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Exercise 1.

Reading Comprehension Task

AFRICA, Dwayne Antoine L. Africa December 19, 2021


1. Instrumental Good – Ultimate Good

- Its is not good all the time, it is good depending on some situations. It is the meaning of
Ultimate good according to Aristotle. When it comes to Instrumental good, the difference is that
it is only good in the part that it must be good. But still the ultimate good is still part of it,
positioned in a natural relation to inner good.

2. Pleasure – Happiness
- Because every pleasure is not good, pleasure is not the aim of every person. He stated that the
highest good is good by nature. Different activities provide us with pleasure, which can be good
or negative. Pleasure differs from happiness in that we choose happiness as a goal in and of
itself. Pleasure is not the same as happiness because it is not the highest good.

3. Virtue – Vice
- According to Aristotle, Virtue is the result of engaging in appropriate pain and pleasure
behavior. In theology, vice was defined as the lack of attention to virtue, but Aristotle defined
virtue as a means of distinguishing between two distinct "vices." As a temperament, virtue is the
ability to act in a manner that is balanced between the extremes of inadequacy and exuberance,
both of which are vices. He preferred to describe virtue by habit and process rather than
reasoning and command.

4. Intellectual Virtue – Moral Value

- Being taught gives intellectual virtue and moral virtue depends on our habit, products of virtues
are from the moral values honesty, sincerity, and kindness. When someone's character and
personality have been internalized and these principles have become a part of them. However,
without a strong brain, cultivating moral virtue is impossible. As a result, there is a link between
intellectual and moral excellence. However, this does not imply that intellectual grasp of a moral
principle is the virtue in and of itself. Before we can label someone virtuous, we must first
practice it.

5. Science and Technology – The Good Life

- It's all about the Good Life and morality, and how we engage with science and technology as
part of our environment and with each other as well as each other. The ultimate expressions of
our capacities and tools that can help us reach a decent life are science and technology,
especially if those who apply them possess and practice moral virtue. As a result, without virtue,
science and technology can threaten and corrupt an individual.

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