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Reading and Writing

Information Sheet No.4

Topic: Patterns of Development

1. Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across
disciplines. EN11/12RWS-IIIa-3

1. determine various patterns of development in writing across disciplines;
2. write an essay of a specific purpose.


When we write, we have a purpose in mind. Some of the most common

purposes are to inform, to entertain, to inspire, and to persuade. It is important for us to
know our purpose because it would guide the way we develop ideas in our composition.
Depending on your purpose—what you want to accomplish—you can use several
methods of development.

Development is the process by which you support or explain the central idea of

a paragraph, essay, or other piece of writing.

Hence, before you are able to write about your topic of choice, it is important to
be acquainted with various patterns of development. Knowing these different patterns
would not only allow you to appreciate the texts you read but help you to develop your
own original works too. You can also control your paragraphs more successfully if you
are familiar with the patterns of developing a paragraph.

This lesson will help you to distinguish between and among patterns of
development in writing across the disciplines. In this lesson, you will learn about the
different patterns of development/organization that will help you write an essay for a
specific purpose. Basically, the four types of discourse are: narration, description,
exposition, and argumentation.

We cannot just put all our ideas together. They need to flow well and hang
together to form a unified whole. Hence, it is important for us to learn how to develop
our paragraphs. Simply put, we must use patterns of development—patterns a writer
uses to express his/her ideas in a coherent and effective manner.

Patterns of development are methods of organization that writers use to

organize their ideas about a topic. In other words, patterns of developments are the
logical arrangement of ideas. The pattern helps you follow ideas easily and
understand a text better. The selection of patterns of development in writing is
dependable on the writer’s purpose. In determining the pattern of development of ideas
in a text, note the signal words used for these may help you identify the pattern of
development. Remember: Each method/pattern can be used separately or in
combination with any of the others. 

Take some time to decide what you want to say and then decide which method of
development will be most effective in presenting your ideas. Think of methods of
development as writing tools to help you organize and focus your writing.

A. DESCRIPTION (Sensory and Spatial)
Descriptive paragraphs are often used to describe what a person looks like and how
s/he acts. You can also describe a place, thing/object, or situation/event. In writing
description, you should remember to create an impression using descriptive words.
Description appeals to the sense of sight. Observation is implied by description when it
brings the sense of sight (visual), touch (tactile), smell (olfactory), taste (gustatory), and
hearing (auditory) to enrich the sense of sight. Simply put, when you write a
description, you create a clear picture in the reader’s mind. The reader should be
able to envision the picture that you had in your mind as the writer. To do that, you use
all your senses, your memory, and sometimes your imagination to make a picture with
your words.
A descriptive pattern basically provides details on the idea by using either a sensory
or spatial pattern. Through a sensory pattern, ideas are arranged based on one or all of
the five senses. A spatial pattern, on the other hand, arranges ideas by location or
physical space. Description is often paired with the narrative because a good narrative
contains description of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and even emotions.
The following signal words can help you write a good descriptive paragraph.
Properties Measurement Analogy Location
size length is like in/inside/out/outside
color width resembles above/top/atop
shape mass/weight is similar to below/under/beneath
purpose speed beside, across
behind/back of

Sample Text:

I am forty years old, rather tall and I have black eyes and short black hair. I wear casual dress as I
teach students in a relaxed atmosphere. I enjoy my job because I get to meet and help so many different people
from different countries. During my spare time, I like playing badminton which I play at least three times a
week. I also love listening to classical music and I must admit that I spend a lot of money buying new CDs! I live
in a pretty mountainside town on the north of this region. I enjoy eating great Filipino food and laughing with
the likable people who live there.

B. DEFINITION – When writing a definition paragraph, you take a thing or an idea

and explain what it is. Definition gives an outright explanation of the meaning of a
word by introducing or describing it within the same context. Definition begins by
stating the term (species) being explained, followed by its reference to the
general category where it belongs (genus) and ends up with its description of its
unique character trait that shows its difference to others in the same category. It
explains a single idea by differentiating it from and individualizing it with the other
ideas/members of its class. With more details and examples added, the definition
is made clear, more vivid, and more interesting to the readers. Using definition to
develop an idea helps to clarify and explain concepts by answering the question
“What does it mean?” Take note of the term to be defined and the detailed
explanation of the term, as these are the most important parts of this pattern.
This pattern explains the information through the use of illustrations, examples,
and descriptions. It may also include one or more different patterns.

Signal words for definition:

- “is defined as”  A pest is defined as any animal or pest that damages crops,
forests, or property.
- “is a kind of”  Jazz is a kind of music that is lively and inviting.
- Other signal words: “is,” “means,” “refers to,” “to define”

Sample Text:

Social engineering is defined as any method which tricks people to share

personal information through the use of technology. The ‘social’ component in this
scheme means that there is reliance on various psychological tricks and on the gullibility
of users rather than technical hacking. Social engineering also refers to various
malicious acts online, such as phishing, spamming, and pretexting.


1. Formal definition – this consists of two parts: general class (genus) and
distinguishing characteristics (differentia). Genus refers to the classification of
the word, term, or concept defined. For example, when you define the word
‘chair,’ its genus or category is furniture. Its differentia is that it is made to sit on,
unlike a table which is another piece of furniture that is made for other purposes
such as a dining table where we can eat or an office table where we can work.

2. Informal definition – this type of definition does not follow any format. You can
start providing the meaning of a term or a concept by citing examples or details.
You may also be creative in defining meaning by using similes and metaphors.
To give you an idea on how informal definition is written, you may read the
sample that follows.


Vacation has different meanings to different people. For students, vacation is a

relief from stressful schoolwork, e.g., tests, quizzes, projects, and homework. For
parents, it is a time for relaxation, freedom from the responsibilities of preparing meals
for kids as they go to school and of helping them with their school assignments. For the
religious, vacation is a time for prayer, a communication with God, a recollection, a
retreat, and a renewal of their commitment to serve God and His people. Finally, for the
excursionists, vacation is an opportunity to travel to some places to see their beauty and
the amenities they offer. It is also a time to get immersed in others’ cultures to learn their
history, values, traditions, and customs.

Reading the paragraph above, we get to see from different lenses various meanings
of vacation. Vacation, then, is defined informally. Words like relief, relaxation,
recollection, and opportunity all refer to vacation.

C. CLASSIFICATION/DIVISION– When writing a classification/division paragraph,

you group things or ideas into specific categories. This paragraph mode explains
a subject by dividing it into types or categories. This pattern is used when
classifying people, objects, events, things, places, and other items. Simply, a
classification/division paragraph is used when a writer wants to group,
classify, specify, and categorize things or ideas.

Examples: Types of Shoppers, Branches of Science, Types of Schools, Bodies of

Water, Types of Government, etc.

Signal words for classification:

can be divided into fits into

falls under is grouped with
belongs to the first category
is a part of another kind, this type
classified as, can be categorized
the last group

Sample Text 1:

Earthquakes can be classified into three main types based on the plate movements.
The first type is known as a convergent boundary. Also known as destructive plate
boundary, this type of earthquake happens when two tectonic plates move toward one
another and collide. The second type of earthquake is called the divergent boundary.
During this type of earthquake, two plates are forced to move away from each other
resulting in a rift zone. The last type is called the conservative plate boundary or
transform fault. During this type of earthquake, two tectonic plates slide past one

An example paragraph or essay makes a point about a topic by providing examples
to support it. When we use this development pattern, we use a deductive form of
reasoning by supporting or expounding our central and main ideas with specific and
concrete examples. Examples may take the form of stories, researches, statistics,
surveys, cases, or testimonies. By citing examples, it makes our claims more convincing,
and therefore makes you credible/trustworthy.
A very practical purpose or function of explication is that examples can make
abstract ideas more understandable to human perception. For example, how will you
concretize poverty, love, or injustice?

Signal Words for Exemplification

as an example for instance namely that is
consider the in other words put another way to be specific
following in particular specifically to clarify
for example to illustrate

Sample Text:
While the Internet offers so many benefits to man, it also has its downsides. One of
these is phishing, which refers to the act of obtaining personal information, such as
passwords and credit card details, through online means. In other words, phishing is a
form of cybercrime. As an example, let us consider the case of Mr. X. He received an
email stating that his Gmail account has been compromised and that he needed to click
a link to update personal information. If Mr. X clicks on the link, his personal information
will be illegally acquired by cybercriminals.


The comparison-contrast pattern is used when similarities and differences of two

or more actions, ideas, or events are being discussed. In other words, this explains how
two or more subjects are similar or different. Comparison entails dealing with the
similarities or likeness of at least two subjects. Contrast, on the other hand, is tackling
the differences between or among topics. A paragraph may discuss only similarities or
only differences.

The following signal words can help you write a good comparison and contrast

Similarities Differences
is similar to, the same on one hand, on the other hand
both however, nevertheless, although
also but, while, yet
too, just as so in contrast, otherwise
as well (as), like, likewise differs from
while unlike, whereas
equally, similarly as opposed to, on the contrary
in a similar fashion/in the same conversely

Example 1: Paragraph showing differences:

Most beginning college students quickly realize that college is different from high
school. They can build their own time schedules, choose their own instructors, and

decide whether to attend classes. In high school however, freedom is more restricted.
Most high schools operate within a controlled time frame; teachers and students are
assigned, not selected by the students, and class attendance is required.

Example 2: Paragraph showing similarities:

Tina and her father are both canny consumers. They grocery shop together
because they share similar delight in reading labels. Tina’s suspicion of fancy packaging
is like her father’s. Also, both can spot a bargain four aisles off!

Preparing a chart can help you organize information before writing a paragraph
that compares. Study this chart below:

Categories Sling Bag Back Pack

1. Cost P150.00 P250.00
2. Versatility Limited Greater
3. Capacity Few things More things

Example 3: Paragraph showing both similarities and differences:

Divina thought over whether to buy a sling bag or a back pack. The sling bag costs
only P150.00, compared to the P250.00 price tag on the back pack. However, the back
pack was more useful than the sling bag. On the other hand, the sling bag could carry
her things. Divina preferred to put all her books and notebooks in a back pack.

Note that the things being compared, the sling bag and the back pack, are included
in the topic sentence. The comparison inside the chart become the detail sentences.

Comparison and contrast also banks so much on the use of figurative language
as the use of such adds artistic and literary value to, and deepens the meaning and
interpretation of discourse. Writers do a creative approach in using comparison and
contrast through the use of figurative language. These add color and a deeper meaning
to what the author is trying to point out in a given piece of writing.

- A simile is done when there is a direct comparison between or among objects.

Expressions with similes are almost always done with the use of the words “like”
and “as.”

Examples: She was a peasant girl like Joan of Arc.

Your eyes are as bright as the stars in the night sky.

- As opposed to simile, a metaphor is done when there is an indirect comparison

between or among objects.

Example: Time is gold. (Time is being described as having the same high value as gold.)

- Analogy is a common technique that writers use to demonstrate comparison and

contrast. It is a comparison between two things that are similar in some way,
often used to explain something or make it easier to understand.

Examples: Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.

My friend is a wilting flower. She was a bud, full of anticipation for all the eyes
that will glorify its beauty. Once it bloomed, it showed splendor to everyone who cared to
look. But after a while, all the bees and butterflies found better things to do and left the
poor flower alone. Now, she is wallowing in self-pity and despair.


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