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bf a3ricultural engineering

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by GeorgeA. Duncanand John N. Walker

of tentucti . college
university of ibricufture.

Greenhousecoveringshave undergonerevolutionary and double-strength"hammered"glass.

changesin the last 10 to 20 years.Until recently,glasswas Due to a rapidly expandingteclnology, many green-
essentiallythe only coveringused.Then,in the late 1940's, houseownersare perplexedwith the multitude of materials
Prof. E. M. Emmert of the Universityof Kentucky Depart- and rangeof qualitiesand pricesnow on the market.Oues-
nrent of Horticulture beganexperimentingwith transparent tions frequentlyariseover which is the "best" material,or
films for coveringsmall "fieldhouses."His earlywork with wfiat should be used in a given situation. Answersare not
cellophane and other availableplastics pioneereda new simple, becausemany factors are involved.This publication
national and intemational era in greenhousecoverings. reviews the characteristicsand performanceof the more
Products now range from the least expensive,short-life widely usedcoveringmaterials.
polyethylene to the highergradesand pricesof "fiberglas"


Sareraltypesof coveringmaterialsare presentlyavail- greatly superior to those of the baseresin, resultingfrom

aHe and used for greenhouses. Most all, exc€ptglass,are of the preserrceof high*treng'th fibers imbedded in the com-
the plasticsgroup. position.
The plastic products presently availablefor green- Glas glazingsareessentially the samematerialasthat
housecoveringsinclude: of years ago exc€pt for some important product improve-
l. Filnr rnentsmaderecently.Theseinclude:
a. Polyethylene(Regularand Ultra-Violet 1. lncreasingthe size of panesto reducethe num-
(UVl resistant) ber of structural members,thus providingless
b. Vinyl shadingand fewer joints to seal.
c. (Tedlar*)
Polyvinylfluoride 2. Increasingthe strengthto resistbreaking
2 Rigid plastics ("dotrble" and "triple" strengthratings).
a. Polyvinylchloride(PVC) 3. Utilizing "frosted" or "hammered"
b. Acrylic(Plexiglas"l panes to break up light rays for
c. "Fiberglass" more even light distribution,
Plastics are light in fewer dradows, and non-see-
weight; but, for their weight, through properties.
they are exceedinglystrong.
More than 50 commercial
rRegisteredby E. l. DuPont De
types of plasticsare available.
Nemoursand Gompanv,Wilmingr
ton. Del., 19898.
ly called "fiberglass" or '*Registered by Rohm and Haas
"FRP", are plastics with Company, Philadelphia,Penn.,
some strength properties 19105.

Issued in lurtherance of Cooperative Extension work. acls of llIey 8 end June 30, 191,(, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agricrrlture.
Charls E. Ba;nhart, Dlrector of Cooperative Extension Service, UnlveEity oI Keniucky College of Agrlculture.

Sunlight, the visible spectrumof solar radiation, is a tions will occur in this curveowing to the sun'saltitrldeand
mixtnre of various colon whictr are described technically amount .of "atmosphere" (humidity, haze or clouds|
by a specific wanelengthband. The blocks acrossthe top of through which the sunlight must penetrate to reach the
Figure 1 illustrate the visible spectrum which rangesfrom surface of the earth. The total sunlight reac*ringthe earth's
t're 4tl0 nanometen {Nm} ultra-violet end throrgh t*re blue, surface as represented by the curve of Figure I'wtren
green,and red colors to 7@ Nm at the beginningof the measuredasheat enerry can reacha summer maximum of
infrared region. approximately330 BTU/hr"/sq.ft. on a horizontalsurface.
Figure 1 also shows the relative light energy of the The wintertime ratesareconsiderablyless,of-course,owing
sun receivedat the earth'ssurfaceas solar radiation.Varia- to the lower altitudeof the sun.

450 500 550 600 650


lrl 70
z ao
lr, 60
: ao

too t60 .oo a60 600 660 Goo 610 700 ?30 aoo

Figure l.-The visible spectrum represented by colors and wavelength bands and the relative solar energy of the eun received at the
earth's surface.

A greenhousecoveringfor low-light latitudes should
transmit the maximum amount of natural sunlight in the
ban6 requiredfor plant growth.
Light falling upon a materialis either:
1. Reflected ASSOREEO
2. Absorbed ( COT{VERTED
3. Transmitted T O H E A T)
Figure 2 illustratesfiese 3 charactedstics.Not all
wavelengths are uniformly absorbed, reflected or trans-
mitted by the different coveringmaterials,and the quality
(color) of light inside a greenhouseis therefore affected. ( DIRECTI ( DIFFUSED
Reflection and absorption of the wavelengtlrsor bandsvital
to plant growth shouldbe avoided. T R A N S MI T T E D
A material which permits a largeportion of light to
passthrough is called transparent A material which blocks
fight is e.alledopaque. Figure 2.-Ligtrt beaming upon a msterial n|ay bo reflected, ab-
Light may pass through a tranryrcnt material bry sorbed, or transmitted., . :'
either of two ways: dftect passageor diffu* passa(p.
Diret light passageis best illustrated with plain window
glass.Light rayspassdirectly through the glass,maintaining Another form of transmittance of importance to a
the same direction with very little distortion or breaking greenhousecovering is its &ermal radiation transmittance.
apart (Figure 2). Shadowsproduced by objects insidethe Thermal radiation,as opposedto solarradiation,is the non-
glassare strong. On the other hand, a "translucent", or visible energy generatedand transmitted by warn: or hot
$emi-transparent, materialbreaksup light rays,causinglight substances. A red-trot object can radiate visible energy,
to go in all directions,givinga very even tight and weak representedby its red color. Also, this energycan be felt as
shadowson the side of the glassoppositethe light source. heat. As the object is allowed 1e cool, its glow diminishes
This behavior is illustrated by frosted glassor the newer until the eye can no longerseea visiblelight, though heat
fiberglassmaterials.Remember,the total amount of light or can still be felt from the object. This heat is a form of
solar radiation pas.ingthrough a material is the important energy cfassified as thermal radiation. Obiects at room
factor, and a hazy or frosty appearancedoes not by itself tempeirture radiate this same thermal energy in lesser
meana materialpossesses high or low transmitrance. quantities and exchangewith other objects nearby. Warm
objects radiate more energy to cooler oblects than they
Table 1 lists both the diret and total visible light
receive.This resultsin a net loss of energyor gradualcool-
tansnittance of typical materials.r4 Transmittance is
ing of the warm object.
defined as a ratio of $e light passingthrougha materialto
Some greenhousernate_ri::.will permit thermal radia-
the light beamingupon it. Wth the exceptionof the stand-
tion to passthrough, while otherswill block this passage. In
ard fiberglasstested, all materialslisted transmit approxi-
winter, those materialsthat block thermal radiationtend to
mately 90 percent2f the light shiningupon the rnaterial.
conserveheat better and keep a greenhousewarmer than
The fiberglas tested had the lowest transmittance,78o4.
other materials.Data shown in Table 1 fepresentthe aver-
Some of the newertypes of fiberglassare reportedto have
agetransmittanceof severalmaterialsfor tte solar (visible)
transmittanceof 85 to 92%. The largedifference between 4
and thermal(hot obiect)wavelengths.r
direct and total transmittancefor fiberglassindicateda high
Notice the mudr greater thermal transmittanceof
percentageof the light transmitted wasdiffused.
polyethylene than glassor other materials.This is what
As mentionedpreviously,covering materialsdo not causespolyethylenecoveredhousesto cool off so rapidly in
transmit all wavelengdrsequally. In most casesthere are the eveningand at night. However,wtren a layer of conden-
regionswithin the light spectrum where the materialsare sation occurs on polyethylene film, the radiant loss is
essentially opaque (non-transparent).This results in a reduced. This effect has been studied and reported by
changeof light quality within the gneenhouse rafien com- Walker and Walton.l s Dependingon the extent of conden-
paredto natulal light quality. This can harrea pronounced sation on the surface of the film, they conclude that a
effect on plants being grown. Hence,all successfulgreen- reduction of 50 percent in the radiant heat losswould be
house coveringsmust allow passageof maximum light in realistic. This ten& to offset the greater loss of heat by
the bands required for plant growth. As an example, thermal radiationfrom polyethytenecovers.
colored panelsare not suitable for greenhousecoveringsdue
to the reductionin ligrhttransmissionfor certainvital wave- WEATHERABILITY OF COVERINGMATERIALS
lengths.6Useonly the greenhouse formulationsof clearor A common rnreakness of many of the new covering
frosted fiberglass
for best results. materials is their low resistanceto weathering.The strort

Table 1. PercentSolarand Thermal RadiationTransmittanceof Certain Materials

Solar Transmittance* Thermal Transmittance

Film Type SingleGlazing Two Layer Glazing SingleGlazinq

Polyethylene,Clear 93 88.0
Polyethylene,CommercialClear 76 (8e) (81) 70.8
Polyethylene,UV 74 (88)
Glass 86 (eo) 75 4-4
Polyvinyl,Clear 86(91) t8+1 12.0
Polyvinyl,Haze (8e) (82)
Mylar (Polyester) 86 (e0) 80 16.2
RigidFiberglass 1 g( 7 9 ) * * (64) 1.0

rData rrrithout parenthesesis direct transmittance, data with parenthesesis total transmittance.
**Some newer fiberglassmaterials have 85€5% total transmittance.
life of the polyethylene plastics is a notable example. ln 1962 the NationalAgriculturalPlasticsConference
Severaltypes of rigid plastic material that came onto the initiated coordinatedtestingof plasticfilm at representative
nrarket in the early 196Osdid not perform well. Many of locations throughout this country and in Ontario, Canada.
them were easily shatteredby hail or soon begantuming Resultsof thosetests:ndicatethe following life expectancy
dark yellow or brown, thereby reducinglight transmittance. of polyethylenefilms installedabout October 1.
These rypes of rigid plastic material, more notably the
foreign-madepolyvinylchloride(PVC) materials,createda AVERAGE DURABILITY
bad reputation and impressionfor early rigid'plastic Weight Regular Ultra-Violet
materials.Newerformulationsand developments,however, of film Polyethylene Resistant
are providingmore reliableand durablecoverings.T
A transparentsheet material of acrylic composition 4 mil 9 mo. 1 2m o .
has proven extremely resistantto weatheringfor over 15 6 mil 1Gl1mo. 1 8m o .
years hJt, to date, has been too costly for generalgreen-
The testing and evaluation of new materialsfor The ease of i;rstallation,generalperformance,and
weatherabilityis an extensiveaciivity. Testsare continually -popularity of plas+iccoveringshavebeengreatlyimproved
being conducted by manufacturers, private and public by the double-l I
ayer,air-infated r2
agencies,and others interestedin the performanceof mate-
rials. Most long rangetests have been done under natural Rigid Plastics: -
outdoor weatherconditions.Various methods and tech-
niquesof conductingaccelerated weatheringtestshavebeen
More recently, similar weathering tests have been
attempted, but none have provided resultsequivalentto
initiated for the newerfiberglassand similar rigid plastic
naturalweatheraging.One industryrepresentative hasindi-
materials.Resultsof thesetests are limited at the present,
cated that a standardtechniquewill soon be published
but reportsarecontinuallybeingpublished.
which accomplishesa very dcturate and reliable artificial
One study reports on the spectralintensity and dis-
weatheringin 3,000 hoursthat is equivalentto 3 yearsof
tribution through new acrylatedfiberglassand through
outdoor weathering.S -'.
weathered (66 months) polyester fiberglass.3The report
indicatesa decreasein transmissionthrough uncleaned,
PlasticFilrr: weatheredpolyester fiberglass.A manufacturer'stechnical
bulletin statesthat when proper rnaintenancehas not been
The weatheringof plasticsis dependenton many at- practiced,surfaceerosionresultsin the appearance of fibers
mosphericfacton.e Ultra-violetradiation promotes photo- on the panel surface,called "blooming."l These exposed
chemicalprocesses in clearplasticsand playsa major role in fibers entrap dirt particles which contribute to further
degradation.The radiation spectrum between 300 to 350 deteriorationand reducelight transmission.
Nm is the rnost active on most polymers. This band of Weatheredfiberglasscan sometimesbe restored to
ultra-violet(UV) sunlightactuallycomprisesonly 5% of the "nearlynew" condition by cleaning and refinishingas
total sunlightavailableat the earth'ssurfacebut is extreme- shown by Figure 3. Goldsberryreportedthat rnost of the
yellow color produced in the dirty fiberglassdisappeared
ly detrimentalto most plastics.This is the same band of
ultra-violetthat causessuntansand skin burns on humans. when the materialwaswashedand refinished.
Presentlyrecommended proceduresfor cleaningand
For many types of polymers,heat is a dominant factor.
Other less significantfactors are oxygen, humidity, and refinishingfiberglassare provided in some commercial
w€tness. literature.lo'l Ho*"ver, a refinishing
materialhasnot been
The outdoor agingof plasticsis largely a photo-oxida- found that will bondto FRPpanelsfor morethan 18 to 24
tion process, leadingultimatelyto discolorationand a loss months.6The refinisherflakes off the panels,owing to
in mechanicalstrength.l6 The rate and severityof these crackingphenomena. The effectof weatheringand cracking
changes dependmostlyon the material'sthicknessand type on the bond is beingstudiedfurther.
of polynnr. Discoloration indicates the formation of A 15%acrylicadditiveto the basicpolyesterresinhas
polyene chromophores.For the most part, weathering given increasedresistanceto weatheringand most all the
resistanceof a plasticdependson the extent to which ultra- better gradecommercialpanelsnow havethis feature.?
violet (UV) radiationis absorbedand harmlesslydissipated. The most promising recent improvemont for fiber-
Minute quantitiesof moleculardefectsor impuritieswhich glasspanelshas been the "Tedlar" coating.T'l7 For more
absorb UV radiation greatly reduce the photostability of than 20 years "f edlar", which is a film nuterial of poly-
polyolefinsand other plastics. v i n y l fluoride composition,has proven to be extremely
r9o r/\ GLA6SUilCLEATf€O
ts er
o ,lm
lrl E
F o60
J 350 t' \'i
(,|/x) | ...:
.t- V
o. !r
6 9zo
oooo oooo.
oooo oooo
{'roOF oqlo=

w A v E L E N C T H ,mu

Figure 3.-Spectral distribution and intensity of vv€athered polyester

Fiberglass {66 rnonthsl when cleaned and refinished.

--4- T € D L A R( A R I z . I
() -A __ \,. \-
z 70 _l{*
- T € O L A R( F L A . )
F L--a--- b -
b 60 \A
= I - r o T E o L A(RA R r z . l
z 50
a-, rEoLAR( FLA.)
E 4.|


Figure 4.-Transmittance of outdoor exposedacrylic modified gen-

eral purposefiberglasspanelsin Florida and Arizona test.
tough, durable and chemicallyinert. The cost of the film FLAMMABILITY
alone was too great for generalgreenhouse use. However,
after years of researcheffort, the now being Severalof the rigid fiberglassplasticshave high flanr
molecularly bonded to fiberglasspanels at the time of mability characteristics.Both accidentalfires and planned
manufactureto provide a surfaceof improvedweathering demonstrationshave shown the rapidity with which frese
resistance. lt is reportedrTthat acrylicmodified industrial rigid plastic materialsburn.S Consequently,fire insurance
fiberglasspanels with this "Tedlar" laminate retain gS% coveragefor these housesis more costly or difficult to
of their original transmissionafter 5 years continuous obtain. Efforts havebeenmadeby manufacturersto adda
Florida exposurewhereasthe panelswithout "Tedlar" flame-retardantingredientto their formulations,but such
retainonly 55%of their originallight transmission. (Origi- additivessacrificeresistanceto weatherability.One such
nal light transmittancewas 75-80%1.Fignrre4 illustrates materialhavingf Iame-retardant characteristics
was recently
the transmittanceof "Tedlar" and non/Tedlar" coated introduced, but the normal life expectancyis less than
acrylic-moditiedpanels with over 5 years' continuous other materialswithin the sameline of products,
exposurein Floridaand Arizonatest locations.
Warrantiesor guaranteeson fiberglassproductshave INSURANCE
been rather nebulous and not of much benefit to the
customer.2Better productsand more durability,though, Insurance(ratesand coverage)is a factor worthy of
are helpingestablisha greaterlife expectancyand perform- consideration.The country'slargestinsurerof greenhouses
ancereputationon which manufacturers can basereliable provided the following infornntion on greenhouseinsur-
claims. ancefor Kentucky.r3 ,Anaverage glass+overe{ greerihouse.
covering10,000squarefeet of groundareaand havingthe
Acrylic: minimumvaluationof $24,000for structureand internal
equipment,would havea net annualpremiumof approxi-
Oneof the most durableflat sheetplasticmaterialsis mately $188. Hazardscovered include fire, lightning,
of acryliccomposition."Plexiglass"is an exampleof the smoke,windstorm,hail, riot, civil commotion, vehicleand
castacrylicsheetmaterial.Acrylicis transparent, rigid,half aircraft damage,and explosion(exclusive of steamboiler
as heavyas glass,approximately10 times more resistantto explosion).
impactthan double-strength glass,very resistantto weather- When insuring fiberglass-covered greenhouses, this
ing, and non-flammable. Li$rt transmission is g0 to 95 per- underwriter separatesthe cost of the structure from the
cent of availablesolarradiation.Testshaveshown only 1 or cost of the fiberglass.
For the 10,m0 sqrrFre foot house,the
2 percent decreasein transmissionover a fifteen year cioverage could generallybe $15,000 on the structureand
exposure. $4,800 on a 5-ounce-fiberglass covering, giving a total
The cost of Plexiglass has generallybeen prohibitive protectionof $20,800with a premiumof $2rl8 per year.
for regulargreenhouse use.Specialarchitecturalstructures Presentlythe undenryriterhas ho provisionfor insur-
can more readilyjustify the higherinitial cost of $1.00 or ing any type of non-rigid plastic material. This would
moreper squarefoot. includepolyethylene and the otherplasticfilns. Structures
and equipment,however,can be insured.For all types of
Glas: facilities,eachrisk must be inspectedand judgedon its own
meritsso that properratesand valuationscan be applied.
The weatherability of glasshas been well proven,
through both tests and the experienceof many producers SHADINGCOMPOUNDS
in pastyears.ln one studya it was found that cleaned43-
year-oldglasshad essentially the sametransmittanceasthat In winter, all availablelight is neededfor maximum
of new glass.The old paneswerewashedthoroughlywith a plant growth, but in summersolar radiation is often too
cietergentand muriatic acid before testing. No significant abundant.This causeshousesto getvery hot and overloads
differencewas detectedamongthe 4 types of new and aged ventilation and cooling systerrn.In addition, some plants
glass.Sinceglassremainsessentially unchanged,any light are sensitiveto high solarenergryand exhibit foliag burn,
reductionin glasshousesis likely due to dirty panes,surface scorching,non-flowering,etc.
etching, algae growth, or dull and deterioratedsashbars Of the various ways attempted to block and/or
that do not reflect light very effectively. reducesolar intensity,.shading compoundsrennin the most
With age,someglassbecomesmore brittle. The caulk- common method.rl lf this method is tried, a reliable
ing and sealingof the glasspanes is one of the main productshouldbe used.ldeally,shadingcompounds should
problemswith glassmaintenance. Glassbreakageby hail or be applied in early summer and then removed before
vandalismis alsoa problemfor someproducers. winter. Such is not alwaysthe case.Scrubbingto remove
residual material before winter can be tedious and costly. a coveringis not alwaysso well known and easilyspecified.
Any materialwhich resistssummerrainsalso resistsmanual Data on maintenanceand repairthroughout a material'slife
washing.Chemicalremoversare sometimesused, but care are scaroeand erratic. In most cases,onegets about what he
must be taken in selectingsuch productsto be surethesedo pays for.
not damagethe greenhousecovering or contaminate the Table 2 comparest'te annual costs for severalcover-
surroundingsoil drainage. ing materials,usingcurrent information. Regardlesof the
Glass is most suitable for use with shading conr type of plastic rnaterial, greenhousecovering will cost
pounds. Fiberglassis marginal. A weathered and frayed approximately2 to 3 cents per sQuarefoot per year. Poly-
fiberglas covering may "soak in" a shading compound, ethylenehas the lowest initial cost but lastsonly a year.
reducingthe future usefulnessof the covering. Variousgradesof vinyl or fiberglassma.rbe expectedto last
Exterior shadingwith semi-transparent materialssucft longer,but they all end up costingabout the sarneper year.
as cheesecloth might be used for smallerhouses.Interior Thus, the decisionis betweenlow initial investmentmate-
shading with cheeseclothor black cloth may protect the rials, with recurring labor and material costs, or more
crop but does not lessenthe heat load on the ventilation expensiveinitial costs, with year-round enclosure.With
and/or coolingsystem. more permanentmaterialsthere is an annual maintenance
cost which should be considered.With glasscoveringsthis
involves: painting the supporting material, replacing
ECONOMTCS cracked or broken glass,reglazingloose glass,and posible
cleaningto removeshadingcompoundsor accumulateddirt
The basiceconomicfactors to considerfor any partic- and partiorlate matter. Wth fiberglais coveringsthis in-
ular coveringare: volves:checkingand replacingnails or screwfastenersthat
1. The initial purchasecost. have pulled through frayed holes in the fiberglass,washing
2. The useful lift. and scrubbingto cleanthe surfaces,resurfacingmost types
3. Maintenanceand repairs. (except "Tedlar" coated) with a clear acrylic sealerat
Initial purchase costs are obvious and prices are approximately S-year intervals (provided the refinishing
generalfyreadily availablefrom suppliers.The usefullife ot sealersprovefeasiblel.

Table 2. Comparisonof GreenhouseCoveringCosts

lnltlal Itstallation Yean Maintenance CostPer

Cost Labor &rst Exp*ted Cost,Avg. Per YearPer
Material C/sq. FF d /Sq. FLa Life Year/Sq.Ft. SC.Ft

Poly (4,6 mil) lto1112C 1 1 1 2 t o 2C 1 21/2-31/2C

PolyUV (4, 6 mil) 2to21l2C 11l2to2C 2 2-21/2i
Vinyl(8, 12mil) 6to9C 1 1 1 2 t o 2d 4 ln db 2-3t
14oz.l 2Oto25 C 1 1l2to 2 4 8-10 1 112cc 3-3112C
{5, 6 oz.} 30to35C 1 112to.2d 12-15 1ln dc 2114-2112C
(5, 6 oz.) 40to55C 1 1 l 2 t o 2d 15-20 1n cb 2112-3C
Glass 50d 2to3C 30+ 1-1lncd 2to3C

sEstimated; actual costs depend on quantity price of rraterials, quality of product, local wagss,type of house, and skill of the
bWashingev€ry year or two to removedust, pollution, etc. Estirnatedone man towash and clean(maybescrublentiresurfaceof 3Otx
60'house in 8 hours@ $2.00 per hour.
tVashing every year 9r tv\ro as above,then smoothing with steel uool and applying resealingresinevery4 to 5 years.Labor estimatedas
abovefor washing(1/2dl doubledfor rhealing process(ldl with resinsealercost added (3dl and pro-ratedoner 4 to 5 year interwl
(1d + 3C = 4l i 4to 5 years-4/S to 1d per yearl.
dclass rnaintenancedependsmainly on cleaning,replacencnt of broken panes,and reglazingof loosepanes.Maintenancecostsestimated
as 1/2 rnanday (4 hrs.) per month for 10,0OOsq. ft. hotrse,$2.00 per hour, $50.0Oper year for materials.
SUMMARIZED 2. Cost is 6 to 1Ocentsper sq. ft. for 8 to i2 mil
SO R G R E E N H O U S E 3. Made in narrow widths {5 to 7 feet}. Must be
heat-seamedtogether by manufacturer for
The generalcharacteristicsand perforrnancedata of wider widths.
the more widely usedpresent-daymaterialsare summarized 4. Soft and pliablematerial.
asfollows: 5. The materialstend to be electrostatic, with the
result that dust and dirt are attractedto them.
1. Film Plastic This necessitatesregularcleaning.

A. Polyethylene(Regularand UV) C. Pclyvinylfluoride

1. Lowest cost covering: regular-0.7 to 1 cent 1. The "Tedlar" film hasprovento haveexcellent
per sq. ft.; UV-1 1/2to 2 centsper sq.ft. weatherability but is too costly to compete
2. Widely available,though some manufacturers with existingfilms as a is now
report re@ntly they havestopped production being used as a surfacecoatingwhich is molec-
of this product for greenhouseuse. (Thus, be ularly bondedto fiberglasspanelsto improve
cautiousof buying any product of unknown their weatherability.
quality for greenhouse use.) z Rigid Plastics
3. Relativelyshort life in sun: regular-9 to 11
months;UV-12 to 18 months A. Potyvinytchloide (?VCI .
4. Splitsmore easilyat the folds. Should useun- 1. Transoarentto solar radiation, but the un-
foldedor lay-flatrollsfor maximumlife. protectedpolymer darkensduring weathering
5. Transmits approximately 85 to 88% solar due to the influenceof UV rays. Most of the
energyavailable at the earth'ssurface. PVC materialshave not beensuitablefor more
6. Transmits all wavelengthsof action spectra than 2 to 4 yearsasa greenhouse coveringand,
requiredfor plantgrowth. therefore,are no longeradvisedfor greenhouse
7, Transmits the wavelengthsof thermal radia- use.
tion, allowingthe houseto cool more rapidly
at night. B. Acrylic
8. The strengthof new 4 mil and 6 mil film is one 1. Acrylic plastic has been availablefor many
to two times that of 1/8 indr standardglass. yearsbut has not beenwidely usedas a green-
9. Permits double-layercowring which resultsin house covering (with the exceptionof special
35 to 40% reductionin heat loss,reducedcon- climatic or conservatorytype facilities)due to
densation,and only 8 to 10% reduction in its high cost.
light due to the second(clean)layer. 2. Acrylic is much more resistantto impactthan
10. Providesa "tight" housewith little air leakage, glas.
which causessomewhathigherinsidehumidity 3. Transmits approximatelV90-92% of available
conditions. sunlight and is availablein UV-transmitting
11. Film is most usefulfor low cost temporaryor and UV-absorbingtypes.
seasonal coverings. 4. Has long life and weatheringresistancecom-
12. Polyethylenefilm reinforcedwith synthetic parableto that of glass.
fibers is also availableat a cost four to five 5. Softer than glass,it is easily scratchedand is
times that of regularfilm, but generallythis sensitiveto somesolvents.
materialis not usedfor greenhouses. 6. C,ostsappreciably more than glassand other
13. Double-layer coveringon top side of structure possiblecoveringmaterials.
with centrifugal fan developing pressure
7. Flexibleenoughto be usedascurvedpanelsin
between the t\,vo layers is a way to reduce glasshouses.
labor and installationcosts.Life equal to or
8. Strong enough to resist snow and ice loads
better than that of conventional installation
nearguttersof c-onnected houses.
9. Expands and contractsgreatly with tempera-
ture changesand shouldnot be directly nailed
B. Vinyts
or screwed down but held in a channel or
1. UV forms are more resistantto sunlight than under a cover strip with soft mastic sealerto
polyethyleneand lasttwo to five years. allow movement.
c. Fibergls Reinforced Rigid Plrtics (FRPI for resistanceto wind forces. (Use fasteners
1. Many brandsof the basicpolyesterresinrein- every 8 to 12 incheson endsand sides,or per
forced with fiberglassare availablein flat and manufacturers'specifications.)
corrugated forns. Corrugatedform adds
3. Glas
2. Made in "weights" from 4 to 8 ouncesper sq.
A. Rqular Glas
ft., widths up to 51 1/2 inches(48-inchcor",-
agel and lengthsprecut up to 30 or morefeet 1. Single strength and small panesare not used
(specialorder).Useminimumnumberof joints mucfi on newer designsand constructions.
and laps to reduce chancesof dust and dirt Replacementof panes in existing houses
accumulation i-etween panels and also air/ should be with double-strengthglassfor more
water leakage.Use proper clear sealeron laps resistanceto breakage.
for tightness.
3. Cost rangesfrom 20 to 30 centsper sq.ft for B. Tempered Glxs
4 to 5 oz. panels,30 to 35 cents for 6 oz.
1. Two or three times strongerthan regularglas.
panelsand 45 to 55 cents for fsclla. uoatd
2- Frosted or "Hammered" types availablefor
panels.Culls (Grade B) and assortedlengths
better light diffusion, reducedshadows,and
are sometimesaslow as 15 centsper sq. ft. but
non{ee-through properties.
be cautiousof the quality of theseproducts.
3. Largerpanesizesfor redudbdstructuralmern-
4. Two to four times more resistantto impact
bers,hencefewer shadows.
and lateral loading than glass.Crazing(not
4. Reguiresspecialstructuralmembersand glaz-
shattering)usually resultsfrom impact, but
ing methodsto givewater-tight,air-tightcon-
this crazinghas no harmful effect unlessthe
panelsurfaceis crackedor broken,
5. The polyesterof the panelsburns freely and REFERENCES
rapidly;entirehouseshaveburnedin approxi-
mately l0 minutes.Flanreretardantsand god lFilon Corp., Tshnicat Buttetin No. 724 (Revised).
weatherability have not been successfully Technical ServicesDepartment, 12333 South Van Ness
combined.Insuranceon fiberglassis not easily Avenue, Hawthorne, Califomia, 90250, November,1968.
2cray, Harold E., "lmpact of FRP Panelsin the Green-
6. Clear or "frosted" panels of greenhouse-
quality materialtransmitapproximately78 to house Industry," Proceedingl, Tenth National Agriculwnl
90% of availablelight when new. Non-green- PlasticsConferetne,November24, 1971.
houseformulations,especially coloredpanels, 3coldrberry, KennethL., "Light Transmission of Refin-
shouldbe avoided. ished Fibergfass," Bulletin 202, Colorado Flower Growers
7. Paneli-with15% acrylic additivehaveproven Association,Inc., 2785 N. SpearBlvd.,Suite 230, Denver,
more durable than straightpolyesterformula- Colorado,80211, February, 1967.
4coldtberry, Kenneth L., "spectral Transmissionof
8. Acrylic modified polyesterpanelsneedclean-
ing at leastannually,and, generally,re-surfac- GreenhouseGlass,"Bulletin 208,C.oloradoFlower Growers
ing with an acrylic liquid sealerevery 4 to 5 Association,lnc.,2785 N. SpearBlvd.,Suite230, Denver,
years to restore weatheredsurfacesto near- Colorado,8021 1, August,1967.
n e w t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d s u r f a c ec o n d i t i o n Scoldtb.r.y, KennethL., "FlammabilityControl of FRP
(except Tedlar Coated).The durability of the
GreenhouseCoverings," Progrx Report 1., Bulletin 242,
sealercoat is questionableand is undergoing ColoradoFlower GrowersAssociation,lnc., 2785 N. Spear
morestudy. Blvd.,Suite230, Denver,Colorado,802.|1, July 1970.
S. Some manufacturer'sguaranteesare rather
6coldsberry, Kenneth L., "Evaluating Performanceof
nebulous.Until accurateevaluationprocedures
and quality standardsare established, judgea FRP Panefsfor Greenhouse Coverings,"Prrceedings,Tenth
product more on its performanceand compa- National Agricultural Plrtics Conference,November 24,
ny reputationthan by "guarantee." 1971.
10. Proper attachment to the structure and, Harold, "Glass-FiberReinforcedPanelsin
sealing/fastening of lapped joints are essential Greenhouse Construction-PresentDevelopmentsand
Future Prospects," Proeedings, 2*d Annuat Tshnica! l3schroeder. CharlesW.,Private Correspondence-
Conference,1968, Sect. 4-A, pp. 1-7. ReinforcedPlasticV 1971. Florists' Mutual InsuranceCo., Edwardsville,lllinois, :
CompositesDivision, The Societyof the PlasticsIndustry, 62025.
lnc. Published
in ReinforcedPlastics,
SHartman, Harold, private Communication, Technical 14walker,J. N. and Slack,D. C. "Propertiesof Greenhouse

ServicesMgr., Filon Division,Vistron Corp., 12333 S. Van CoveringMaterials."Transxtionsof ASAE. Vol. 13, No.5,
NessAvenue,Hawthorne,California,90250. pp' 682-684,1970'
Robertc.; and Searie,Normanz.,"Energy charac- 1Swrlk"r, J. N. andwalton, L. R.,,,Effectof condensation
teristics of outdoor and Indoor Exposure Sourcesand
on GreenhouseHeat Requirement." Transcrionsof ASAE.
Their Relationto the Weatherability t"r_l:",^,",
of Plastics,"
Vol. t4, No.2, pp. 2g2-2g4,1971.
Apptied Polymer &ience, Applied Polymer,SymposiaNo.
4,1%7' Johnwiley and Sons'New York' l6winslow, F. H.; and Hawkins,w. L., ,,Someweathering
lolckes-iraun Catalog 1971-72,page9. lckes-BraunGlass- Characteristicsof Plastics."Joumal of Applied Polymer
houses,lnc.Boxl4T,Deerfield,lllinois,6@15. *ience, Applied Polymer SymposiaNo.4, 1967. John
l1Lurrun, John E., TexasGreenhousevegeable Growerc wiley and sons' New York'

conferenceNewsletter'Number17' December'1967' l7wilson, D. D., ,,GreenhouseGoveringsof Fiberglasssur-

12Rob".tt, W. J.; and Mears,D. R.,
"Double CoveringA faced with "Tedlar" PVF" Film." Proc€edings, Tendt
Film GreenhouseUsing Air to Separate Film Layers," National Agricultural PlasticsConference, pp. 160-167,
ASAE, Yol. 12, No. 1, pp. 32-33, 38, 1969.
Transactions, November24, 1971.

Educational programs conducted by fie Kentucky Cooperative Extension Seruice ate available to all perconsregardles of
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