration?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: D.
You chose: D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. A software development practice used by integration teams to create best practice

branching and merging strategies.

B. A software development practice that continuously integrates feedback from users into
software design.

C. A software development practice where members of a development team all work on the
same computer to ensure a common code base.

D. A software development practice where developers integrate and verify their work
frequently, often multiple times each day, to detect integration errors as quickly as

Question 13 of 30

When do the Developers participate in Product Backlog refinement?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: C.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. As Part 1 of Sprint Planning .

B. Never. It is the sole responsibility of the Product Owner to refine the Product Backlog.

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C. Anytime during the Sprint.

D. Only during refinement sessions planned by the Product Owner.

Question 14 of 30

Select the desirable characteristics of a unit test.

(choose the best four answers)

Correct answer: A. B. C. D.
You chose: A. B. C. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Each test is independent of other unit tests.

B. The test executes fast.

C. Code in each test is as small as possible while maintaining readability of the code.

D. Each test makes assertions about only one logical concept.

E. They exercise the persistence layer of a solution.

Question 15 of 30

When is a system's architecture decided?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Throughout the project, as understanding emerges and the Developers learn more about
the product.

B. In the beginning of the project, during Sprint 0.

C. Whenever the assigned architect can join the Scrum Team.

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D. It is designed along with the vision, before the first Sprint.

Question 16 of 30

Which types of tests can be automated?

(choose all that apply)

Correct answer: B. C. D. E. F.
You chose: A. B. C. D. E. F.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Exploratory

B. Functional

C. Integration

D. Smoke

E. Performance

F. Unit

Question 17 of 30

Product Backlog items are refined by:

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. The Scrum Team.

B. The Product Owner.

C. The Business analyst and the Product Owner.

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D. The Developers.


The Scrum Team is self-managing, they decide whether the Product Owner, Scrum Master and all or
some of the Developers should participate in Product Backlog refinement. A Scrum Team might also
choose to invite stakeholders as they see fit. Product Backlog refinement is not a mandatory event
prescribed by Scrum, and Scrum Teams should do Product Backlog refinement as needed to create
Product Backlog items that are deemed ready for selection at Sprint Planning.

Question 18 of 30

Which of the following are advantages of Continuous Integration?

(choose the best two answers)

Correct answer: B. D.
You chose: A. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Readability of code is improved.

B. Know immediately how a change affected the product.

C. The feature-branch is generally kept in a buildable state.

D. Reduce effort and risk when integrating changes.

Question 19 of 30

True or False: The Scrum Team must choose at least one high priority process improvement
item, identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Sprint Backlog.

Correct answer: B.
You chose: B.

A. True

B. False

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An earlier version of the Scrum Guide prescribed the practice of placing one improvement in the Sprint
Backlog. This was removed in the 2020 update to the Scrum Guide because it was felt to be too
prescriptive. However, if this practice provides value to you then you should adopt it. It is simply not
prescribed anymore, but can still be valuable.

Question 20 of 30

Which are potential benefits of Test-Driven Development?

(choose all that apply).

Correct answer: A. B. C. D.
You chose: A. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. It speeds the overall development process.

B. It promotes good design and separation of concerns.

C. It causes you to construct a test harness that can be automated.

D. It improves quality and reduces bugs.

Question 21 of 30

Who should be present during Product Backlog refinement?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B.
You chose: B.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. The stakeholders.

B. Anyone that the Scrum Team decides will be valuable during refinement.

C. Only the most senior Developers.

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D. The integration architects from the release department.

E. The external business analysts that have prepared the functional details.


The Scrum Team is self-managing, they decide whether the Product Owner, Scrum Master and all or
some of the Developers should participate in Product Backlog refinement. A Scrum Team might also
choose to invite stakeholders, release engineers, architects, or others who are not on the Scrum Team
as long as those individuals will provide value during refinement. Product Backlog refinement is not a
mandatory event prescribed by Scrum, and Scrum Teams should do Product Backlog refinement as
needed to create Product Backlog items that are deemed ready for selection at Sprint Planning.

Question 22 of 30

What is code coverage?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. An insurance policy that covers the code for defects.

B. The degree to which the system under test has been exercised by tests.

C. The percentage of code in version control included in a build.

D. The number of developers that understand how the code works.

Question 23 of 30

Who is responsible for the system architecture of a product being developed using Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

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A. The Developers.

B. The architect chosen by the Scrum Team.

C. The corporate architect.

D. The software architect.

Question 24 of 30

You are on a Scrum Team that is enhancing an existing product. Which is the LEAST useful
piece of documentation you want to have at your disposal?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: D.
You chose: A.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Well-structured and named code.

B. Acceptance tests.

C. Detailed designs.

D. The full history of retrospective plans and lessons learned.

Question 25 of 30

What does a test written with Test-Driven Development represent?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. A technical requirement that must be satisfied.

B. A bug that will be uncovered.

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C. Something that completes the test coverage of a system.

D. An assignment from the lead quality engineer.


Since the test exists before the code that makes it pass, the test acts as a requirement of the system
under test.

Question 26 of 30

Which are attributes of a good bug report?

(choose all that apply)

Correct answer: A. B. C. D. E. F.
You chose: A. B. E.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Expected results and observed results.

B. Build/version where bug was found.

C. One bug per report.

D. Simple and repeatable reproduction steps.

E. Screenshots or other pictures of bugs in action when user interfaces are involved.

F. Clear title and proper grammar in report.

Question 27 of 30

What happens during Sprint 0?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B.
You chose: B.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

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A. Overall planning, base system architecture, base design, version control and continuous
integration setup.

B. There is no such thing as Sprint 0.

C. Establish base system architecture and design, install version control and continuous
integration setup.

D. Base system architecture and design.

E. Requirements gathering, version control setup, and continuous integration setup.


Scrum does not include the concept of a Sprint 0. "Sprint 0" has become a phrase misused to describe
the planning that occurs prior to the first sprint.

Question 28 of 30

Which of the following are attributes of a bad bug report?

(choose the best three answers)

Correct answer: B. D. E.
You chose: B. C. D.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. One bug per report.

B. Vague statements or untested assumptions.

C. Simple and repeatable reproduction steps.

D. Generic titles.

E. Assigning blame.

Question 29 of 30

Which of the following describe an architecture spike?

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(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A.
You chose: B.

A. A small development activity to learn about technical elements of a proposed solution.

B. The result of an exhaustive architectural planning effort.

C. A decision made by a systems architect to settle disagreement between Developers.

D. A fundamental architectural problem found in an existing application.

Question 30 of 30

Who must be present at the Daily Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: C.
You chose: C.

This question displayed answers in random order during the test.

A. Anyone who wants to attend.

B. The entire Scrum Team.

C. The Developers.

D. The Scrum Master and the Developers.


The Daily Scrum is for the people transforming the Product Backlog items into an Increment. Only the
people that are building the product should be present at the Daily Scrum.

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