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MTH1W Name: _____________________

Integers Date: ______________________

Topics Homework
- Using integers to describe location, direction, amount, Worksheet
and changes.
- Identify and compare integers found in real life

Integers – is a set of whole numbers including zero and their opposites. (… -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3…)

This includes:
 Negative whole numbers
 Positive whole numbers
 Zero

10 6 99
These numbers are integers: 0, 5, −¿100, 1 432, ,− ,
2 2 9

10 5
These numbers are not integers: 7.2, ,− , −3.7
4 8

Write Integers for Real Life Situations

1. A football team lost 5 yards on this play. ___________________________

2. A football team lost 5 yards on this play. ___________________________
3. I deposited $400 in my bank account. ___________________________
4. I withdrew $298 from my bank account. ___________________________
5. It is 17° C below zero outside today. ___________________________
6. It is 22° C outside today. ___________________________

Graph an Integer on a Number Line

Graph −4on a number line. Then graph on a number line. Which one is greater?

Compare Integers Symbo Words
1. Use ¿, ¿ or = to make true statements. ¿ Greater than
¿ Less than
a) 3◯−5 b) −5 ◯0 15
c) 6 ◯

12 e) −6 ◯−4 f) −10 ◯10

d) −4 ◯−

Order of Integers

1. Write the following integers in descending order.

28 18
−5 , , 4 ,−8 , 13 ,−
4 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. The average surface temperatures of Jupiter, Mars, Earth and the Moon are shown in the table. Order
the temperatures from least to greatest (in ascending order).
Average Surface
Temperature (° C ¿
Jupiter −108
Moon −24
Mars −63
Earth 15

Integer Rules

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Adding or subtracting integers with like signs, add and keep the sign.

4+2= (−6 ¿+(−8) = −9−4=¿

Adding or subtracting integers with unlike signs, subtract and keep the sign of the higher integer.

−6+3 = 8+(−4 ) =

** When subtracting a negative, it turns into a positive and then follows one of the two rules above.
8−(−4) =

Practice 1: Solve

a) (−4)+(−3) = b) (−12)+(−7) = c) (−5)+(+ 3) = d) 3+(−7) + 4 =

e) −7−4 = f) 4 −(−13) = g) 8−9+1 = h) −7+ 4−2−1=¿

i) −3+10 = j) 14 + (−¿ 5) −¿ 2) = k) −¿3 −(−6) = l) 9 + 6 −(−3 ) −( +2 )=¿

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

If the signs of the integers are the same, the product/quotient is positive.

4 ×3 = −8 ÷(−4) =

If the signs of the integers are the different, the product/quotient is negative.

7 ×(−6) = 6 ÷(−3) =

Practice 2: Solve

a) (2)(−6) = b) (−4)(−7) =
c) ( −205 ) = d) ( −40
−4 )

e) ( 2 ) (−4 )( 3 ) = f) (−3 ) ( 8 ) =¿ g) (−48 ) ÷ 2=¿ h) 56 ÷ (−7 )=¿

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