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| cb THBNG Tv nT chro BHU sy Gat. C.. ty 23 242004 BOYTE CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Déc lip - Ty do - Hanh phic s6:2$ /2021/TT-BYT Ha Noi, ngay{0 thang 4&/ nam 2021 THONG TU Ban hanh danh muc thye phdm, phy gia the phdm va dung cy, vat ligu bao géi, chia dyng thye phdm da duge x4c dinh ma so hing héa theo danh myc hang t khdu, nhap khau Vigt Nam phye vu cho kiém tra nha nuée vé an toan -6i thie phim nhap khau thue phim dé (Pier tii eit Lut an toan thye phim ngay 17 thang 6 nm 20105 Cain cit Nghi dinh sé 08/2015/ND-CP ngay 21 thang 01 ndim 2015 ciia Chink phit quy dinh chi tiét va bién phdp thi hank Ludt Hai quan vé thit tue hai quan, kiém tra, gidm sdt, kiém sodt hai quan; Cén exe Nghi dinh s6 75/2017/ND-CP ngay 20 thang 6 ndim 2017 cita Chinh hit quy dinh chiee nding, nhiém vu, quyén han vat co edu 16 chite cia BS Yté; Can cit Nghi dinh sé 15/2018/ND-CP ngay 02 thdng 02 nam 2018 cita Chinh phi: quy dinh chi tiét thi hanh m6t sé diéu cia Ludt an toan thie pham; Theo dé nghi cita Cue truéng Cue An toan the pham; BG trading BG Y té ban hinh Théng tie ban hank danh mye the phém, phu gia thec phdm va dung cu, vat ligu bao g6t, chita dung thc phém da duge xée dink ma sé hing héa theo danh mue hang héa xudt khdu, nhdp khdu Vit Nam phuc vu cho kiém tra nha meéc vé an todn thie phdm d6i véi thc phim nhép khdu. pidu 1. Ban hanh danh myc Ban hinh kém theo Théng tr niy danh mye thye phém, phy gia thuc phim va dung cy, vat ligu bao géi, chia dung thye phim phye vy cho kiém tra nha nuée vé an toan thye phdm déi véi thyc pham nhap khéu (sau day goi tt 1a Danh myc) duge xée dinh ma sé hing héa theo Danh muc hang héa xuat khdu, nhip khdu Viét Nam ban hanh kém theo Théng tu s6 65/2017/TT-BTC ngay 27 thang 6 nim 2017 cia BO Tai chinh. Diéu 2. Nguyén tac 4p dung danh muc 1. Vige str dung Danh myc nay bao dim céc nguyén tie nhu sau: a) Céc trudng hgp chi ligt ké ma 4 s6 thi toan bé céc ma 8 sé thuée nhém 4 sé nay déu dugc 4p dung; b) Cée truimg hop ligt ké chi tiét dén ma s6 8 thi chi nhiing ma 8 s6 a6 méi duge dp dung; ¢) Céc san phdm, hing héa duge quy dinh trong Danh mye va thuge cdc trudmg hgp quy dinh tai diém a khoan nay thi khi nh@p khdu doanh nghiép phai cung cp cho ca quan hai quan cdc théng tin day dui vé hang héa nhap khdu (thinh: phiin, cdu tg0, céng dung, tai ligu ky thudt (néu ¢6)); cam két chju trich nbigm vé noi dung da khai béo va sé dung hing héa nhap khau ding myc dich. 2. Déi véi hang héa cé tén trong Danh muc nhung thuge mét trong cée trudng hop duge quy dinh tai Diu 13 Nghi dinh sO 15/2018/ND-CP ngay 02 thang 2 nfm 2018 ciia Chinh phi quy dinh chi tiét thi hanh mgt s6 digu cia Ludt an toan thye phim ho%c khéng nhim muc dich sit dung lam thye phim, phy gia thy phdm, chat hé try ché bién thyre phdim va dung cy, vat ligu bao géi, chita dung thre phdm thi khéng thuéc dign phai kiém tra nha mrée v8 an toan thye phim déi vi thyre phim nhfp khau. 3. Trudng hop hang héa chua duge 4p ma s6.HS hoie xay ra tranh chap lién quan dén ma sé HS trong Danh myc ban hinh kém theo Théng tu nay, Cuc An toan thye pham (B6 ¥ 18) phéi hgp vi Téng cuc Hai quan (BO Tai chinh) xem xét 8 théng nhat trén co sé nguyén the quy dinh tai Khodn 4 Diéu 19 Nghi dink sf 08/2013/ND-CP ngay 21 thang 01 nam 2015 cia Chinh phi quy din chi tiét va bién phdp thi hanh Lugt Hai quan vé thi tue hai quan, kiém tra, gidm sat, kiém soat hai quan dé tao diéu kign cho hang héa duge théng quan thugn lgi, ddng thoi 42 xudt sita d6i, bd sung Danh muc. Ditu 3. Didu khoan tham chiéu Trong trréng hyp cac van bin quy pha phép luat va céc quy dinh duge vign din trong Thong tu nay 6 sy thay déi, bé sung hofe duge thay thé thi 4p dung theo vin bin quy pham phédp luat méi. Didu 4. Diéu khodn thi hanh 1. Théng tu nay oé higu lye thi hinh tirngayQ2 thang 04/nim 2022. 2. Thong tr sé 05/2018/TT-BYT ngay 05 thang 4 nim 2018 cia BO truéng BO ¥ «6 ban hanh Danh myc thyc pham, phy gia thyc pham, chat hé tro ché bién thyc phdm va dung cy, vat ligu bao géi, chira dung thyc phdm duge xae dinh ma sé hang héa theo Danh mye hang héa xudt khdu, nhap khau Vigt Nam hét higu luc. thi hanh ké tir ngay Théng tu nay 6 higu luc. 3, Cuc An toan thyc phim, Chénh Van phong BG, Chanh Thanh tra BS, Vu truéng, Cuc truéng, Téng Cuc truéng cae Vu, Cyc, Tang oye thuge BG ¥ té va cée co quan, t8 chitc, cd nhin ¢é ién quan chiu tréch nhigm thi hanh Théng tu nay. Trong qué trinh thyc hign, néu 6 khé khén, vuéng mic, co quan, t6 chitc, cAnhan phan anh vé Cyc An toan thytc phim (BO Y ¢é) 48 xem xét, gidi quyét/. Noi nhin: = Uy: ban X& h§i cha Quéc hdi; - Van phong Chinh phi (Céng bao; Céng ‘thong tin dign tir CP); ~ BG, co quan ngang b§, co quan thuge Chinh phi; ~ Kiém toén nha nude; = B9 Tu phap (Cyc Kiém tra VBQPPL); ~ BS tring (dé bic); = Cac This trrimg BG ¥ 6; - UBND tinh, thanh phé truc the TW; ~ 86 Y té tinh, thanh phé truc thuge TW; - Don vj trye thuge BO; + Cée Vu, Cuc, Tong cye, Van phong BO, Thanh tra BO; - Céng thong tin dign tir BO ¥ 16; - Luu: VT, ATTP (05 ban). phe DANH MUC phm, phy gia thye phim va dung cu, vat ligu bao géi, chira yg thye di duge xac dinh ma sé hang héa theo danh muc hang héa xudt khdu, nhap khau Viét Nam phye vy cho Jdém tra nha nude vé an toan thye phdm ddi véi thye phdm nhap khiu (ban hank kim theo Thing tu sb L8/2021/TT-BYT ngayCO thingfCndm 2021) 3, Th ‘Tén sin phan Mi hing STT | Nhém hing héa Ten Tiéng Anh héa GHI CHU Thye . 1 | phim Theo 6 quy - phan Logi tng quat ban hanh mvs kém Thine Thue phim tu aoe Supplemented Food |< 991 pr- BTC ngay 2716/2017 cia BO truéng Bo Tai chink Phy gia 2 (there phim . 24 Carbon thyc vit _| Vegetable carbon _| 3203.00.10] Pham mau ‘ Anthocyanins (Red dra vod 22 Miu bip cai 40 | "Capa colous) | 3203.00.10} Phém mau 23 Acid succinic | Suecinie acid —|2917.19.00) Chét dita cin & . Potassium hydrogen Chit digu chinh 6 24 Kali hydro sulfat valfate 2833.29.90 eid 25 DL-Alanin DL- Alanine | 2922.49.00] _ Chit diéu vi 2.6 Glycin Glycine 2922.49.00 | __ Chat diéu vi 27 Glycyrthizin Glyoyrthizin }2942.00.00 [CBE oo chit tao Acesulfame . 28 Acesulfam kali Porcesium [2234.99.90] Chit tg0 ngot Acetic And Fatty | Acetic And Fatty Chat nba héa, chit 29 Acid Esters Of | ~ Acid Esters Of | 3824.99.99) tao phite kim logi, Glycerol Glycerol chit 6n dinh . Chat xit ly bat, chdt Acetylated Acetylated Distarch me eg 2.10 Distarch Adipat ‘Adipat 3505.10.90 ni héa, chat dn inh, chit lam diy Tén sin phatn/ Ten Tiéng Anh ‘Ma hang: STT | Nbom | “hang héa héa Gen cHU Chat xirly bot, chat 241 pis sonata’ | Acetate’ Distarch | 3505.10.90] nha hoa, cht bn starch Phosphal josphat dink, chdt lim diy Acetylated | Acetylated oxydized Chat nh héa, chat &r 212 oxydized starch starch 2942.00.00 |" inh, chat lam dy 2.33 Acid acetic bang | Acetic acid, Glacial |2915.21.00 chit Sein 24 Acid adipic Adipic acid | 2917.12.90 Shit eu chinh a0 ‘Chat lam diy, chit dn, chat mang, chat inhi héa, chat tao bot, 218 Acid alginic Alginic acid | 3913.10.00 cht tgo gel, chét lam] bong, chat gitt £m, chit én dinb, chdt Jam day |Chét chéng oxy héa, 2.16 Acid ascorbic (L-)| Ascorbic Acid (L-) | 2936.27.00] chat diéu chinh 46 acid, chat xirly bot Acid benzoic va | Benzoic Acid and cic mudi benzoste:| benzoates: Calcium 217 Calei benzoate, | Benzoate, Potassium | 2916.31.00] Chit bao quan Kali benzoate, | Benzoate, Sodium Natri benzoat Benzoate chat dita chia 4 id cite sic Ack acid, chit chéng oxy! 218 Acid citric Citic Bei |2918.14.00 ee hat ao phe kim loai 2.19 Acid eyclamie ‘| Cyclamic acid __|2921.30.00| _Chét tao ngot Acid erythorbic | Erythorbie Acid 2.20 (acid isoascorbic) | Gsoascorbic Acid) | 29362700 | Chit chéng oxy hoa 2.21 Acid formic Formic acid __|2915.11.00{ _ Chét bao quan. 222 Acidfumaric | Fumaric Acid | 2917.19.00] “Mt du chin a ‘Acid gluconic va | Gluconic acid and cée mudi | gluconates: Calcium gluconate: Caici_|Gluconate, Potassium| gluconate, Kali Gluconate, Chat digu chinh 66 223 lsuconate, Magnesi]| Magnesium | 2918-16.00 seid gluconate, Natri | gluconate, Sodium gluconate, Sit (HI) } Gluconate, Ferrous pluconat gluconate 2.24 Acid glutamic (Glutamic Acid (#+| 9999 4 309| Chit didu vj ey) ) Tén san phim/ ane Ma hang STT | Nhém bang héa ‘én Tiéng Anh héa GHICHO 225 Acid guanylic_| Guanylie Acid, s'- |2934.99.10| Chit digu vi 226 ‘Acid hydrocloric | Hydrochloric acid | 2806.10.00) Ch#* dieu chink de 2.27 ‘Acid inosinie | _Inosinic Acid,S*- | 2934.99.90] _Chat digu vi sd lect Lactic acid, L-, D- Acid lactic (L-, D- 7 . and DL- and lactates:| eee, amcon ses : Amon!! Magnesium lactate, Chit digu chinh 46 lactat, Magnesi_ | MEIC 2918.11.00 Jactat, DL-, Calei |, Pi Calcium acid » DE, Cale! | Lactate, Potassium Lactat, Kali lactat,| “Toate, Fe Sat (ID lactat nate ‘Acidmalic | Malic Acid DL-) {2918.19.00 Ch#t ie chinh 45 Chat. dite chinh d5 5 chat nh héa, Acid Orthophosphoric brieerngne? 230 ‘i 2809.20.39 | chat gitt dm, chat tao) corthophosphoric Acid cht kim lea, chat Jén dinh, chit lm day 231 Acid propionic | Propionic Acid | 2915.50.00| Chat bio quin ‘Acid sorbic va cde Sorbie Acid and muti sorbat: Calci| 2otbates: Calcium ‘i 232 Sovbat, Kali sorbat,) S0">ate; Potassium |2916.19.00} Chit bio quin Nutri corbat | S0#bate, Sodium Sorbate Chat abu chinh 46 Acid tartaric (L se Ack acid, chat chéng oxi 233 oo Tartaric Acid (L (+}3] 2918.12.00 pre cn aida v4 end to phite kim loai 234 thio cipropionie Thiodipropionic acid | 2915.90.90 | Chat chéng oxy héa * ‘Tén san phim/ og Ma hang STT | Nhom hing héa Tén Tiéng Anb hia GHICHU Alpha amylase tir: |Alpha amylases from; = Aspergillus | - Aspergillus orysee orysee var. var. ~ Bacillus ~ Bacillus 2.35 licheniformis licheniformis Bacillus | Bacillus megateriun| megaterium | expressed in Bacillus Enzym, chit xy expressed in subs Lag tae Bacillus subtilis - Bacillus 90 -Bacillus | stearothermophilus Istearothermophilus| . Bacillus Bacillus - Bacillus Bacillus| stearothermophilus |stearorhermophilus| expressed in Bacillus expressed in subtilis Bacillus subtilis | Bacillus subtilis - Bacillus subtilis Tocopherol: - Alpha- Tocopherol: Tocopherol | 4 alpha-Tocopherol 2.36 Tae, |- dl-alpha-Tocopherolj 2936.28.00 | Chat chéng oxy héa + Tocopherol = Tocopherol] concentat (ang, | OOPCeRtTat, mixed hon hop) 237 Amoni adipet | Ammonium edipate | 2917.12.90) ht dieu chin do Chat Lam dy, chit 46n, chét mang, chit Inhii héa, chat tao bot 238 Amoni alginat | Ammonium alginate | 3913.10.00 ait to Arner eel chat tgo phitc kim Jogi, chét dn dinh, chit Jam diy . Ammonium. Chat tao xép, chat 239 Amoni carbonat, carbonate _ {7836.99.10 Gia oninn a6 ould 2.40 Amoni clorid_| Ammonium Chloride| 2827.10.00 | _ Chat xity bot i i Chat én dinh, cht 241 Amon yGro Ammonium bydroBe| 2636.99.90) digu chiah & acid, —> chat tao x6p F Chit tgo phite kim Amoni Ammonium : . 35.39. . 3 polyphosphat | polyphosphates | *835.9-90 ii chien ra ba, ‘Tén sin phim/ ‘an Ti Ma hang | STT| Nhém hang héa ‘én Tiéng Anh nda - GH CHU xép, chat tao kim logi, chat dn in, chat lam day 243 Amonium acetat | Ammonium acetate | 2915.29.90 Chit ia cin % Chat diéu chinh 46 Amonium , acid, chat nhit héa, " Ammonium Sd ang 2.44 dihydrogen |, 2835.29.90 | chat gitt dm, chét t phosphat _|'#¥dtogen phosphate _phttc kim Logi, chat \én dinh, chat lim day| 245. Ascotbyl palmitat | Ascorbyl Palmitate | 2936.27.00 | Chat chéng oxy hoa 2.46 Ascorbyl stearat_| Ascorbyl Stearate | 2936.27.00 | Chét chéng oxy hoa 247 Aspartam Aspartame |2924.29.19 (“hat aia chit tao 2.48 ‘Azodicacbonamid |_Azodicarbonamide | 2927.00.10] Chat xit ly bét Beta-caroten ting | Beta-Carotene ln mn 2.49 top (Synthetic) 3203.00.10] Phim mau Beta-Caroten, “Beta-Caroten, 280 Blakeslea trispora| Blakeslea trispora 3203.00.10 Phim mau Chat tg0 phite kim ee chat git am, chat tao 251 Bone phosphat | Bone phosphate {2835.29.90 4 opi tao phe kim logi, chat chat Jam day | Chat 48n, chit chéng| |46ng vin, chét mang, 2.52 Bét cellulose | Powdered cellulose | 3912.90.90 [imo | chat én dink, chat lam day Chat mang, chét ni Ihéa, chat tao gel, chat] 253 Bot Konjac Konjac flour | 0712,90.90 ‘am bong, chat gitr dm, chét 6n dinh, chit lam day ‘Chit chéng dng 2.54 Bét tale Tale 2526.20.10 | von, chét lam béng, chét lam day Brilliant black | Brilliant black _|3204.11.90| _ Pham mau Brilliant blue FCF | Brilliant Blue FCF [3204.11.90] Phdm mau Butyl hydroxy Butylated anisol (BHA) Hydtoxyanisole 2909.50.00 | Chat chéng oxy héa ‘Tén san pham/ ‘a ore ‘Ma hang STT | Nbém hang béa Tén Tiéag Anh héa GHI CHU Butyl hydroxy Butylated 2.58 toluen BHT) Hydroxytoluene 2907.19.00 | Chat chéng oxy héa Céc mudi amoni . 259 ciaacid | Ammonium salts oF | 9935.29.90] Chit nha phosphatidic hosph Céc mudi calei jum Ci Chat lam rin chic, Ce . Calcium Citrates, 3. 2.60 citrat, Tricalei | pe octeium Citrates |291815.10} chét diéu chinh a9 citrat acid 2.61 Calci S°guanylat_| Calcium 5’guanylate | 2934.99.10] Chat digu vi 2.62 Calei 5’-inosinat_| Calcium 5*-inosinate | 2934.99.10} __ Chait diéu vi Calei 5’- Calcium 5° 2.63 sibomucleatid ribonucleotides [2924-99-10] Chat aigu vi Chét ¢idu chinh do 2.64 Calci acetat Calcium Acetate | 2915.29.90 | acid, ehét bio quan, chit én dinh Chat lam dy, chide chéng tao bot, chit ‘dn, chat mang, chét| Calci alginat | Calcium alginate | 3913.10.00 | tao bot, chét tao gel, chat lim bong, chdt lgitt dm, chat tao ph Nim logi, chat én dint 2.66, Calei ascorbat_| Calcium Ascorbate | 2918.15.90 | Chat chéng oxy héa Chat digu chinh a ecid, chét chéng déngi 267 Calei carbonat | Calcium Carbonate | 2836.50.10 | von, chét mang, chét lam ran ch&c, chat xis Ty bét, chét 6n dink 2.68 Calei cyclamat_| Calcium cyclamate |2933.59.90| _ Chit tao ngot ea Chat chéng dong Calei dihyéro | Calcium dihydrogen 2.69 ‘ 2835.26.00} von, chat nhii héa, diphosphat diphosphate chat én dink ; Calcium di-L- 6 2.70 Calci glutamat Gluten ite 2922.42.90] Chat didu vj Chat tao phite kim ob in eae : Calcium chat gitt dm, chat tao 2n Calci potyphosphatl oy etosphares | 2835.39.90 /"4 eo ar ’ kim loai, chét 6n inh, chét lim day 27 Calcisiticat | Calcium Silicate | 2842.10.00 Chit hing dng 2.73 Carbon dioxyd | Carbon diouyde 2811.21, wo fend tg0 khi extonie| 6 T ; jm | Ten sin phim’ 5 MG hang STT | Nhém Thang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh héa GHI CHU - Chit chéng oxy ha, 2.74 Lecitin Lecithin 2923.10.00 narra hoa Magnesidi-L | Magnesium di-L ke didu vi 2.5 | etemat iutamate. [29224220] Chit du i Chat div chink a6 Magnesi hydroxy | Magnesium lacid, chat ching dn; 2.16 ‘carbonat |Hydroxyde Carbonate] 7876-99-° | én, chit mang, chdt $n dinh mau, Magnesium Chat digu chinh ¢§ 27 Magnesi hydrosy’] Tyfroryde [28162000] acd, ent Gn dink L 2.78 Magnesi silicat_| Magnesium Sificate | 2839.90.00 |Chét chng dong vén| . . Chat lam rin chic, 2.79 Magnesi sulfat_} Magnesium sulfate | 2833.21.00] "a2 yan «sei Magnesium ; 2.80 ‘Magnesi tisilicat seettcate _|2839-90.00] | Chéng dong von Monoamoni | Monoammonium du vi 2.81 lt ‘Glutamate 2922.42.20| — Chét digu vi . Monopotassium L- ha vj 2.82 Monokali glutamat) "Gh te 2922.42.90 Chat didu vi Mononatri Monosodium L- ds dida vi 2.83 ‘utamat ‘Glutamate |292242.20/ Chit diéu vi Muéi vaeste cia | Choline salts and a 2.84 cholin ves 2923.10.00} Chat nh héa Cit én dinb, ohét Natri hydro | Sodium hydrogen digu chinh €6 acid, 2.85 carbonat carbonate ]783630-0 lend ching déng vin chat tao x6p . Sodium hydrogen ‘Chat digu chinh 46 2.86 ‘Natri hydro sulfat fete 283: seid 2.87 Nate nydroxyd | Sodium Hydroxyde | 2815.11.00] CB itu chink & 2815,12,00| Chét dite cbinh a8 acid 2.88 Nawinitrt | Sodium nitate {2834.29.90 | Chét sim, hit jo quan. 2.89 Natri nitrit Sodium nitrite [2834.10.00 | Chit bo quan ‘Nati ortho- Sodium ortho- 2.90 enyiphenol Phenylpheno] [2907-19-00 | Chit bdo quin Sodium Chat tgo phic kim 291 Pate polyphosphat| i osphate | 2835:39.90 lou, cit di chink __|_ Perrier [se acid, chit ns hal 7 Tén sin phim/ . ‘Ma hang STT| Nhém hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh héa CHI cHU chat git Am, chat tao xép, chat én dinh, chat iam day 2.92 Natri propionat_} Sodium Propionate | 2915.50.00] _ Chat béo quan 293 Natri saccharin | Sodium saccharin | 2925.11.00] Chét tao ngot . . ‘Chat digu chinh 46 Natri Sodium . 2836.99.90 acid, chat ching 46 2.94 sesquicarbonat | — sesquicarbonate 99.50 v ct taoxép | Aluminium 2.95 ‘Nhém hydroxyd hydroxyde __|28!830.00 2.96 Oxyd satden | Iron oxyde, Black | 2821.10.00 Pham mau 2.97 Oxyd sit 4 Iron oxyde, Red _| 2821.10.00 Pham mau 2.98 Oxyd sit vang_| Iron oxyde, Yellow |2821.10.00| Phim mau Chat A, hl lam béng, chat git 4m, 2.99 Polydextrose Polydextroses |3913.90.90) Chien ath che Jam day 2.100 Propylen glycol_| Propylene Glycol_|.2905.32.00| __Chft lam 4m. 2.101 Riboflavin Riboflavin |293623.00| __ Phim mau Riboflavin tr | Riboflavin from . 2.102 Bacillus subtilis | Bacillus subitis_|792623.00) Phin miu : iChat dn, chét chéng| chat mang,| Rong bién \fong von, Processed eucheuma end hii héa, chat tac 2.103 cucheuma d qua swoed 1212.21.19 bat i in cbt én dinh, chat lam @ 2.104 Saccharin Saccharin 2925.11.00] Chét tgo ngot Chat lam one, chét ; . , mang, chét nhii héa, 2.105 Sip candelila | Candelilla Wax | 1521.10.00 | a at sont { Jam day ‘Chat don, chat digu chinh 66 acid, chat 2.106 Sépeamauba’ | Camaube Wax | 1521.10.00} Fe ssheySn oni mang, chét Jam béng| Chét lam bong, chét chét nhii héa, chat ‘én dinh, chat 2.107 Sap ong Beeswax 1521.90.10 lam day , Ten san phim/ STT | Nhom hing héa GHICHU Sorbitan: Sorbitans: = Sorbitan = Sorbitan ‘mronolaurat monolaurate = Sorbitan saectea, | Sorbitan monooleate| 2.108 Sorbit - Sorbitan 2905.44.00] Chat nh hoa - Sorbitan amonopalmitat monopalmitate = Sorbitan ~~ Sorbitan monostearat monostearate |. Sorbitan tristearat| ” Sorbitan tristearate Chat tao ngot, gl Sorbitol, Siro | Sorbitol, Sorbitol gn, chat git 2.109 sorbitol Syrup 2905.44.00) cae tophic kin Toai, chét én dinh Chit tgo phite kim Joai, chit Site chink Tetrakali Tetrapotassium 19 acid, chat nh héa 2.110 diphosphat diphosphate | 7835-39-90 chic tao phite kim : Jogi, chat gitt am, cht lam day Chit tao phic kim Jogi, chat digu chink aan Tetranatri Tetrasodium — | 5955 49,10 {0 acid, chét nh béa, ~ diphosphat diphosphate chat gitr Am, chdt tao xép, chat én dinh, chat lam day Chht lam dy, edt 46n, chat: mang, chat Inhit héa, chat tg0 gel, 2.112 Thach Aga Agar 1302.31.00 Sera bong chit {git Am, chét én dinh,| chat Jam diy 2.113 Thaumatin Thaumatin {2938.90.00 [Chét an cndt ta] she clori ; IChét, Chéng oxy héa, 2414 Thiéc clorid | Stanmovs chloride | 2827.39.90 |” Chat én dinh miu Chat dn dinh, chét digu chinh d6 acid, code ni ha, chat Tricalei Tricaleium gift am, chat t20 xp, 2115 2835.26.00 | chit tao phite kim corthophosphat | Orthophosphate jeg, ch lam diy Tén san pham/ a Ma hang cuicau STT| Nhom hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh héa Citrates: Che mobi citrate: | pyiethyt citrate ~ Triethyl citrat | tyinotascium Citrate ~ Trikalicittat | Tyisodium Citrate - Trinatri citrat -Disodium -Dinatri —_|monobydrogen citrate| F monohydro cits |. sopropyl trates ~Isopropyl citrat | _ potassium ‘Chat mang, chdt nht 2.116 =Kali dihydro | Dihydrogen Citrate |2918-15.90| héa, chat ‘ao pate itrat - Magnesium citrate im oe = Magnesi citat |. 5. given Dinydrogen| = Natri dihydro Citrate citrat - Ferric ammonium + Sit amoni citrat citrate -Stearyleitrat | - Stearyl citrate + Triamoni citat | - Triammonium citrate, ‘Chat nh héa, chat didu chinh 46 acid, it dng dong von Trikali Tripotassium chit lam rén chi, 27 orthophosphat | Orthophosphate |7895:29-9) née xirty bot, chit lgitt Am, chat tao phite] kim logi, chat 6n inh, chat lam das Chat diéu chinh 46 ; ; i i id, chat nh hoa, Trimagnesi ‘Trimagnesium ae one 2118 2835.29.90 | chat gitt dm, cht tao orthophosphat | Orthophosphates hie kim Ioei, chat lén dinh, chat lm day| . i Trisodium Chat digu chinh 46, 2.119 HTrinatri diph diphosphate | 2895-2910] ao ehde ay bat ee j Chat digu chinh a6 Trinatei Trisodium sa tnd 2.120 crthophosphat | Orthophosphate | 2835.29.10 F chat tein dong 0910.30.00 2.121 ‘Turmetis Turmeri Phdm man ‘urmerie ‘urmeric 3203.00.10 + C6 thay d6i (Chi sé 5 dung dang bot, 2.122 ‘Vang Gold 7108.11.00 | guyen chit va thye ham) 2.123 Xylitol Xylitol Ja xyitol tinh khiét 10 Tén sin phim/ sh B , STT | Nhém hing béa Ten Tiéng Anh hoe GHI CHU a | _ | 3204.17.10] khong chiét tir the 2 thin tang hop] 2 th 124 eaxathin tang hop] Zeaxathin, synthetic | vat 2.125 Alitam Alitame 2934.99.90] _ Chét tao ngot 2.126 Allura red AC Allura Red AC 3208.17.10) Ce pen ma . hora lura 3204.17.90 ee 2.127 Bac Silver 7106.10.00} Chét phim mau 2.128 Beet red Beet red 3203.00.10 |_Chét phdm mau 2.129 Benzoyl peroxyd | Benzoyl peroxyde 2916.32.00 (erie y mau chit x Beta-Apo- _|Carotenal, Beta-Apo- 4 2.130 Carotenal 3203.00.10 | . Chat phim mau 2.131 Beta-Cyclodextrin] Cyclodextrin, beta- | 3505.10.90 Cui rainy Enzym, chat diéu vi, 2.132 Bromelain Bromelain 3507.90.00 | chat xir ly bét, chat 6n dinh 2.133 Brown HT Brown HT 3204.19.00 | _Chét phim miu 2.134 Cée acid béo Fatty acids 3823.19.90 | Chit chéng ta0 bot Chit lam rn che, 2135 Caleiclorid | Calcium Chloride | 2827.20.10] chét én dinh, chit lam diy 2827.20.90 Calei dinatri ium (Chat tao phite kim natn loai, cht chéng oxi 2.136 efylen-diamin- ethylenediamine tetral 2921.21.00 Meo tard aah tetra-acetat acetate mau, ‘chat bao quan Calei ferroxyanid |Calcium Ferocyanide, 2837.20.00 |Chit chéng dong vén| Calcium Hydrogen ‘Chat béo quin, chét Calei hydro sulfit Sulphite 2832.20.00 | "Ah eno Cw ha Chit diéu chinh 46 2.139 Calei hydroxyd. | Calcium Hydroxyde | 2825.90.00 | acid, chét lam ran chic 2140 Calei malat | Calcium DL- Malate | 2918.99.00 | Th#t di€u chinh 9 ; sticat | Calcium Aluminium 2141 Calei nhém silicat Silicate 2842.10.00 |Chét chéng ddng voa| 2.142 Calci propionat_| Calcium propionate |2915.50.00| _ Chit bao quan chat 2.043 Calci saccharin | Calcium saccharin | 2925.11.00 ‘woneet Tén san phan 7 Ma hang STT.| Nbém hing 6a Tén Tiéng Anh hea GHICHU . [chét nhit ha, chat xi Calci stearoy] | Calcium stearoyl j ’ 2.144 lactylat incblate 2918.11.00] 1y Dat, ht ao bot Chit Jam rin chic, A is hat xir ly bt, chét 2.445 Cateisutt | Calcium Sulphate |2833.29.90] $e rec ker ot chat 6n dinh 2.146 Canthaxanthin | Canthaxanthine _ | 3203.00.10 Pham mau 2.147 “Goeth ") Caramel I-Plain {1702.90.40} Phim miu Caramen nhém It | Caramel TI- Sulfite ; 2.148 Gait sult) ~ 1702.90.40 Pham mau Caramen nbém I} Caramel IT - 2.149 sat I amoni) ia Process _| 1702.90.40 Pham mau Caramel IV - }Caramen nh6m IV ‘ . 2.150 loc ly amoni sult) Ammonia Sulphite | 1702.90.40 | Pham mau Process 2,151 Cormin Carmines [3203.00.10] Phim mau 2.152 Carmoisin Cami 3204.17.10] Phéim mau Caroten tye nhién | pens ‘Natural Extracts 2.153 (chiét rule tthue] cranes) [2208.00.10 Phim mau 1302.39.11 | Chét lam dy, chit Carrageenan va + ‘dn, chdt mang, chat] 2154 sui Na, K, Nia | Coragecon and ts | 1302.39.12 nha hoa, cht go gel, cha .n6 (bao gém Ginchides furcellaran)| 1302.39.13 | chat lam b6ng, cht forcellaran) git dm, chat én dinh, | 1302.39.19 Yan dy. 2.155 Cellulose Cellulose 3912.90.20] Chat én dink 3912.90.90 a a . . ‘Chat dén, chat chéng| 2156 Cettulong vi tinh | Microcrystalline) 3512.96,20 {aGng vom, chit mang| [chét nbii hia, cht tao 3912.90.90 | Chit chiét xuat tir 2187 annatto, bixin | “PP2H9 EXECS | 5903.00.10| Phim mau based xin based 2.158 Chat chiét xudt tir | | Anmatto extracts, 00. fim ma ceetnimbnint | norbixn. 3203.00.10] Phim mau based 7 z sm | Ténsan pham/ Ma hing 4 STT | Nhém ‘hing héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh héa GBI CHU Chat chiét xudt ti |, itnai IChat tao bot, chéit nh] 2.159 uillaia aim 1. | uiaia extract type 1] 1302.19.90 hee Chit chiét xudt tir | Quillaia extract type [chit tgo bot, chét nbi 2.160 illaia nhom IL Tl 1302.19.90 hee 4 2.161 Chit obiét xudt | Grape shin Extract |3203.00.10| Phim mau v6 nho 2.162 Clorophyt Chlorophytls | 3203.00.10 Phim mau Cross-linked natri | Cross-linked sodium F 2.163 caboxymethy! | caboxymetny! | 3912.31.00] Ch@t fn dint, chit cellulose cellulose y 2.164 Curcumin. Curcumin 3203.00.10 Phim mau Chit lm rin ci, 2.165 Curdlan Curdlan 3913.90.90 | chat tao gel, chat én inh, chét lam day | 2,166 Cyclodextrin Cyclodextrin | 3505.10.10 [OM Jam diy, chat ox Chat chéng déng_ - vén, chit mang, chét 2.167 Dau Castor Castor oil 1515.30.10 nha, chét im _—béing__| 1515.30.90 Dau dgu nanh oxy | Thermally oxydized Ihéa nhigt tuong téc| soya bean oil 2.168 ‘voi (mono-) _ |interacted with mono-| 1518.00.14) Chat nh héa diglycerid ota cdc | and diglycerides of acid béo. fatty acids ‘Diu khodng (ding| Mineral Oil, Food 2.169 cho thue phim) ‘Grade 2710.19.43] Chat lam bong Dau khodng, 48 | Mineral Oil, high Chét Jam béng, chét 2.170 ‘thot ean viscosity 2710.19.43 | Chine déng von Dau khoang, 46 | mineral oil, medium . 2471 not trung binh va] and low viscosity, | 2710.19.43] Chat lam béng thép, nhém 1 lass 1 | ‘i . Chat xir ly bot, chit 217 Deven, tinh bat | Devin, Roasted 3595.10.10] nh hoa chit g trang, Vang inh, chit lam déy Chit digu chinh 45, acid, chét nhii béa, Diamoni hydro Diammonium chat gitt dm, chat tao] 2173 phosphat | hydrogen phosphate | 7835-29-90) phitc kim loai, chat |én dinh, chat lim day] Tén sin phiim/ 7 Ma hang STT} Nhém hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh hés GHICHU Chat tao phitc kim ogi, chat digu chinh clei di Dicaleium 16 acid, chat nh ha, 2.174 Dicalei diphosphat] ec mate | 2835.26.00 ee nc kim Jogi, chat git am, chat lam day Chit digu chinh 46 site chét nhi héa, Dicalei Dicaleium t gift am, chat tao) 2175 orthophosphat | Orthophosphate 178957601 tp, chit tao phite kim logi, chat dn dinh, chét Lam day 2.176 Dikali S-guanylat]| PiPOwSSIIM SJ 93499901 Chit didu vi guanylate | Chit tao phire kim otass) loai, chét diéu chin 2477 Dikali diphosphat Tpotassiom 2835.24.40 |A6 acid, chat nb hoa] Iphosp! ichét gitt dm, chat tam| day Chit én inh, chét ig chinh a6 acid, . nee Jchét chéng dng ven, 2.178 crtookerpbae | onteeisti | 2835.24.40) chit im nia chic, e "thophosphate chief Wt chdt git dm, chét tao phn — kim Jogi ‘Chat diéu chinh 46 2.179 Dikali tactrat _|Dipotassium Tartrate| 2918.13.00 | acid, chat tao phie im logi, chat én dinh] Dilawryl Dilawyl 2 2.180 thiodipropionat | _thiodipropronate 2930.90.90 | Chat chéng oxy hoa Dimethyl i 4 2.181 dicarbons vaz__ [Dimethyl dicarbonate| 2920.90.00| Chit bao quin ay. Disodium 5*- fndidu vi 2.182 [Dinatei 5°-guanylat| guanylate 2922.42.20} Chit didu vj matri §° imped Disodiuni $*- ; 2.183 Dinatri 5’-inosinat ‘sod 5 2922.49.00} Chat diéu vj Dinatti $’- Disodium 5° ft digu wi 2.184 ribonuclestid | ribomuclectidcs _|293499-90] Chat didu vj 5 i Disodium ‘Chat nb héa, chit 2.185 Dinar diphosphat| so 2835.22.00] Gian Seid Diner Disodium Colt ee Page Kim 2.186 ethylendiamintetra]ethylenediaminetetra | 2922.49.00 | "cis we acetat (EDTA) acetate mn. chat bio quan 14 Tén sin phim/ ‘Ma hang STT | Nhém hing hoa Tén Tiéng Anh hoa carcrt sated cod Chat én dinh, chat 2.187 onthorhosphat Piso Ecce” | 2835.22.00] didu chinh acid, i P [chat chéng déng von Chat digu chinh € 2.188 Dinatri tactrat | Disodium Tartrate | 2918.13.00 | acid, chat tg0 phute }kim loai, chat dn . ay os a Chat chéng dong. 2.189 Piet fiiews | Sitcon Dioxyde, {11.22.10 | von, ehit chong two Amor bot, cht mang 2811.22.90 2.190 Dioxyd titan _|_ Titanium Dioxyde_| 2823.00.00 Phém man 2.191 Distarch Glycerol | Distarch Glycerol_|2905.45.00| _ Chét xi ly bOt ‘Chit att ly bot, chat 2.192 Distarch Phosphat | Distarch Phosphate’ | 2835.29.90] nhit héa, chat én inh, chit lim diy 2.193 Erythritol Enythritol —_-| 2905.49.00 Chi ey vi chat a 2.194 Erythrosin Erythrosine 3204.19.00 Phim mau Este cia acid [Polyglycerol esters of] 2.195 ricioleie véi interesterified | 2916.39.90| Chat nhii héa polyglycero! ricioleic acid Este cia acid béo | Propylene glycol 2.196 i propylen glycol exter offaty acids {29763990 Chit ohti hoa | Crd | Este cia glycerol | cr ; chéng oxy héa, chi 2197 Gi acd cite va | Comic and Nt 259 | 2916.39.90] ity bot, chAt to acid béo esters of sly phite kim logi, chat én digh, Este cia glycerol | Diacetyl tartaric and ‘Chat nhii héa, chat 2.198 véi acid diacetyl | Fatty acid esters of | 2916.39.90] tg0 phic kim loai, ric va acid béo| glycerol chat én dinb Este lia glycerol i . Chit nit héa, chét 2.199 Gi acid lai va | Mle and E09) 2214 | 2916.39.90 tg0 phir kim lai, cacacid béo__|_* yeezol chat én dinh Este ca mono vi |Tartaric acid esters o! hi diglycrid cia acid | mono- and IChét nbii héa, c! 2.200 ‘bé0 v6i acid | dighycerides of tatty | 7926599 | “ginh, chit lim dy tartaric acid Este cia . [Polyglycerol esters of 2.201 polyglycerol véi . 2916.39.90] Chat nhii hoa batten fatty acids Este cia sucrose | Sucrose Esters of A 2.202 Vai cde axit béo fatty acids 2916.39.90| Chat nbi hoa stt| Nhdm | Ténsia phim! | pesriée anh | MADE | Gar cH hang béa ha vee acte sea’ | Beta-Apo-s ; 2.203 Po ate | Carotenic Acid, 3203.00.10] Phim mau “ erie (ethyl Or Ethyl Este 2.204 Ethyl maltol Ethyl maltol 2932.99.90 Chat digu vj Chat lam day, coi /d6n, chét mang, chdt 2.205 Ethyl xentulose | Ethyleettulose ] 3912.39.00 | oo Nine eh tam day Ethylhydroxyethyl| Ethylhydroxyethyt Chat Nhi héa, chét 2.206 cellulose cellulose _| 3912-5900 lay inh, eh tam di Etyl pra- Etyl pra- . 2.207 Hydro Hydroxy! te |291829.90] Chit béo quan 2.208 Fast green FCF _| Past Green FCF |3212.90.21} Phim miu Gama- . [Chat lam day, chét 31 2.209 Cyclodextrin, | ¥elodextrin, gama- | 2940.00.00 “tiny Chat didu chink 46 Glucono delta- | Glucono Delta- 2.210 2940.00.00 | acid, chat tgo xép, Lacton Lactone chat én inh 2211 Glucose oxydase | Glucose oxydase | 3507.90.00 neve, ob chng 2.212 Glycerol Glycerol 2905.45.00 “bat en vsti [Glycerol esters cia! Glycerol esters of leat hil béa, chat énl 2213 nba edy ‘wood resin | 3806.30.10 ‘tnt 3806.30.90 3806.90.10 3806.90.90 Chat ie diy, chat ; . on, cht ahi héa, 2.214 Gom arabic | Arabic ante 1301.20.00 | chét mang, chat lam béng, chat én dinh, chat lam day 2215 Gom cassia CassiaGum | 1302.39.90 2.216 Gom dgu carob | Carob bean Gum | 1302.39.90 ‘Chat lam day, chft 2.217 Gom gua Guar Gum | 1302.32.00 | hoa, ehkt or din 2218 Gm karaya KarayaGum | 1302.39.99 | Chét am dy chit Inti héa, chit én dint 16 ‘Tén san phim/ 7 Ma hang STT | Nhém hang héa Tén Tiéng Anh héa GHICHU . ChAt lam day, chat 2219 Gom tara Tara Gum | 1302.39.90 | ee aaah 2220 Gém tellan Gellan Gum | 1302.30.90 OD 1am dy, elt By 2221 Gm tragacanth | Tragacanth Gum | 1302.39.90 ina i | Chat lam day, chat 2.222 Gém xanthan | Xanthan Gum | 3913.90.90 |nht ha, chat a0 gel, chét 6n dink Hexamethylen | Hexamethylene ‘ 2.223 rameth ramethvlene |3933,99.90| Chit bio quin ChAt nhé héa, chat 2224 Hydroxylpropyl | Hydroxylpropy! | 5919 39.00] lam beng, chit én methyl xenlulose | _ methyl celfulose ‘aah anh iam dy Chit lam dy, cht Hydroxylpropyl | Hydroxylpropyl gn, chét nh héa, 2.225 xenlulose cellulose 3912.39.00 | nit tao bot, cht tim ‘béng, chit on dich Chat xir ly bot, chét Hydroxypropyl | _ Hydroxypropyl txt Ij bot, 2.226 E Z 3505.10.90 nhiihéa, chat én Distarch Phosphat } Distarch Phosphate dint, onl tm by | Hydroxypropyl Chie airy 66 ly bot, chat 2.227 Hydronypropyl Starch 3505.10.90 hit hoa, cbt én dink, chat lam day {4 Indigotin oth 2.228 (ndigocarmin Indigotine 3203.00.10 Pham mau Chit tgo ngot, chit 2.229 Isomalt Isomalt 2940.00.00 Jehéng dng von, chét dn, chat lam béng | 5 5°-inosi Potassium 5°- ie dibu vi 2.230 Kali $’-inosinat assium 5’- | 2934.99.90] Chit aiéu vi 2231 Kaiacetal | Potassium acetate |2915.29.90| CHét di chink Kalli acetat (cae . ‘Chit didu chinh 46 2.232 ab Potassium acetates | 2915.29.90) 58 Shas dia 2.233 Kaliadipat | Potassium adipate |2917.12.90| Ch#t dita chink L 5 isan phim/ | ye. as Ma ha 4 sTT | Nhom vein phim! | ren Tiéag Anh | MAME | Gu CHU Chét lam day, chat fn, chit nh, [chat tao bot, chat tao. 2.234 Kali alginat | Potassium Alginate | 3913.10.00] gel, chét lam bing chat git dm, chét ito phiic kim loei, |___én dinh 2235 Kali ascorbat_| Potassium Ascorbate | 2918.15.90 | Chit chéng oxy hoa 2.236 Kati suit | Potassium Bisuiphice] 2832.20.00 | CUS nee tae . “ Chat én dinh, chét 2.237 Kali carbonat | Potassium exrbonate | 2836.40.00} COnion din Chat én dinh, chat 2.238 Kaliclorid | Potassium Chloride | 2827.39.90] digu vj, chat tao gel, chat lam day 2239 Kali diacetat | Potassium diacetate |{2915.29.90] CD&t didn chinh & 2.240 Kali ferrocyanid Potassia 2837.20.00 |Chét chéng déng von| |__Ferrocyamide {7 2.241 Kali hydroxyd [Potassium Hydroxyde} 2815.20.00 | Chét dieu chink % . Potassium hyrdrogen Chit digu chinh 46 2.242 Kali hyrdro malat 2815.20.00 a . - Chat diéu chinh 46 Kali hydrogen | Potassium hydrogen i i 2.243 2836.99.90 | acid, chat tao x6p, carbonate carbonate Shit dr tn 2.244 Kali malst | Potassium malate | 2918.19.00] C# city chin ia bao quan, chat - crete Potassium chéng oxi héa, chét 2.245 Kali metabisulfit csaptite | 2832.20.00 aa ne oy —__bét_| Chat digu chink a6 2.246 Kali natri tartrat | Potassium sodium 1918 13.99 [sciehit go phic L(+)- Tartrate ai chit a i 2.287 Kali nhém silicat [Po%ssium aluminium) 9549 19,99 |chat chdng dong von silicate oa . Chat git mau, chat 2.248 Kalinitat | Potassium ninete |2834.21.00] Cot i mes Chat bao quan 2.249 Kalinitit | Postasium nitrite |2834.29.90 9 2.250 Kali polyphosphat| Potassium _|2835.39.90|_Chés tao phite kim 18 - ‘Tén sin pham/ a. Ma bang STT | Nhém hang béa Tén Tiéng Anh hoa GHI CHU polyphosphate Toai, chat digu chinb |é6 acid, chat nhii hée, chat lam béng, chat gitt am, chat tao xép, chat én dinh, chat Jam day 2.251 Kali propionat_|Potassium propionate] 2915.50.00] Chat bao quin 2.252 Kali saccharin | Potassium saccharin | 2925.11.00] Chat tg0 ngot, 2.253 Kali silicat Potassium silicate | 2842.10.00 |Chat chéng déng von] 2.254 Kalisultat | Potassium Sulfate |2833.29.90/ Chit itu chink &9 - acid Chat bao quan, chat 2.255 Kali sulfit } Potassium Sulphite | 2832.20.00 } chéng oxi héa, chat tao phite kim loai Chat ki dy, ebdt . . bi 2.256 Khinitgoxyd | Nitrousoxyde 2811.29.90 cing ony abl g6i, chat khi diy 2.287 Khi clor Chlorine 2901.10.00 | Chat xirly bot 2.258 Khiclordioxyd | Chlorine dioxyde | 2811.29.90 | _ Chfitxir ly bot Kn diy, chat khi} 2.259 Khi nite Nitrogen 2804.30.00 tio gol, chde kh dy 2.260 Kai propan Propane 2711.12.00} __ Chit khi dy Chat nit héa, chét 2.261 Lactitol Lactitol 2940.00.00 | tao ngot, chit lam diy Laurie Laurie inatethyleste | argrinateethylester 2915.90.20] Chat bao quan. 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Lysozyme 3507.90.00} Chat béo quan _| —_|—__+ 2.269 mo hydro_|Magnesium hydrogen} 2835.29.90 | Chét digu chinh 46 19 Tén san phim’ 7 Ma hang ‘ STT | Nhém bing héa ‘Ten Tiéng Anh héa GHI CHU phosphat ‘phosphate acid, chat ahi hoa, chat gitt dm, chat ‘30 Pht kim log, cde inh, chat lam day) Chat dieu 1 chin a ; Magnesium id, 1g dong, 2270 Magnesicarbonat | “Ciarbonate [2519.10.00 Pe on dink mau 2836.99.90 Cadt én dinh mau, 220 Magnesi clorid | Magnesium Chloride| 2827.31.00 | chat lam ran chi, cht én dinh Chat don, chit nha Maltitol, Sito. | Maltitol, Maltitol héa, chat git m, 2272 ‘maltivol syrup 2940.00.00 | st bn dint ed ao nggt 2.273 Maltol Maltol 2932.99.00] Chat diéu vi Chat chéng 2.274 Manito! ‘Mannitol 2905.43.00 | ¥6n, cbt dé, veh ~ 4909 | ott im, ents ai cht tao ngot Chit lip day, chit dGn, cht Jam béng, 2275 Methyl Cellulose | Methyl Cellulose | 3912.39.00 | Ose? io ches bn dinh, chat lam day | Chit lam day, chat 2216 Meth ethyl Mena) Baby 3912.39.00 [nha a codigo gel, chét 6n dinh | methyl pra- methyl pra- 2277 Hydroxybe Hiydroxybenzoate _|291631-00] Chit bio quin Mono magnesi_ | Monomagnesium Chat diéu chinh 4 2278 corthophosphat_| orthophosphate _|2835-2-90| acid, cha xir ly i Mono- and Di- Chit nti héa, chat va diglycerid ° 2279 ie Sihyoesi Glycerides of fatty | 1520.00.90 chbng tao bot, chit acids. én Monocalci Monocalcium Chat diéu chinh d@ 2.280 oxthophosphat | Orthophosphate | 2835-26.00) acid, chét chéng oxi hea, chat tg0 phe kim log 2.281 Monokali ‘Potassium dihydrogen) 2835.24.00 | Chét én dinh, chat ‘ ‘Tén sin phim! ‘Ma hang STT | Nhém hang kéa ‘Ten Tiéog Anh boa GHI CHU orthophosphat phosphate dieu chinh dp acid, lchét chéng dong vén, chat nhi chat am ran che, chat x} Jy. Gt, chit lam fm, [chat tao x6p, chat tao| pric kim loai F Chat digu chinh 46 2.282 Monokelitartet | Monopotassium | 2918.13.00] acid, chit go phic Ikim foai, chat én dinh! . 5 Chit didu chinh a9 Mononatsi | Sodium dihydrogen C 2.283 orthopho ‘phosphate 2835.22.00 lacid, nit enbog dong! Chit did chinh dd 2.284 ‘Mononatri tartrat |Monosodium Tartrate] 2918.13.00 | acid, cht tao phic im loai, chat én dinh| Chit xirIy bot, chat 2.285 Monostarch Monostarch | 3505.10.90] hi héa, chét én phosphat Phosphate ah ehdt la day ‘Muéi aspartam- 2.286 ‘acesulfame 2924.29.10} Chat tgo ngot Muéi cila acid ee Me, . a Chit chéng 46ng myristic, palmitic | Palmitic and Stearic 2.287 reais (MHA | acids (Ca, Na K. |29!570.10) von, ct a hes Ca, K, Na) NH4) chat On 2915.70.30 2915.90.20 2.088 judi cia acid oleie| Salts of Oleic acid. | a5 16 15.99 Galt ching dong (Ca, Nak} (Ca, Na, K) an "enét Bn dinh 2.289 Natamycin Natamycin | 2941.90.00| Chat bio quan Chit didu chin 46 . 5 acid, chit béo qui, 2.290 Nati avetat | Sodium acetate | 2915.20.10 | ny Coot Se Jogi 2.291 Nattiedipat | Sodium adipate | 2917.12.90] h#t Ai chink % [Chat dén, chét chéng| ng von, chat mang, 2.292 Natri alginat | Sodium alginate | 3913.10.00 Tae bon tao) chit bn din, chat lam dy 2.293 Natri ascorbat_| Sodium Ascorbate _{ 2936.27.00 | Chat chéng oxy h6a 2 ‘Tén sin phim/ Ma hang SIT | Nhém hang héa Ten Tiéng An héa _ GHICHO Chat lam day, chat vas, | gut Spates, 2.294 cacbexymethyl | carboxymethyl |3912.31.00 |e Gi hire im, cellulose cellulose hit lim rin chée, chat tgo gel Chat tao phic kim ogi, chét nhii héa, 2295 Natri calei Sodium calcium | 4935 49 99 [cht gitt dm, chat tao “ polyphosphat | — polyphosphate 97-791 6p, chit t0 phite kim logi, chat 6n dinb, chat lam diy Chit tao xp, chat 2.296 Natri carbonat | Sodium carbonate | 2836.20.00] diéu chinh do acid, [chat chéng déng von| . Sodium Natri carcboxymethy! oh enki 2297 carbonsymethyl |“ cenulose, | 3912.31.00 CBét dn dnb, fe Cellulose, thay an lam day phan bing enzymaticaly my hyrolysed 2.298 Natri cyclamat_| Sodium cyclamate |2929.90.10| Chat tgo ngot . : chat didu chinh 43 2.299 Nasi DL-malat_| Sodium DL-matate [2918.19.00] “Schr git fn 2.300 Natri erythorbat_| Sodium erythorbate | 2936.27.00 | Chat chéng oxy héa 2.301 Natri ferrocyanid_|Sodium Ferrocyanide| 2837.20.00 |Chat chdng déng von! 2302 Nate fumarat (56 | odin fumarates. }2917.19.00 | Chétdiéu chinh 46 muéi) acid . Sodium Hydrogen. ‘Chit bao quan, chat ‘Natri hydro sulfit Salto 2832.10.00 | Ta ane OA Re Natri hyro DL- [Sodium hyrogen DL- Chat diéu chinh 46 malat malate 2918.19.00 acid - . Sodium chat diéu chinh 46 2.305 Nati metabisufit | syerabiouipite [28521000] oy chat git dm Natrinhém — | Sodium Aluminium Chat didu chinh 49 2306 phosphat | Phosphate-acidic_| 2835.29.90 acid 2.307 ‘Natri nh6m silicat Sodium 2842.10.00 |Chat chéng déng von] ” Aluminosilicate us e ‘Natri Riboflavin | Riboflavin 5’ 2.308 S'ephosphat | phosphate sodium [29362300] Phim mau ; ; chat nhirhoa,chét xi 2309 Nail Seaoyl | Sodium sary! 2915.70.30 | iy b6t, cht tao bet, ectyl acy chét én dinh 2.310 Natri sulfat Sodium sulfate _|2833.19.00| Chit digu chinh 46 2 « ‘Tén sin pham/ “ Ma hang 1 STT | Nhém hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh hoa GH CHU acid Chat bao quin, chat 5 i chéng oxi h6a, chat 2311 Nati sulfit Sodium Sulfite | 2832.10.00} ayia chét rly it Chat bao quan, chit 2312 ‘Natri thiosulphat, | Sodium Thiosulphate| 2832.30.00 | chéng oxi héa, chat tao phe kim logi iChat diéu vi, chit t20 2313 ‘Neotam Neotame 2922.49.00 agat hom amoni Aluminium Chat lam rin chic, 2314 sulphat | Ammonium Sulpbate| 7833-22-10] cae digu chinh 46 2833.22.90 ; Aluminium Chat diéu chinh 46 2315 )Nhom kali sulphat| 5. em suipnate | 2833-22-10 acid “| 2833.22.90 a tecithis shi Chit chéng oxy héa, 2.316 Nhém lecithin Lecithins 2923.20.10 ora ty hoa 2317 NhOm silicat | Aluminium Silicate | 2842.10.00 |Chat chéng dong von] 2318 Nhua guaiac. Gusiac Resin _| 1301.90.90 | Chat ching oxy hoa [2319 Nisin Nisin 2941.90.00| Chat béo quan Oligoeste typ 1 va] Sucrose oligoesters |Chat nha héa, chat dn} 2.320 typ cha sucrose {type Tand type | 221590.90 . 2.321 Tobenol | Ortho-Phenylphenol | 2907.19.00] Chét béo quan A Chat digu chinh dé 2322 Oxyd calei Calcium oxyde | 2522.10.00] id endt ity bot 2.323 2825.90.00 2.324 Oxyd Magnesi_| Magnesium oxyde_| 2519.90.10 |Chat chéng déng von| 2.325 2519.90.90 2.326 Papain Papain 3507.90.00 | Enzym, cht diéu vi 2327 Parika oleoresin | Parikaoleoresin | 3301.90.90| _Phdm man 2.328 Pectin Pectins 1302.20.00) Chét nd héa, chat ta0 gel, chét én dinh, | chat lam day 2.329 Pentakali Pentapotassium | 2835.39.90 | Chat tgo phire kim 23 . ‘Tén san phim/ M& hang STT| Nhém hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh héa GHICHO iiphosphat ‘riphosphate Toei, chit digu chinh |46 acid, chit nhit hé chit gitt am, chat tao xép, chat dn dinh, chit lam day Chit tao phite kim loai, chat dige chin Pentanatri Pentasodiun {49 acid, cht nha he 2.330 ‘triphosphat twiphosphate _|7835:39-90 | oh sits dm, chét 120 xép, chét dn dinh, chit lam da} i Chat xt 1y bot, chat Phosphated | Phosphated Distarch . 2.331 . 3505.10.90} nh héa, chat én Distarch Phosphat | Phosphate dinh, cnt lim day Phiée clorophyl_ | Chlorophyll Copper i 2332 ‘don Complex 3203.00.10] Phim mau Phic clorophy!_| Chlorophyll Copper 2333 dng (mudi Natri, | Complex, Sodium | 3203.00.10 Phim man kali chané) | And Potassium Salts . Chat Chéng déng 2334 Potytimet®y! lpotydimethylsitoxane| 3910,00,90 | vén, chit chéng to bot, chat nbii héa Chit chéng tao bot, chit 2.335 Polyetylen glycol | Polyethylene Glycol | 3907.20.90 hhéa, chét Ten oe chat kim day Cée mudi Polyoxyethylens: Polyoxyethylen: - Polyoxyethylene =Polyoxyethylen | (20) sorbitan (20) sorbitan tristearate tristearat = Polyoxyethylene -Polyoxyethylen | (20) sorbitan (20) sorbitan monolaurate monolaurat | _ polyoxyethylene ~Polyoxyethylen | (20) sorbitan 2.336 (20) sorbitan monopalmitate } 3402.13.90] Chit nhit hoa monopalmitat |. polyoxyethylene ~Polyoxyethylen | (20) sorbitan (20) sorbitan ‘monostearate monostearat | _ polyoxyethylene -Polyoxyethylen | (40) stearate (40) stearat | polyoxyethylene (8)| - Polyoxyethylen stearate @)stearat | polyoxyethylene =Polyoxyetylen | (20) Sorbitan 24 Tén sin phim/ Ma hang STT | Nhém hang héa ‘Tén Tiéng Anh hoa GBI CHU (20) Sorbitan ‘Monooleate. L monooleat 2.337 Polyvinyl alcohol | Polyvinyl aleohot | 3905.30.10 | “bat Him bine, chit y | Chat én din, chat 2.338 !Polyvinylpyrolidon|Polyvinylpyrrotidone | 3905.99.10 | nhti héa, chat lam ‘bong, chat lam day [Polyvinylpyrolidon} Polyvinylpyrolidon, Chat én dinh mau, khong tan insoluble [3905-99-90} chét én dink Ponceau 4R, Ponceau 4R 1 3204.19.00] _ Pham mau Propyl galat Gallate, Propy!__| 2918.29.90 | Chit chéng oxy héa Propyl pra- Propy! pra A 2.342 Hydroxybenzoat | Hydroxybenzoete [29182990] Chat bio avin Propylen glycol | Propylene glycol [Chat lam dy, chit én} 2.343, alginst “Tginate 3913.10.00 ‘tinh ecrniett Protease (A. orysee chat xir ly b6t, chat 2.344 Protease var) 3507.90.00) oe int chat Laem béng_ 2345 Pullulan Pullulan | 3913.90.30] Chét Ham bong, elt lam day 2.346 Quinolin Quinoline Yellow | 3204.12.10 Pham mau 2347 Sap vi tinh thé | Microcrystalline Wax] 2712.90.90 | Chit aoe chat 2.348 Shellac Shellac 1301.90.40 | Chat lam bong 2.349 Siro polyglycitol | Polyglycitol one | 1702.20.00| _Chét tao ngot IStarch acetate, Este] Starch acetate, Chit xir ly bot, chat 2.350 héavéi Acetic |Esterified with Acetic 3505.10.90] nha héa, chét dn anhydrid anhydride dinh, cht lam day Starch acetate, este] Starch acetate, 2351 héa véi Vinyl | Esterified with Vinyl] 3505.10.90] Chit xir ly bot Axctat Axetate 5 Starch Natri Starch Sodi Chat xir ly bot, cht 2552 Octenyl Succinat | Oeteny! 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