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Section A (40 marks)

Attemp all the questions

Punakha Central School
Trial Run 2021
Model Answers.
Question 1
(a) For Each question, there are four alternatives A, B, C and D. Choose the MOST CORRECT
alternatives and CIRCLE it. DO NOT circle more than ONE alternative. If there are more than
ONE circled alternative, NO score shall be awarded. Remember to choose only one answer. and
write the question numbers. [25]
i. A student carried out the oxidation of formaldehyde using KMnO4 in the laboratory. On analysis,
the major product formed was found to be
A. Methanol
B. Methanoic acid
C. Ethanoic acid
D. Ethanal
ii. Khandu has been suggested by a skin specialist to use an ointment to treat his eczema. Which of
the following compounds would be present as one of the main components of the ointment?
D. (COOH)2
iii. Acetamide is preapared in the laboratory by heating ammonium acetate in presence of glacial
acetic acid. The role of acetic acid in the process is to
A. Increase the rate reaction
B. Hydrolyze ammonium acetate into acetic acid
C. Disociate ammonium acetate into acetic acid
D. Prevent disociation of ammonium acetate into acetic acid
iv. Amines are Lewis bases. Ethylamine reacts with hydrochloric acid to form a product.
_____________. The most probable product formed would be;
A. C2H5NH3Cl
B. C2H5NH3

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C. C2H5Cl2
D. C2H5NH4Cl

v. One of the major properties of amino acids is, they are optically active. Which pair of amino acids
would fulfil this property?

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV
vi. Consider manometers X, Y, and Z pictured. One of the manometers had 2 mL of water placed on
top of the mercury, another had 2 mL of a 0.5 m urea solution placed on top of the mercury, and
another had 2 mL of a 0.5 m NaCl solution placed on top of the mercury

A. Manometer X contained the water, manometer Y contained the glucose solution, and
manometer Z contained the NaCl solution.
B. Manometer X contained the water, manometer Y contained the glucose solution, and
manometer Z contained the NaCl solution.
C. Manometer X contained the glucose solution, manometer Y contained the water, and
manometer Z contained the NaCl solution.
D. Manometer X contained the NaCl solution, manometer Y contained the glucose
solution, and manometer Z contained the water.
vii. All the following are conjugate acid base pairs EXCEPT
A. H2O and CO2

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B. HS- and H2S
C. NH3 and NH4+
D. HCO3- and H2CO3
viii. Given that Zn2+/Zn = -0.76 V, Mg2+/ Mg = -2.37 V, then the correct statement about the reaction
Zn + MgCl2 would be
A. Solid zinc dissolves
B. Formation of zinc chloride
C. Magnesium chloride precipitates out
D. No reaction occurs
ix. In the rate equation, when the concentration of reactant is unity, the rate of the reaction is equal to
A. average rate constant
B. specific rate constant
C. twice the rate constant
D. infinity
x. Which of the following scenarios describes a process with a negative entropy change?
A. Making popcorns
B. Preparing tea
C. Making ice-cream
D. Noisy classroom
xi. A radiologist wears lead apron to protect form the harmful radiation exposure. Which of the
following choices correctly describes the decreasing ability of the radiation to penetrate through
the lead apron that is 3 inches thick?
A. gamma rays > alpha particles > beta particles
B. gamma rays > beta particles > alpha particles
C. alpha particles > gamma rays > beta particles
D. beta particles > alpha particles > gamma rays
xii. Coordination complexes are associated by coordination number and oxidation state of the central
metal. The coordination number and oxidation state of central metal for the given compound
are [PtClNO2(NH3)4 ]SO4
A. 6 and 4
B. 4 and 6
C. 5 and 4

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D. 5 and 6
xiii. Deki analysed an unknown hydrocarbon using mass
spectrometry and obtained following mass spectrum.
The fragment ion obtained at m/z ratio 57 is
A. C2H5 +
B. C3H7 +
C. C4H9 +
D. C5H11 +
xiv. An aromatic aldehyde with molecular formula C7H6O undergoes nucleophilic addition reaction
with hydrogen cyanide. Which one of the following is the final product formed during the
C. C6H5C+-O-
xv. Sonam investigated the physical properties of
Organic acid Molecular mass Boiling point
three different organic acids and obtained the 46 g/ mole 373.5 k
data as given in Table 1.
CH3COOH 60 g/mole 391K
Table 1: molecular mass and boiling point of
(COOH)2 90 g/mole 433 K
organic acids.
Which information best relates the boiling point and the molecular mass of the organic acids.
A. With the increase in molecular mass the intermolecular force increases
B. With the increase in molecular mass the intermolecular force decreases
C. With the increase in molecular mass, there is no change in intermolecular force.
D. With the increase in molecular mass, the organic acids become more volatile.
xvi. Biodiesel is prepared by treating vegetable oil with short chain alcohol in presence of suitable

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The product X obtained from the above reaction is
B. C17H35COONa
C. C17H35COOC2H5
xviii. Rank the following compounds in order of the increasing basic strength.
I. C6H5NH2 II. CH3NH2 III. (CH3)2NH IV. (CH3)3 N
xix. A chemistry student studies one of the properties of amino acid using electrophoresis at pH 3.5.
What would the student observe in the experiment?
A. Amino acid migrates towards cathode
B. Amino acid migrates towards anode
C. Amino acid dissociates completely.
D. Amino acid remains neutral.
xx. The vapour pressure of two liquids A and B in their pure sates are in the ratio of 1:2. A binary
solution of A and B contains A and B in the mole proportion of 1:2. The mole fraction of A in the
vapour pressure phase of the solution will be
A. 0.20
B. 0.25
C. 0.33
D. 0.52
xxi. Tshering performed a titration using iron tablets and potassium permanganate to determine the
amount of ferrous ion present in the iron tablet. Theory behind the titration is given in the following
MnO4- + 8H + 5Fe2+  Mn2+ 5Fe3+ + 4H2O

What happens to Manganese and iron in the chemical reaction?

A. Mn is reduced and Fe is oxidized
B. Mn is oxidized and Fe is reduced
C. Both Mn and Fe are oxidized

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D. Both Mn and Fe are reduced.
xxii. A student constructed a Galvanic cell at 298 K. The cell notation for the galvanic cell is Zn|ZnSO4
(0.01 M) || CuSO4 (1.0 M)|Cu. The student measured the emf of the cell and recorded it to be E1.
When the concentration of ZnSO4 is 1.0 M and that of CuSO4 is 0.01 M, the emf changed to E2.
What relation would the student observe between emf E1 and E2?
(Eo Zn2+ = - 0.76 V, Eo Cu2+ = 0.34 V )
A. E1 < E2
B. E1 > E2
C. E1 = E2
D. E2 = 0 ≠ E2
xxiii. Which of the following absorption peak/peaks would be most useful for identifying the secondary
A. Sharp peak at 1750 cm−1
B. Medium stretch from 3500 to 3300 cm−1
C. Very broad stretch from 3500 to 2500 cm−1
D. Two medium peaks, one at 3300 cm-1, and 3400 cm−1
xxiv. Which formula correctly represents the diamminediaquadibromochromium(III) ion?
A. [Cr(H2O)2(NH3)2Br2]+
B. [Cr(NH3)2(H2O)Br2]3+
C. [Cr(H2O)2(NH3)2Br2]3+
D. [Cr(NH3)2(H2O)2Br2+]+
xxv. If ∆H is positive and ∆S is negative, then ∆G is always
A. positive
B. negative
C. negative at low temperatures; positive at high temperatures
D. positive at low temperatures; negative at high temperatures

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(b) Match the items of column A with the items of column B and write the correct matching pairs in
the space provided. [5]

Column A Column B Answer

i. Chemical a. Acetone i ……. m)NMR

ii. Polydentate b. BF3 ii …… i) EDTA
iii. Tollen’s Reagent c. Treatment of hyper iii……f) Acetaldehyde
iv. Extensive d. Ethylene diamine iv……h) Enthalpy
v. COOH e. IR Spectroscopy v….. j) Cane sugar
vi. Lewis acids f. Acetaldehyde vi….. b) BF3
vii. Osmotic pressure g. mol L-1 t-1 vii…..n) Berkeley and Hartley

viii. Standard Hydrogen h. Enthalpy viii…. k) Platinized platinum

ix. r = k[A] 2[B]0 i. EDTA ix….. l) mol -1 L t-1

x. Iodine 131 j. Cane sugar x….. c) Treatment of hyper

k. Platinized platinum

l. mol -1 L t -1

m. NMR spectroscopy
n. Berkeley and Hartley

(c) Fill in the blanks [5]

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i. Alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in presence of NaOH yields ____________as a main product
and the reaction commonly called _____________(sodium acetate, saponification)
ii. Benzene diazonium chloride is prepared by treating _________with cold nitrous acid. (aniline)
iii. NH3CH2COO- ion exists at pH _______________ and in basic medium; it forms
______________, which migrates towards anode. ( 6. 0 , anion )
iv. The analytical technique which can be best used to purify an organic compound is
________________.( HPLC)
v. Equimolar mixture of HCOOH and HCOONa forms ___________________ buffer solution and
working pH _________________7.0. ( acidic buffer , less than 7)
vi. _____________________ freezing point of a solvent on adding a non-volatile solute is directly
proportional to ____________________ of the solution.( depression in, molality)

(d) Sate whether the following statements are true or false. [5]
i. Positive test for Fehling’s solution is given by both aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes.( False)
ii. The concentration unit independent of temperature is molality. ( True)
iii. The oxalic acid present in human urine is in the form of calcium oxalate.( True )
iv. Conjugate base for H2PO4- is H3PO4 ( False)
v. Acetyl chloride in the form chloro acetyl chloride is used to synthesis lachrymator.( True)
vi. The pH of human saliva is around 6.7. The hydrogen ion concentration in the saliva is 1.9 x 10-6
M.( False)
vii. [CoCl(NH3)6] Cl2 has two primary valencies and four secondary valencies.( False)
viii. The retention factor in TLC is the ratio of distance travelled by solute to distance travelled by the
solvent front. ( True)
ix. ∆G =0 when the reaction is spontaneous. ( False)
x. A metal X with E°Cell = 0.34V would displace the salt of metal Y with E°cell= 0.80 V.( True)

Section B (60 marks)

Attempt any SIX questions form this section

Question 2
i. Aldehydes undergo Cannizzaro’s reaction.
a. Mention two necessary requirements to carry out this reaction. [1]

In this reaction two molecules of aldehydes (same or different) with no α-hydrogen atom are
reacted with concentrated alkali (NaOH or KOH).
b. What chemical changes do aldehyde molecules undergo during the reaction? [1/2]

Self Oxidation and self reduction reaction

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Cannizaro reaction is a self oxidation and reduction reaction shown by aldehydes which have no alpha
hydrogen atom.

c. Write the balanced chemical reaction for Cannizzaro’s reaction [1 ½ ]

ii. In aqueous solution, chlorine dioxide, ClO2, reacts with hydroxide ions as shown.
2ClO2 + 2OH– → ClO3– + ClO2– + H2O
A series of experiments is carried out using different concentrations of ClO2 and OH–. The table
shows the results obtained
Experiment [ClO2] [OH-] Initial rate
molL-1 mol L-1 mol L-1min-1

1 0.020 0.030 7.20 x 10-4

2 0.020 0.120 2.88 x 10-3

3 0.050 0.030 4.50 x 10-3

a. Explain the term order of reaction [1]

The sum of power to which the concentration term of reactants in the rate law expression is
called the order of reaction. Eg rate = k [A] [B]0 , order of the reaction = 1+ 0 = 1
b. Use the data in the table to determine the order of reaction with respect to each reactant, ClO2
and OH–. [2]
Let the order of reaction wrt [ClO2] be x and wrt [OH-] be y.
To get the value of x divide 1 by equation 3
( 0.4)x = 0.16 , hence x = 2
To get the value of y divide equation 1 by equation 2
(0.25) y = 0.25, hence y = 1
Order of reaction wrt ClO2 = 2 , order of reaction wrt OH- = 1

c. Use your answer (b) to construct the rate equation for this reaction. [1]
Rate = k [ClO2] 2[OH-]

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d. Use your rate equation and the data from experiment 1 to calculate the rate constant, k, for this
reaction. Include the units of k. [1]

rate constant k =
ClO2 OH-

= 7.2 x 10 -4
= 6 x101 mol-2 L2 min-1
(0.020)2 x (0.030)

iii. Radon (A=222, Z= 86) can be produced from the α-decay of radium (A=226, Z=88)
a. Write the nuclear reaction. [1]
86Rn + 2He4

b. Radium belongs to group IIA in the periodic table. Predict the position of the Radon in the
periodic table and name the law responsible for the change in position of the element. [1]

Position of Radon will be in group 0 or 18 in the periodic table .Law responsible for the
shift in the position of radon is Soddy Fajan’s Group Displacement Law.

Question 3

i. A student sets up a galvanic cell at 298 K that has an electrode of Ni(s)

immersed in a 1.0 M solution of Ni2+(aq) and an electrode of Cr(s)
immersed in a 1.0 M solution of Cr3+(aq), as shown in the diagram.

The student measures the voltage of the cell shown above and discovers
that it is zero.

Half-Reaction E° (V)
Ni2+(aq) + 2e-  Ni(s) - 0.24
Cr(s) - 3e -  Cr3+(aq) ?

a. Identify the missing component of the cell, and explain its importance for obtaining a non-zero
voltage. [1 ½ ]

Missing component is salt bridge. Importance of salt bridge: 1) it maintains electrical neutrality
in the two half cells 2) connects two half cells and completes the electrical circuit( any two)

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The student adds the missing component to the cell and measures E° cell to be +0.47 V.
As the cell operates, Ni2+ ions are reduced. Use this information and the information in the table above
to do the following.
b. Calculate the E° for Cr3+. [1]
o o o
E cell = E red cathode – E red anode Ni is cathode, Cr is anode.

0.47 = - 0.24 – ( Eo red anode)

0.47 + 0.24 = - ( Eo red anode)

Eo red (anode) = - 0.71 V E° for Cr3+ = - 0.71 V

c. Calculate the value of E° for the half cell reaction Cr(s) - 3 e-  Cr3+(aq) [1 ½ ]

2Cr – 6e → 2Cr3+ oxidation half cell ----- x V

3 Ni2+ + 6 e → 3Ni reduction half cell ----- - 0.24 V
Add up Eo cell = 0.47 V
x - 0.24 = 0.47 , x = 0.71 V ( oxidation potential is positive )
Eo reduction of Cr = - 0.7I V.
Eo cell = Eo (cathode) – Eo ( anode)
Eo ( anode) = Eo (cathode) - Eo cell

= - 0.24 - 0.47 = - 0.71 V

No need to use Nernst equation as the molar concentrations are standard.

d. Write the balanced net cell reaction that occurs as the cell operates. [1]

2Cr (s) + 3 Ni2+ (aq) → 2Cr3+ (aq) + 3Ni(s)

ii. A colourless pungent smelling liquid having a molecular mass 46 is the first member of homologous
series of carboxylic acid. It is strongly acidic to litmus and decolourises an acidified solution of

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a. Identify the liquid and give its chemical formula. [1]
b. What would happen when the liquid reacts with NaOH? Write the balanced chemical reaction? [1]
Sodium formate

Neutralization reaction takes place.

c. Mention two uses of the identified liquid. [1]
Antiseptic, disinfectant, medicine for gout( any two)
iii. A student prepares a solution containing equimolar amounts of CH3COOH and CH3COONa. The
pH of the solution is measured to be 4.7. The student adds two drops of 2.0 M HCl (aq) and stirs the
sample, observing that the pH remains at 4.7.
a. What type of solution has the student prepared?

Acidic buffer solution

b. Write a balanced, equation for the reaction between HCl(aq) and the chemical species in the
sample that is responsible for the pH remaining at 4.7 [1 ½]
HCl → H+ + Cl –
CH3COOH ↔ CH3COO - + H+ ( weakly ionized)
CH3COONa ↔ CH3COO- + Na + (strongly ionized)
CH3COO- + H+ → CH3COOH (weakly ionized)
( from buffer ) ( from acid )

Question 4
i. Phenol is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water according to the equation below.

C6H5OH(aq) + H2O(l) ↔ C6H5O−(aq) + H3O+(aq) Ka = 1.12 × 10−10

a. Determine the pH of 0.75 M C6H5OH(aq) solution? [2]

Given : Ka = 1.12 × 10−10

Conc of C6H5OH = 0.75 M.

[H+] = = x x 0.75 = 9.165 x 10- 6 M

p H = - log [ H+ ] = - log (9.165 x 10- 6 ) = 5.21

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ii. A chemist analysed an organic compound
with the molecular formula C4H8O using IR
spectroscopic technique and obtained
following spectrum.

Study the spectrum and answer the questions that

a. Identify the compound and write the structural formula of the compound. [1 ½ ]
Butanal CH3CH2CH2CHO
b. What do absorption pattern at A and B represent in the spectrum? [1 ½ ]
A represent C-H stretch and B has C=O stretch.
iii. Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow.

Alcohol Primary amine Secondary amine Tertiary amine

Organic Ethanol Ethyl amine Dimethyl amine Trimethyl amine


Molar mass 46 45 45 59

Boiling point 350 K 290 K 280 K 277 K

a. Compare the boiling point of primary amine with alcohol, secondary amine and tertiary amine. [1]
Alcohol has highest boiling point than primary secondary and tertiary amines respectively.
Boiling point : alcohol > primary amine > secondary amine > tertiary amine .
b. Justify you answer.
In alcohol, O −H bond is more polar than N - H bond in amines, hence forms stronger inter
molecular H bond than amines. For amines, primary amine has two H atoms, sec amine
has one H atom and tertiary amine has no H atom to form intermolecular H bond.
Therefore, they show decreasing trend in their boiling point.


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iv. Coordination complexes are used in treatment of heavy metal poisoning
such as lead, cadmium, arsenic etc. The structure given at the side shows
one such complex.
i. Identify the process of binding ligands to the central metal atom. [1]
Chelation, Chelating ligand
ii. Name the ligand bonded to central metal atom and draw its structure. [1 ½ ]

iii. Mention the coordination number in the complex. [1/2]
Question 5

i. A body builder dissolved 25.00 grams of a protein powder that is used as a dietary supplement in
water to make exactly 821 mL of solution. The temperature of the solution was determined to be
27°C. He measured the osmotic pressure exerted by the solution and determined it to be 0.0300
atm. What is the molar mass of the protein? [3]

 =
mol mass m =
w = 25 g , R = 0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1 , T = 27+ 273 = 300 K
ᴨ = 0.0300 atm, V = 0.821 L

mol mass of protein = mole

ii. Mr. Ugyen, a chemistry lab assistant wants to prepare acetyl chloride for his laboratory works. He
is not so sure about the preparatory method. Which one of the two methods would you
recommend him for the preparation of acetyl chloride? Justify your answer with a chemical
reaction. [2]
a. Glacial acetic acid with phosphorous pentachloride
b. Glacial acetic acid with Thionyl chloride.

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Preparation of acetyl chloride from acetic acid with SOCl2 is the best method because by-
products formed are in gaseous state and can escape easily.
i) With PCl5 and PCl3

ii) With SOCl2 (Thionyl chloride)

Sl no Amino Acids Rf value

iii. A group of chemistry students was given a project to separate 1 Alanine 0.52
individual amino acid form the mixture. They used Thin Layer 2 Arginine 0.16
chromatography in the separation. The data obtained is given in 3 Threonine 0.12
the table 2. 4 Tyrosine 0.68

a. Briefly explain the principle of TLC. [1]

TLC technique involves the distribution of components of a mixture to be separated between two
phases (Stationary phase and mobile phase). The components of the mixture are partitioned between
an adsorbent (stationary phase), and a solvent (mobile phase). Different compounds will have
different solubility and adsorption to the two phases between which they are to be partitioned. In
TLC separation of the individual substances is based on their relative affinities towards stationary
and mobile phases.
b. Use the information form the table to answer the following questions.
i. Calculate the distance travelled by each amino acid and use the value obtained to spot
amino acids in the given TLC plate. [2]


= Rf x
distance travelled by solvent front
Ala = 0.52 x 10 = 5.2 cm
Arg = 0.16 x 10 = 1.6 cm
Threo 0.12 x 10 = 1.2 cm
Tyr 0.68 x 10 = 6.8 cm

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ii. Based on the chromatogram obtained, which amino acid is most polar and which amino
acid is least polar. Justify your answer. [2]
Threonine is the most polar and retains longer in the plate. Has greater affinity towards
stationary phase.
Question 6
i. A gaseous substance undergoes an expansion form volume of 4 dm3 to 6 dm3 against an external
pressure of 3 atm. Calculate the work done during the process. [2]
V1 = 4 dm3 , V2 = 6 dm3
P = 3 atm , W =?
W= - P ∆V ; = - 3 ( 6- 4) = - 6 L atm x 101.3 = - 607.8 J ( 1 L atm = 101.3 J)
ii. Study the structure of the given amino acid and answer the questions that follow.

a. Identify the carbon atom responsible for imparting optical property to amino acid. [1/2]
Alpha carbon / α carbon
b. Represent the given amino acid in the Ziwtter ionic form. [1 ½ ]

iii. A student constructed a galvanic cell using Zn and Cu electrodes. The student performed two sets
of experiment using 1 M concentration of CuSO4 solution and 1 M concentration of ZnSO4. In the
second set of experiment, he used 0.05 M concentration of ZnSO4 solution and kept the
concentration of CuSO4 solution 1 M and measured the voltage given in the table.
(E° Zn2+ = -0.76 V, E° Cu2+ = + 0.34 V)
Conc of Conc Zn2+ Measured emf Calculated emf
Cu (V) (V)

1M 1M 1.09 V ……………..

1M 0.05 M 1.12 V ……………..

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a. Calculate the emf of the cell and compare the calculated emf with the measured emf. [2]

For 1 M conc of Zn2+ and 1 M conc of Cu2+ ions

Eo cell = Eo red( cathode) - Eo red ( anode )
= 0.34 – ( -0.76 ) = 1.10 V. measured emf and calculated/ theoretical emf are
almost equal.
For 1 M Cu2+ ion and 0.05 M Zn2+ ion; use Nernst equation.

1.10 – log

= 1.10 – log

= 1.10 – ( - 0.0384 ) = 1.138 V

b. Develop a relationship between concentration of Zn 2+ and emf of the cell. [1]

Oxidation potential is inversely proportional to the concentration of Zn 2+ ions in electrolytic

Or Zn + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu . When the concentration of product ie Zn2+ increases, the
equilibrium shifts in the direction of decreased concentration. Hence reverse reaction occurs
and conc of Zn2+ ion decreases. This is as per Le Chatelier’s principle.

iv. An organic compound having a molecular formula C3H6O, forms silver mirror with Tollen’s
reagent. On oxidation, the compound form carboxylic acid. The compound was analysed using
NMR technique.
a. Write the structural formula of the compound. [1/2]
b. Based on the structure of the compound fill the following table [2 ½ ]

Chemical Number of Multiplicity of the signals Splitting pattern

environment signals

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CH3 3 signals n+1 = 2+1 = 3 Triplets
CH2 n+1 = 4+1 = 5 quintet
CH n+1= 2+1 = 3 triplets

Question 7
i. A chemist synthesised an organic compound using compound A having molecular formula
C2H4O. Compound A was oxidised in presence of K2Cr2O7 to yield compound B that has vinegar
odour. Compound B on treatment with phosphorus pentachloride formed compound C which
fumes in moist air. Compound C was further treated with ammonia to yield compound D. Finally,
the compound D was treated with Br2 water in presence of KOH to form compound E.
a. Identify the compound A, B, C, D and E respectively. [2 ½ ]
A- CH3CHO (acetaldehyde)
B- CH3COOH (acetic acid)
C- CH3COCl (acetyl chloride)
D- CH3CONH2 (Acetamide )
E- CH3NH2 (Methylamine)
b. Write the balanced chemical reaction for conversion of compound D to E and name the
reaction. [1 ½ ]

ii. The lowest atmosperic temperature recorded in Bumthang is – 6.5°C in winter. Sonam added 700
grams of ethylene glycol( C2H6O2) to 4 Kg of water in his car radiator. Would the amount of
ethylene glycol added in his car radiator prevent from water being frozen and prevent damage to
his car radiator? (K f of water is 1.86 K kg mol-1 ) Justify your answer through calculation. [3]

Kf x w x 1000
Tf =

On substituting ∆ Tf = 5.25 o C

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Tf = T Tf
Tf = Tfo Tf

∆Tf = 5.25 o C, T o f = 0 o C
Tf = 0 – 5.25 = - 5.25 o C ( freezing point of the solution)
Freezing will take placed at a higher temperature than the atmospheric temp (- 6.5o C).
Therefore, it will not protect the radiator from being damaged

iii. [Cr (H2O)4Cl2]NO3 and Na3[Co(NO2)6] are two coordination compounds. With reference to the
coordination compounds, answer the following questions.
a. Why do transition elements form coordination compounds? [1]
Due to vacant de orbitals

b. Calculate the oxidation number of central metal in the above two compounds and give IUPAC
name of the compounds. [2]

[Cr (H2O)4Cl2]NO3 = 3 Na3[Co(NO2)6]= 3

Question 8
i. The diagrams given above are the
components of one of the analytical
techniques. Study the diagrams and answer
the following questions.

a. Arrange the components in the proper

sequence for the proper working of the instrument. [1 ½ ]
4- 1- 2 and 3
Solvent and pump, injection loop (sample introduction), column and monitor (detector)

b. Name the technique and briefly explain the principle behind this technique. [2]
High Performance Liquid chromatography
It is based on the principle of the difference in the relative affinities of different molecules for

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the mobile phase and the stationary phase used in the separation.
ii. In an experiment, the rate of the decomposition of
N2O5 (g) is investigated.
2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)

The graph shows the results obtained

The reaction is first order with respect to N2O5

a. Explain the term first order reaction. [1]

The rate of reaction is ddependent on one concentration variable of the reactant.

Or the rate of reaction is dependent on the concentration of one reactant only.
Rate = k [ A] . Eg . if the conc of reactant becomes double, the rate of the reaction also
becomes double.

b. Use the graph to determine the rate of reaction at 250 seconds. [1]

From the graph, around 0.025 mol L-1 s-1 ½ mark for value , ½ mark for unit.
c. Suggest a possible three-step mechanism for this reaction.

N2O5 NO3 + NO2 ---- slow step

NO3 + NO2 NO2 + O2 + NO ---- fast step

N2O5 + NO 3NO2 ---- fast step

2N2O5 4NO2 + O2
½ x 3 = 11/2
[1 ½ ]

iii. The stability of the nucleus depends on neutron – proton ratio in the nucleus of an atom. The
diagram given shows the n/p ratio for various nuclei. Study the diagram and answer the questions.

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a. Calculate n/p ratio for the elements given in equation 1 and 2 [2]

Equation 1 Th ( n = 234 – 90 = 144 , p = 90. ratio = = 1.60

Pa ( n = 234- 91 = 143, p = 91. ratio = = 1.57 1 mark

Equation 2 Po (n = 210 – 84 = 126 , p = 84 ratio = = 1.50

Pb (n = 206 – 82 = 124 , p = 84 ratio = = 1.512 1 mark

b. Where would you place the products on the diagram based on their n/p ratio?

Both the products Pa and Pb would be placed within the zone / belt / valley of stability
As they maintain their neutron to proton ratio by beta and alpha emission.
Question 9
i. As a part of the project, a group of chemistry students constructed an electrochemical cell using 10
lemons of equal size and the total emf they measured was 3.5 V. Based on the information answer
the following question.
a. Name the acid present in lemon. [1/2]
Citric acid
b. Calculate the voltage produced by one lemon. [1]
Voltage prodiced by 1 lemon
= 3.5/ 10 = 0.35 V.
c. pH of acid present in lemon is around 3.2. Determine the hydrogen ion concentration
present in the acid. [1 ½ ]
[H+] = antilog ( - p H)
= antilog ( - 3.2 ) = 3.16 x 10 -4 mol L-1
½ mark formula , ½ mark unit, 1 mark
for correct answer.
ii. Three organic compound A, B and C are
synthesized using toluene as the starting
compound. Answer the following
questions using the information given.

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a. Deduce the identities of compound A, B and C and draw their structures. [2 ½ ]
A- benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) B- Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) C- sodium benzoate
b. Give the balanced chemical equation for the conversion of compound B to compound C. [1]

+ Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
- +
O Na

c. Name the reaction responsible for the formation of compound A from toluene. [1/2]
Etard Reaction
iii. Study the reaction given and answer the following questions

a. Write the formula of the product formed. [1/2]

b. Give the systematic IUPAC name of the product. [1]

Ethyl ethanoate
c. Name the type reaction in the above equation. [1/2]
d. Give one commercial use of the product formed [1]
It is used in perfumery for making artificial flavours and essences, skin treatment

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