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Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

Laboratory 1

Q1: Insert in the lab sheet the results of the ifconfig command on both c1 and c2

Q2: Insert in the lab sheet the results of the ping command on both c1 and c2.

Q3: Insert into

lab sheet a
capture of the
ping command.
Analyse the
packets that are
between the two
machines. What
protocol is
used? Which are
the packets sent
in each
A: Same picture
as the previous
question. The
protocol used is
ICMP. C1 sends
the echo request
to C2, and C2
sends the echo
reply to C1.

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

Q4: Open the file capture.pcap with Wireshark packet analyser. Analyse the content
of the captured packets. Insert in the lab sheet a capture with the capture.pcap
opened in Wireshark.

Q5: Insert pictures with the directory tree of the lab and the content of the .startup files

Q6: Insert a capture with the content of the lab.conf files

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

Q7: Insert picture with the packets captured with tcpdump command on r1.
• Specify which protocols the captured packets belong to.
• Which are the messages exchanged in case of a successful ping command?

A: The
protocols used are
The messages changed
are echo request (from
C1 to C2) and echo
reply (from C2 to C1 );
and ARP request (from
C1 broadcast on the
CD) and ARP reply
(unicast from C2 to C1)

Q8: Try to ping from c1 the c2 machine. Does it work? Why?

A: Yes, it works, because the entry is added int the ARP table (devices are on the
same CD)
Q9: Try to ping from c1 the c3 machine. Does it work? Why?
A: It does not work because the entry is not added in the ARP table (devices are in
different CDs).
Q10: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth0 of r1 using
• Insert on lab sheet a screenshot of the tcpdump capture.
• Do the icmp packets arrive from c1 to r1 on interface eth0?
• What icmp packets captures r1 on interface eth0?

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

A: There are no packets captured or transmitted on the th0 interface of R1 because

this interface is not configured as a default gateway, so the ping command cannot be applied.

Q11: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth1 of r1 using
• Insert on lab sheet a screenshot of the tcpdump capture.
• Do the icmp packets arrive from c1 to r1 on interface eth1? Why?

A: The same principle applies as the previous question.

Q12: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth1 of r1 using
• Insert on lab sheet a screenshot of the tcpdump capture.
• Do the icmp packets arrive from c1 to r1? Why?
• What type of icmp packets travels through eth0?

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

A: After configuring the default gateway on the eth0 interface of R1, the ICMP
packets (Echo request) arrive on the eth1 interface of the router, but there is no reply. This
happens because the default gateway on C3 is not configured yet. However, we can say that
on the collision domain A, the request is working properly.

Q13: Insert on lab sheet a screenshot of the routing table on c1 (command route -n).

Q14: Is it ping working on c1? Explain why?

A: The ping command is working only partially. This means that the echo request is
sent from C1, but there is no echo reply from C3.

Q15: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth0 of c3 using
• Insert in the lab sheet a screenshot of the tcpdump capture.
• Do the icmp packets from c1 arrive at c3?
• What type of icmp packets arrive at c3?
• Why c3 does not respond to c1?

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

A: - The ICMP packets arrive from C1 to C3

- The packets that arrive at C3 are ICMP echo request packets
- C3 doesn’t reply because the default gateway on the eth1 interface is not
configured yet.

Q16: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth0 of c3 using
• What type of icmp packets are captured at c3 now?
• What type of packets does c3 use to respond to c1?

A: - At C3 the packets captured are ICMP echo request and echo reply.
-C3 uses ICMP echo reply packets to respond.

Chira Carmen Alexandra 442G

Q17: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth0 of c3 using
• What type of icmp packets are captured at c3 now?
• What type of packets does c3 use to respond to c1?
A: Same answers as the previous question

Q18: With ping from c1 the c3 started capture the packets on interface eth0 of r1 using
• What icmp packets captures r1?

A: R1 captures ICMP echo request and echo reply packets.

Q19: Does ping work on c1?

A: Yes, the ping works on C1.

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