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Palynofacies, organic geochemical analyses

and hydrocarbon potential of some Upper

Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous rocks, the
Sabatayn-1 well, Central Yemen

Abdulwahab S. Alaug, Magdy

S. Mahmoud, Amr S. Deaf & Thamer
K. AL-Ameri

Arabian Journal of Geosciences

ISSN 1866-7511
Volume 7
Number 6

Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515-2530

DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-0961-y

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Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530
DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-0961-y


Palynofacies, organic geochemical analyses and hydrocarbon

potential of some Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous rocks,
the Sabatayn-1 well, Central Yemen
Abdulwahab S. Alaug & Magdy S. Mahmoud &
Amr S. Deaf & Thamer K. AL-Ameri

Received: 11 March 2013 / Accepted: 23 April 2013 / Published online: 4 June 2013
# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2013

Abstract The current work investigates the hydrocarbon (TOC) than the overlying Sabatayn and Nayfa formations: it is
potentiality of the upper Jurassic–lower Cretaceous rocks varies between 1.2 and 7, and with average 4 wt% TOC, and
in the Marib-Shabwah Basin, Central Yemen, through the the obtained S2 values (∼3–10, average 7 mg HC/g rock)
Sabatayn-1 well. Therefore, palynological and organic geo- indicates that the Madbi Formation is mainly good source
chemical analyses were carried out on 37 ditch cutting and rock. It shows a good petroleum potential of 4–11 mg HC/g
12 core samples from the well. Palynofacies analysis of the dry rock, and the Rock-Eval pyrolysis indicates mainly kero-
Madbi (late Oxfordian–early Tithonian) and Nayfa gen types II to III (oil to gas prone) of hydrogen index values
(Berriasian–Valanginian) Formations sediments indicates (132–258, and only one sample from Lam Member is of 360
deposition of their organic-rich shale, calcareous shale and and average 215 mg HC/g TOC). The thermal maturation
marl in middle to outer shelf environments under dysoxic– parameters as Tmax (425–440 °C), production index (average
anoxic conditions, containing mainly kerogen of types II to 0.13 mg HC/g rock) and thermal alteration index (2 to 2+)
III. However, the shales of the lower Sabatayn (Tithonian) reflected that this formation is present at margin of maturation
Formation were deposited in an inner shelf environment of to early mature stage oil window. So, the Lam Member (upper
prevailing dysoxic–suboxic conditions, and show kerogen part) of the Madbi Formation is considered the main hydro-
types III to II. Regional warm and relatively dry palaeoclimate carbon (oil and gas) source rock in the Marib-Shabwah Basin.
but with local humid conditions developed near the site of the Accordingly, we predict that the Meem Member is an active
well is thought to have prevailed during deposition of the source for gas and oil accumulations in the overlying sandstone
studied well sediments. The geochemical analyses of the reservoir of the Sabatayn Formation in the Sabatayn-1 well.
Madbi Formation show higher total organic carbon content
Keywords Jurassic . Cretaceous . Palynofacies .
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article Hydrocarbon potential . Marib-Shabwah . Yemen
(doi:10.1007/s12517-013-0961-y) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
A. S. Alaug (*) Introduction and geological setting
Geology Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Taiz University, Taiz 6803, Yemen
e-mail: The 1960s documented the first exploration activities for
hydrocarbon s in Yemen, with the coastal region of the Red
A. S. Alaug Sea being the first target of these activities in 1961. The first
commercial discovery was made in 1982 in the central part
M. S. Mahmoud : A. S. Deaf of the Marib-Shabwah Basin (block 18), Central Yemen
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, (Fig. 1) by an American oil company named as “Yemen
Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt Hunt Oil Company”. Commercial production was started by
the aforementioned company during the summer of 1986
T. K. AL-Ameri
Geology Department, College of Science, from the Alif Field through the Alif-1 well with a production
University of Baghdad, Jadiriyah, Iraq rate of 8,000 BOPD. This discovery was later followed by
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Fig. 1 Simple geological map of Yemen and the studied the Sabatayn-1 well (Simplified after Beydoun 1997; Bosence 1997)

several oil and/or gas field discoveries in block 18 (Fig. 1). productive wells have been discovered in this area. Marib-
Currently, there are about 36 discoveries so far in the Marib- Shabwah Basin development is due to the Gondwana breakup
Shabwah Basin with the estimated resource of the Sabatayn and separation of India and Madagascar apart from the Arabo-
reservoir reaching to almost three billion barrels of oil and Nubian Shield. Rifting of the basin occurred along old weak
condensate as well as 11 trillion ft3 of gas (YOGC 2008; orogenic lineaments of the Precambrian rocks (Beydoun et al.
PEPA 2012). These exploration activities were extended to 1996; Beydoun and As-Saruri 1998). Sediments of the Madbi
the southern and eastern parts of the Republic of Yemen with a Formation were deposited during a late Jurassic syn-rift phase,
series of discoveries has been made by different exploration followed by a latest Jurassic (Tithonian) late-rift phase sedi-
companies from the early 1990s until now (YOGC 2008). mentation of the Sabatayn Formation, and the early Cretaceous
The Marib-Shabwah Basin in which the studied the sediments of the Nayfa Formation were deposited during the
Sabatayn-1 well lies is regarded as one of the important post-rift phase (Kerr and Holden 1995; Ellis et al. 1996;
Mesozoic rift basins of Central Yemen. This is an oriented Bosence 1997). During the mid-Oligocene, the basin was
NW–SE interior rift basin (Fig. 1), following the Precambrian subjected to tectonic movements due to the opening of the
fault trend of Najd Shear System (Beydoun et al. 1996; Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (Hughes et al. 1991). This was
Brannan et al. 1999). This basin is of a prime importance to accompanied with basin nearby volcanic activities, which in
the Yemen hydrocarbon production because the first turn enhanced the maturation of sedimentary organic matter in
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Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530 2517

the Marib-Shabwah Basin. Brannan et al. (1999) discussed in constitutes the principal source rocks for all the hydrocar-
detail the tectonostratigraphic development of this basin on the bons so far discovered in the Marib-Shabwah and Sayun-
basis of unpublished subsurface geophysical data acquired by Masilah basins of Yemen (Taheri et al. 1992; Beydoun et
the Nimir Oil Company, and the geological evolution of the al. 1998; Csato et al. 2000).
basin. The Madbi Formation is found in most of the Jurassic
sections throughout the country (Beydoun et al. 1998). Along The Sabatayn Formation The Sabatayn Formation (Beydoun
the margins of the Marib-Shabwah Basin, a number of 1964) is made of sandstones and evaporites with some clay
turbiditic submarine fan successions characterize the northern interbeds. In the Marib-Shabwah Basin, this formation is only
and southern margins of the basin (Beydoun et al. 1998). The exposed as diapiric salt domes and is widely found in the
Sabatayn Formation is recognized in the subsurface and subsurface (average total thickness of 545 m), and it has a
diapiric outcrops of the diapiric salt domes from the Tithonian age (Beydoun et al. 1998). The Sabatayn Formation
Marib-Shabwah Basin, which includes the intercalations is divided into four conformably overlying members including
of evaporates and clastics (Beydoun et al. 1998). the Yah, Seen, Alif and Safer members (Beydoun et al. 1998).
The objective of the present work is to evaluate the The Alif Member is made of sandstone with some shales and
hydrocarbon potential of some upper Jurassic–lower with evaporites intercalations at the upper part of the member.
Cretaceous rocks of the Sabatayn-1 well. The late Jurassic This member is only found in the subsurface and it was
(late Oxfordian–early Tithonian) clastics is represented by the deposited in fluvial to deltaic environments. The Alif sand-
Madbi Formation of the Amran Group overlain by the stone Member of the Sabatayn Formation together with the
Sabatayn (Tithonian) and the early Cretaceous (Berriasian– other minor reservoir sandstones within the Yah, Seen, and
Valanginian) clastics Nayfa Formations of the same Amran Safer members of the Sabatayn Formation are regarded as the
Group. The Madbi Formation has been given much attention, main hydrocarbon reservoir in the Marib-Shabwah Basin. The
since it is well-known as a main hydrocarbon source rock in salt and shale beds of the Sabatayn Formation are serving as
some adjacent basins of Central Yemen, for example in the seal rocks for most of the Marib-Shabwah Basin reservoirs
Say’un-Masilah Basin to the east of the Marib-Shabwah Basin (Fig. 2). These halite strata act as barriers against the vertical
(Beydoun 1997). So the issue aims to: (1) recognize types of migration of petroleum and thus, are effective seal rocks.
sedimentary organic matter (SOM) and their palynomorph
contents to define the palaeoclimate; (2) identify palynofacies The Nayfa Formation This formation (Beydoun 1964)
types to infer depositional palaeoenvironments and the prob- encounters calcareous shales, shales and claystones, and it
able hydrocarbon products; and (3) evaluate the hydrocarbons reaches up to 400 m thick at the investigated basin (this
potential of the studied sequence. formation was informally referred to as the Azal Formation
by the former Yemen Hunt Oil Company geologists). In the
exploration drilling boreholes, it was encountered in all the
Lithostratigraphy main Yemeni rifted basins. It has an early Cretaceous
(Berriasian–Valanginian) age (Beydoun et al. 1998; Alaug
The Madbi Formation The Madbi Formation (Beydoun 2002 and 2006), and it was deposited mainly in open marine
1964) is generally composed of marls, shales, mudstone, environments (Beydoun et al. 1998).
calcareous shale and some sandstone beds (Fig. 2), and has a
total thickness of 240 m at its type locality the Gebel Madbi.
This formation is conformably overlain by the Sabatayn and Material and methods
underlain by the Shuqra formations. The Madbi Formation is
stratigraphically divided into two conformably members: the The material investigated is represented by 37 ditch cutting
lower Meem Member of a palaeontologically identified and 12 core samples collected from the Sabatayn-1well
Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian age (e.g. Beydoun et al. 1998) and (longitude 45° 56′ E, latitude 15° 17′ N), the Marib-
is made of marls, shales and calcareous shale. The upper Lam Shabwah Basin, Central Yemen (Fig. 1). The core and side
Member is of a palaeontologically identified Kimmeridgian– core samples were used for organic geochemistry and the
early Tithonian age (Taheri et al. 1992; Beydoun et al. 1998) visual microscopy was used for assessment of organic ther-
and is made of shales and mudstone with some limestone and mal maturation “thermal alteration index” (TAI) based on
sandstone beds. This formation was deposited in pelagic to the Staplin (1977) color chart. Light microscope (Leitz-
restricted marine environments, with phases of anoxic and Laborlux-11 POL and ZEISS-Axioskop 40 A/Pol. Carl) in
periodic margin instability within the rift basin A prograding the labs of the University of Baghdad-Iraq and Taiz
deltaic environment characterized the upper reaches of the University, Yemen, was used to identify SOM groups and
western part of the Marib-Shabwah Basin (Beydoun et al. marine and nonmarine palynomorphs. Organic geochemistry
1998). The Madbi Formation is organically rich and includes measuring of total organic carbon (TOC) percentage
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Fig. 2 Stratigraphic section of the Sabatayn-1 well, Central Yemen (Modified after Beydoun et al. 1998)

by using a Leco Apparatus, based on method of Whelan et al. calculate different parameters as Tmax, S1, S2, S3, hydrogen
(1984), in the laboratories of the Iraqi Oil Company-Baghdad index (HI), oxygen index (OI), production index (PI) and
was carried out. Rock-Eval pyrolysis was done to identify and petroleum potential (PP) (Table 1).
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Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530 2519

Table 1 Organic geochemical

log and TOC of the studied Formation Member Depth (m) HI OI PI Tmax TOC S2 PP
Madbi formation samples, the
Sabatayn-1 well Madbi Lam 1,300.00 360 25.00 0.12 437.00 2.00 7.20 8.20
1,310.00 222 21.00 0.17 430.00 1.80 4.00 4.80
1,330.00 258 36.00 0.16 425.00 1.20 3.10 3.70
1,340.00 242 18.00 0.18 438.00 3.10 7.50 9.10
1,370.00 229 24.00 0.16 435.00 3.40 7.80 9.30
Average 257 24.80 0.16 433.00 2.30 5.92 7.02
Meem 1,400.00 210 21.00 0.10 430.00 3.10 6.50 7.20
1,420.00 195 19.00 0.07 435.00 3.90 7.60 8.20
1,440.00 249 30.00 0.10 438.00 4.10 10.20 11.30
1,460.00 179 32.00 0.16 435.00 5.20 9.30 11.10
1,475.00 133 31.00 0.12 440.00 6.30 8.40 9.50
1,480.00 132 22.00 0.10 435.00 7.10 9.40 10.50
1,490.00 171 20.00 0.17 438.00 5.20 8.90 10.70
Average 173 25.00 0.12 435.86 4.99 8.61 9.79

Palynofacies analysis and palaeoenvironment The amorphous organic matter (AOM)–palynomorphs–

phytoclasts (APP) ternary kerogen plot of Tyson (1995) was
Palynofacies analyses are now considered routine procedures used to identify the kerogen types. Another ternary plot of
in several research institutes and oil companies due to their significance that was used here is the ternary palynomorphs
scientific and economic potential. They permit recognition of plot MSP, in which M represent microplankton such as dino-
sedimentary organic matter (SOM) with good precision and flagellates, microforaminiferal test linings and marine acritarchs,
accuracy, in addition to their impact on describing processes S represents spores whereas P stands for pollen. This plot can be
that are contemporaneous or later to formation of the SOM, used to describe onshore–offshore and transgressive–regressive
which assist in hydrocarbon source rock evaluation (e.g. trends (e.g. Tyson 1995). Palynomorphs themselves have envi-
Batten 1981). There are different techniques (e.g. Tyson ronmental significance because they occur in terrestrial and
1995; Pittet and Gorin 1997; Bombardiere and Gorin 1998, marine environments. They can infer palaeoclimatic and
2000) that are used for studying SOM in palynofacies analy- palaeoenvironmental characteristics (e.g. Tyson 1995).
sis. We used those of Steffen and Gorin (1993), Pittet and In order to identify different SOM groups in each
Gorin (1997) and Bombardiere and Gorin (1998) as shown in palynofacies, a count of 200 organic matter particles was
Table 2. Sedimentary organic matter log (SOML) expressed as carried out for each palynological slides to document changes
percentage distribution of palynological groups of environ- in the frequency of organic matter and to calculate their
mental significance, is drawn with depth for the studied well percentage frequency according to Nøhr-Hansen (1989) and
samples (e.g. Tyson 1984; Pittet and Gorin 1997). Steffen and Gorin (1993). As a result, two main palynofacies

Table 2 Classification of the

sedimentary organic matter Origin Group Constituent
(after Steffen and Gorin 1993;
Pittet and Gorin 1997; Continental (Allocthonous) Phytoclasts Opaque to semi Equidimensional
Bombardiere and Gorin 1998) opaque Blade shaped
Miospores Pollen Bisaccate
Non saccate
Amorphous Non-fluorescent
Marine (Autochthonous) organic Fluorescent
Microplankton Dinoflagellate cysts
linings test (MFLT)
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Fig. 3 Sedimentary organic matter log (SOML) of the Sabatayn-1 well

types were recognized from the investigated late Jurassic– indicate relatively open (inner–middle shelf) conditions (e.g.
early Cretaceous sediments of the Marib-Shabwah Basin Dale 1983; Tyson 1989; Lister and Batten 1988). Occurrences
(Fig. 3; ESM 1). Description of these palynofacies types from of microforaminiferal test linings in samples 1–12 in frequen-
the base to the top is as follows: cies similar to those of the dinoflagellate morphotypes also
indicate offshore setting of normal marine conditions
Palynofacies assemblage no. 1: (PFA1, AOM dominated) This (Schrank 1984; Lister and Batten 1988; Stancliffe 1989).
palynofacies is documented from two separate sequences Similar offshore settings but are relatively shallower than
represented by samples 1–23 and 33–44 from depths those descried for samples 1–12 are suggested for samples
intervals 1,480–1,260 m (Madbi Formation) and 660–220 m 22–44 (Nayfa Formation), as the latter interval shows lower
(Nayfa Formation) respectively. The AOM dominates (∼ 39– dinoflagellates and microforaminiferal test linings frequencies
48 %, average 44 %) the total organic matter composition of than those recorded in samples 1–12. The frequencies of
this palynofacies (Fig. 3; Plate 1, fig. 20). The high abun- dinoflagellates and microforaminiferal test linings were found
dances of AOM indicate distal depositional settings of the (e.g. Davey 1970) to decrease with decreasing water depth,
organic-rich shale and calcareous shale of the palynofacies where they are diluted with terrestrially derived organic matter
under dysoxic–anoxic conditions (Dow and Pearson 1975; (Mutterlose and Harding 1987; Lister and Batten 1988; Prauss
Bujak et al. 1977), where the site of deposition was located 1989). Plot of the palynofacies samples in the MSP ternary
relatively far from high terrestrial organic matter input, and diagram (Fig. 5) also suggests these offshore settings.
with its prevailing reducing conditions must have enhanced Miospores are the least component of the palynofacies (∼ 6–
preservation of AOM (Tyson 1993). These distal dysoxic– 15 %, average 11 %) and their increase from (∼ 5.5–10 %,
anoxic conditions are also supported by the samples plot in the average 7 %) in samples 1–12 (Madbi Formation) to (∼ 9–16,
APP ternary diagram (Fig. 4). average 12 %) in samples 22–44 also suggests a shallower
The marine phytoplanktons (∼ 13–35 %, average 21 %) offshore setting for samples 22–44 (Nayfa Formation). As
and phytoclasts (∼ 15–31 %, average 25 %) represent the increase s in miospores percentages were equated to proximity
second most dominant constituents of this palynofacies of depositional sites to active sources of terrestrial organic
(PFA1). The moderate high abundances of the phytoplanktons matter input (e.g. Tyson 1993).
in samples 1–12 (Madbi Formation) indicate shelfal offshore Recorded phytoclasts frequencies (∼ 15–31 %, average
settings (e.g. Davey 1970). This interpretation may be 25 %) also support the suggested offshore settings, where
supported by the presence of relatively moderate occurrences the irrelatively low concentrations were equated to weak
(2–9 %, average 5 %) of the chorate, proximate (3–13 %, terrestrial influx and deposition in distal settings that were
average 6 %), and proximochorate (1–6 %, average 1 %) located far from land vegetation (Müller 1959; Pocklington
dinoflagellate cysts (Plate 2) that are generally taken to and Leonard 1979; Tyson 1993).
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Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530 2521

Plate 1 All the studied samples from Sabatayn-1 well, sample num- uniserial type (I). (7) sample no. 39, depth 1,380 m, Madbi Formation;
ber, depth, and name of the formation are given sequentially for each (8–9) sample no. 36, depth 1,320 m, Madbi Formation; (12) sample no.
illustrated specimen. All photos have been taken by light microscopy 22, depth 640 m, Nayfa Formation; (13) sample no. 15, depth 500 m,
(ZEISS-Axioskop 40 A/Pol. Carl) and Canon Pc1200 camera. Nayfa Formation; (14) sample no. 44, depth 1,480 m, Madbi Forma-
Miospores, microforaminiferal test linings, multicellular fungi, and tion; (15) sample no. 17, depth 540 m, Nayfa Formation; (20) sample
palynofacies types (PFA1 and PFA2) photos taken from the studied no. 35, depth 1,300 m, Madbi Formation. (10–11) Multicellular fungi,
the Sabatayn-1 well in the Marib-Shabwah Basin, Central Yemen, with sample no. 10, depth 400 m, Nayfa Formation. (12) Unknown, prob-
a scale bar of 20 μm of figures 3, 6–8, 11, 21; 10 μm of figures 1–2, 4, ably multicellular fungi, sample no. 1, depth 220 m, Nayfa Formation.
9–10, 12–15, 18–19, and 5 μm of figures 16–17, 20. SP=spore, PL= (12B and 13B) Systematophora cf. areolata Klement 1960. Indicating
pollen, TR=tracheid, DC=dinocyst, MFTL=microforaminiferal test marine environment with input of phytoclasts (PFA1); (12B) sample
lining, AOM =amorphous organic matter. (1) Collection of pollen no. 22, depth 640 m, Nayfa Formation.; (13B) sample no. 15, depth
grains: Exesipollenites/Inaperturopollenites group, sample no. 24, 500 m, Nayfa Formation. (15) Palynofacies no. 1 (PFA1), sample no.
depth 1,020 m, Sabatayn Formation (PFA2). (2) Proximate dinocysts 17, depth 540 m, Nayfa Formation. (16) Palynofacies no. 1 (PFA1),
and pollen of the PFA1, sample no. 19, depth 580 m, Nayfa Formation. sample no. 18, depth 560 m, Nayfa Formation. (17) Palynofacies no. 1
(3) Pterosermopsis sp., sample no. 32, depth 1,180 m, Sabatayn For- (PFA1), sample no. 12, depth 440 m, Nayfa Formation. (18)
mation. (4) collection of pollen grains partially covered by AOM of the Exesipollenites rajwanensis Mahmoud 2007, sample no. 40, depth
PFA2, sample no. 28, depth 1,100 m, Sabatayn Formation. (5) 1,400 m, Madbi Formation. (19) Palynofacies no. 2 (PFA2), sample
Miospores and phytoclasts of the PFA2, sample no. 30, depth no. 29, depth 1,120 m, Sabatayn Formation. (20) Palynofacies no. 1
1,140 m, Sabatayn Formation. (6) Cassiculosphaeridia sp., sample (PFA1), sample no. 35, depth 1,300 m, Madbi Formation. (21)
no. 34, depth 1,280 m, Madbi Formation. (7–9, 12, 13A, 14A, 15A, Palynofacies no. 1 (PFA1), (a) Escharisphaeridia cf. pocockii
20A) Microforaminiferal test linings. According to Stancliffe (1989) (Sarjeant) Erkmen & Sarjeant, 1980 sensu Schrank 2005, plate 1,
classification of the MFTLs: (7, 13A, and 20A) coiled-trochospiral type figure 1; (b) Hystrichodinium cf. compactum Alberti 1961, sample
(I); (8 and 12) coiled-planispiral type (III), which are covered by the no. 40, depth 1,400 m, Madbi Formation
growth of pyrite and pyritization in most chambers of the MFTL; (9)

The above discussion suggests deposition in middle to This palynofacies is represented by calcareous shales,
outer shelf environments with moderate terrestrial input for shales and marls that are fairly rich in oil-prone materials
Madbi and Nayfa formations, respectively. as it exhibits a mainly kerogen type II and III and thus
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Fig. 4 Ternary APP plot of the Madbi, Sabatayn, and Nayfa formations samples and the indicated oxic–redox conditions and kerogen

posses a moderate to high potential for producing mainly represented by samples 24–32 at depths of 1,180–1,020 m,
liquid hydrocarbons and gas. whereas its evaporitic part is palynologically barren (Fig. 3).
The current palynofacies (PFA2) is mainly dominated by
Palynofacies assemblage no. 2: (PFA2, phytoclasts high phytoclasts frequencies (∼ 42–53 %, average 47 %) in
dominated) This palynofacies is recorded from a shale bed contrast to the previous palynofacies (Plate 1, fig. 19). This
comprising the lower part of the Sabatayn Formation and is in turn suggests strong terrestrial influx and deposition near

Plate 2 Dinoflagellate cysts (mainly chorate and proximate), spore, and

pollen grains recovered from the studied Sabatayn-1 well in Marib
Formation. (21) Gonyaulacysta globata Gitmez and Sarjeant 1972, sam-
ple no. 42, depth 1,440 m, Madbi Formation. (22, 27–29) Pareodinia
Shabwah Basin, Central Yemen with a scale bar of 20 μm and magnifi- ceratophora (Deflandre) Gocht 1970, (22) sample no. 24, depth 1,020 m,
cation of ×750 with exceptions of figures 12–14, 22, and 31 of magnifi- Sabatayn Formation; (27) sample no. 37, depth 1,340 m, Madbi Forma-
cation of ×500. (1) Oligosphaeridium cf. anthophorum (Cookson and tion; (28) sample no. 41, depth 1,420 m, Madbi Formation; (29) sample
Eisenack) Davey 1969, sample no. 3, depth 260 m, Nayfa Formation. (2) no. 1, depth 220 m, Nayfa Formation. (23) Cribroperidinium perforans
Spiniferites sp., sample no. 2, depth 240 m, Nayfa Formation. (3) (Cookson and Eisenack) Sarjeant 1969, sample no. 41, depth 1,420 m,
Systematophora penicillata (Ehrenberg) Sarjeant 1980, sample no. 35, Madbi Formation. (24) Gonyaulacysta diphana (Cookson and Eisenack)
depth 1,300 m, Madbi Formation. (4) Cleistosphaeridium sp., sample no. Sarjeant 1969, sample no. 44, depth 1,480 m, Madbi Formation. (25)
25, depth 1,040 m, Sabatayn Formation. (5) Systematophora orbifera Alfordia corticata Norris and Jux 1984, sample no. 35, depth 1,300 m,
Klement 1960, sample no. 43, depth 1,460 m, Madbi Formation. (6–7) Madbi Formation. (26) Cribroperdinium cf. cooksoniae Norvick 1976,
Systematophora areolata Klement 1960, sample no. 44, depth 1,480 m, sample no. 7, depth 340 m, Nayfa Formation. (30) Apteodinium sp.,
Madbi Formation. (8) Hystrichodinium cf. ramoides Alberti 1961, sam- sample no. 23, depth 660 m, Nayfa Formation. (31) Dingodinium
ple no. 23, depth 660 m, Nayfa Formation. (9) Exochosphaeridium cf. spinosum (Duxbury) Davey 1979, sample no. 33, depth 1,260 m, Madbi
scitulum Singh 1971, sample no. 14, depth 480 m, Nayfa Formation. (10– Formation. (33) Dingodinium sp., sample no. 40, depth 1,400 m, Madbi
11) Ctenidodinium cf. panneum (Norris) Lentin and Williams 1972, Formation. (34) Concavissimisporites variverrucatus (Couper) Brenner
sample no. 38, depth 1,360 m, Madbi Formation. (12) Collection of 1963, sample no. 31, depth 1,160 m, Sabatayn Formation. (35)
Systematophora cf . Penicillata (Ehrenberg) Sarjeant 1980, sample no. Dicotyophyllidites sp., sample no. 44, depth 1,480 m, Madbi Formation.
33, depth 1,260 m, Madbi Formation. (13–14) Pseudoceratium cf. (36) Gleicheniidites senonicus Ross 1949, sample no. 38, depth 1,360 m,
pelliferum Gocht 1957; (13) sample no. 11, depth 420 m, Nayfa Forma- Madbi Formation. (37) Cyathidites australis Couper 1953, sample no. 32,
tion; (14) sample no. 22, depth 640 m, Nayfa Formation. (15) depth 1,180 m, Sabatayn Formation. (38) Deltoidospora australis
Pseudoceratium cf. regium Singh 1971, sample no. 9, depth 380 m, (Couper) Pocock 1970, sample no. 30, depth 1,140 m, Sabatayn Forma-
Nayfa Formation. (16 and 32) Cyclonephelium cf. distinctium Deflandre tion. (39) Araucariacites australis Cookson 1947, sample no. 21, depth
and Cookson 1955; (16) sample no. 34, depth 1,280 m, Madbi Formation; 620 m, Sabatayn Formation. (40) Exesipollenites scabratus (Couper)
(32) sample no. 26, 1,060 m, Sabatayn Formation. (17) Scriniodinium cf. Pocock 1970, sample no. 27, 1,080 m, Sabatayn Formation. (41–42)
Cryallinium (Deflandre) Klement 1960. Apical view, sample no. 26, Dicheiropollis etruscus Trevisan 1971, (41) sample no. 4, depth 280 m,
1,060 m, Sabatayn Formation. (18) Cribroperdinium orthoceras Nayfa Formation; (42) sample no. 6, depth 320 m, Nayfa Formation. (43)
(Eisenack) Davey 1978, sample no. 33, depth 1,260 m, Madbi Formation. Callailasporites dampieri (Balme) Doring 1965, sample no. 20, depth
(19) Apteodinium cf. bucculatum Davies 1983, sample no. 39, depth 600 m, Sabatayn Formation. (44) Classopollis torosus (Ressinger)
1,380 m, Madbi Formation. (20) Cribroperdinium granuligerum Couper 1958, sample no. 5, depth 300 m, Nayfa Formation
(Klement) Stover and Eviit 1978, sample no. 36, depth 1,320 m, Madbi
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active fluvio-deltaic systems (e.g. Tyson 1993) that must 27) than those recorded in (PFA1) indicate deposition in
have occurred during a regression marine cycle. shallower (inner shelf) marine conditions close to land
Higher occurrences (∼ 17–25, average 21 %) of miospores vegetation under prevailing dysoxic–suboxic conditions
and lower abundance s of AOM (∼ 25–29 %, average (Figs. 4 and 5), with occasional good preservation of
Author's personal copy
2524 Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530

and subordinate AOM frequencies, and thus exhibits

kerogen type III to II that is qualified to produce mainly
gaseous hydrocarbons.


Study of the terrestrial palynomorphs recovered in this inves-

tigation suggests vegetation cover near the area of the study
that is generally characterized by subtropical to tropical forests.
The moderate to high occurrences of the Araucariaceae
(Araucariacites) indicate conifer vegetation on the relatively
dry neighboring lands (Schrank and Mahmoud 1998). The
abundant to common occurrences of the Classopollis pollen
Fig. 5 Ternary MSP plot of the Madbi, Sabatayn, and Nayfa forma- grains, which grow in subtropical latitudes (e.g. Doyle 1999)
tions samples and the indicated depositional environments and are known to have been produced by drought-resistant
Cheriolepidiacean conifers, also suggest that this taxon thrived
AOM and the palynomorphs. Because AOM is known to
near the site of deposition and thus indicates hot dry conditions
decrease in shallow shelf sediments (e.g. Dow and Pearson
(e.g. Watson 1988; Doyle 1999). However, local humid con-
1975; Bujak et al. 1977).
ditions are postulated at the site of the Sabatayn-1well, based
Lower frequencies (∼ 25–29 %, average 27 %) of marine
on the presence of some fern families such as Cyatheaceae,
microplanktons are observed than in the palynofacies (PFA1),
Williamsoniaceae and Schizeaceae, which are known to thrive
where proximate (0.5–2 %, average 1 %) and proximochorate
in local warm humid climate in wet low lands, such as river-
(0.5–1 %, average 1 %) forms dominate the dinoflagellate cyst
sides and coastal areas (e.g. Taylor 1980; Schrank 1994;
assemblage. This lead to the suggestion that sediments of
Schrank and Mahmoud 1998; Abbink et al. 2004).
(PFA2) were deposited in inner shelf settings. As high frequen-
Lycopodiaceaen spores (Trilobosporites) could also thrive
cies of proximate ceratoid forms are known to characterize
at or near the site of deposition. This dense vegetation
marginal marine (brackish to coastal) conditions (e.g. Davey
under such warm local humid conditions and the occur-
1970; Harding 1986; Lister and Batten 1988).
rence of river systems transport organic matter and
The very low occurrences (0.5–1 %, average 1 %) of the
resinous material of high hydrogen index to shallow
chorate cysts characteristic of the middle shelf also support
marine sedimentary environments close to fluvial systems.
these shallow marine conditions. The cavate cysts decrease
This SOM is essential for hydrocarbon production (Tissot and
dramatically (0.5 %) in this palynofacies, and thus indicates
Welte 1984). This is in accordance with hydrocarbon accu-
depositional settings of normal marine conditions, because
mulation in sediments of the Madbi Formation.
high percentages of the cavate cysts are indicative of near-
shore restricted marine environments (e.g. Mutterlose and
Harding 1987; Lister and Batten 1988).
Source rock evaluation
The current palynofacies (PFA2) represents the lower
part of the Sabatayn Formation, and thus inner shelf depo-
Evaluation of source rocks for their hydrocarbon potential is
sitional environments of dysoxic to suboxic conditions are
essential in exploration processes. SOM contained in a
suggested for this part of the formation.
source rock must be rich enough and of good quality.
This palynofacies (PFA2) is mostly composed of
Important in hydrocarbon formation is occurrence of
shales mainly rich in terrestrially derived organic matter
reducing environments in subsiding basins, where enough
Table 3 Classification of the organic matter quantity and source rock time and temperature are necessary for the thermal mat-
petroleum potential of Baskin (1997) uration of SOM (e.g. Hunt 1996). Geochemical measure-
ment of the total organic carbon (TOC %) content of a
Quantity TOC wt% S2
potential source rock is the first step in the hydrocarbon
Poor 0–0.5 0–1 investigation. This is followed by palynological and geo-
Fair 0.5–1 1–5 chemical identifications of the kerogen types. Thermal
Good 1–2 5–10
maturation of source rocks is measured by optical paly-
Very good 2–4 10–20
nological methods such as the TAI and by the vitrinite
Excellent >4 >20
reflectance (Ro %). Other geochemical analyses of sedi-
ment using the Rock-Eval pyrolysis, where the important
Author's personal copy
Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530 2525

has been identified according to classifications of Baskin

(1997) (Table 3). Carbonate and shale rocks are considered
hydrocarbon source if TOC exceeds 0.3 and 0.5 %, respec-
tively (Tissot and Welte 1984; Peters 1986). This step was
economic wise, where samples containing TOC % >0.5 were
subjected to the subsequent analysis, the Rock-Eval pyrolysis.
To better evaluate organic matter qualitatively, we used deter-
mined TOC % and S2 (Fig. 6). According to the TOC %
classification of Baskin (1997), sediments of the Madbi
Formation have generally a very good (1.2–7, average
4 wt% TOC) potential to act as a source rock, where the
Meem Member is more enriched in TOC than the overlying
Lam Member (Fig. 7). The Rock-Eval pyrolysis also indicates
a very good potential source rock for the Madbi Formation
sediments (Fig. 10). This data reveals that the Madbi
Fig. 6 Plot of S2 versus total organic carbon content (TOC wt%) Formation sediments are rich in organic matter, but S2 (∼ 3–
indicating source rock potential of the Sabatayn-1 well, Central Yemen 10, average 7 mg HC/g rock) suggests only a good potential
for the Madbi Formation. S2 measures hydrocarbon generated
parameters S1, S2, S3, Tmax, HI, OI, PI and PP are by pyrolytic degradation of the kerogen and heavy hydrocar-
obtained, come as the last step (Tissot and Welte 1984). bons (milligram of HC per gram of rock). This means that
Emphasis in this work is given to the Madbi Formation source S2 measures the existing potential of a rock to generate
rocks in the Marib-Shabwah Basin (Taheri et al. 1992; hydrocarbons, and thus regarded as a more practical
Webster et al. 1995). A description of the different analyses measure of source rock potential than the TOC, because
applied and the results obtained is given as follows. TOC takes into account “dead carbon” that is of course
unable to generate hydrocarbons (Peters and Cassa
Organic carbon richness 1994). Therefore, the Madbi Formation is regarded as
a good potential source rock, with its lower part the
The total organic carbon content (TOC wt%) has been mea- Meem Member considered a better potential source rock
sured using LECO apparatus, with the source rock potential than the overlying Lam Member.

Fig. 7 Organic geochemical

log of the Sabatayn-1well,
Central Yemen
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Kerogen types

Types of kerogen can be identified by optical methods, for

example by using the amorphous organic matter to identify
kerogen type according to Thompson and Dembicki (1986),
or by other optical methods such as that of Bujak et al.
(1977). Organic geochemical methods are also used to iden-
tify kerogen types, where values of the elemental analysis of
C, O and H are plotted on a Van Krevelen diagram (Tissot et
al. 1974), which defines four kerogen types. Kerogen types
can also be distinguished by plotting the HI versus OI
generated from the Rock-Eval pyrolysis on a modified
Van Krevelen diagram (Espitalie et al. 1977; Tissot and
Welte 1984). Currently, the method of the Rock-Eval
pyrolysis is frequently used in oil exploration where
quantity, quality and degree of maturation of the organic
matter can be evaluated.
The HI versus OI plot (modified Van-Krevelen diagram) of
the Madbi Formation (Figs. 8, 9a) indicates a kerogen of
mixed type III and II (gas and oil prone). The HI values
(132–258 and 360 only one sample) for the formation and
with average values of 173 and 257 mg HC/g TOC for the
Meem and Lam Members respectively, also suggests the
Fig. 8 Kerogen types based on H I/OI plotted on Van Krevelen mixed kerogen type II and III (organic facies BC) in the
diagram for the Sabatayn-1 well Lam Member and a mixed type III and II (organic facies C)
in the lower Meem Member (Table 4). Pyrolysis-identified
kerogen types should be supported by microscopy of the

Fig. 9 Tmax and HI showing organic thermal maturation and type of kerogen
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Table 4 Geochemical charac-

teristics of organic matter of Organic facies Product HI OI Atomic H/C Kerogen type
Baskin (1997)
A (Lacustrine) Oil 700–1,000 10–40 >1.4 I
B (Marine) Oil 350–700 20–60 1.2–1.4 II
BC (Mixed) Oil and gas 200–350 40–80 1–1.2 II–III
C (Humic) Gas and oil 50–200 50–150 0.7–1 III
D (Inert) Some gas <50 20–200 <0.7 IV

macerals of each identified kerogen type, because of the maturation. Espitalie (1986) and Peters (1986) pointed out
pyrolysis limitations (Peters 1986; Tyson 1995). It was shown that the Tmax parameter is partially dependent on the type of
in the palynofacies analysis that samples of the Madbi organic matter. Thus, Tmax values between 435 and 450 °C for
Formation exhibit nearly equal frequencies of marine and kerogen type I and 420 and 460 °C for kerogen type II are
terrestrial organic matter, which suggests kerogen types II accepted to indicate the mature phase of organic matter, while
and III that can generate oil and gas. Optical study of the kerogen type III reaches the maturation level between 400 and
Madbi-deposited AOM compared to the standard types 600 °C. The HI versus Tmax plot for the Madbi Formation
suggested by Thompson and Dembicki (1986) to confirm samples shows that the Madbi source rock is at the early
the Rock-Eval pyrolysis results shows that most of the mature oil window (425–440 °C) stage (Fig. 9a–b). This
Madbi Formation samples are confined to type A and C. maturity level could be also generally supported by the esti-
These types have the capability to generate both liquid hydro- mated average PI value of 0.13 mg HC/g rock (Peters 1986).
carbons and gas, in other words, types A and C and accord-
ingly the Madbi Formation sediments contain kerogen types II Thermal alteration index
to III in which type III is the main component as shown in Fig.
(9b) and by low hydrogen index as shown in Table 1. So, the Because Tmax depends on the type of organic matter, so, it is
Lam Member is the main source for oil than Meem Member necessary to use other supporting maturity indicators such
which is considered as mainly gas prone (high type III as the TAI or vitrinite reflectance (Ro %). In the TAI anal-
kerogen). ysis, transmitted light microscope is used to compare
pollen/spore colors to standard colors chart to evaluate ther-
Thermal maturity mal maturation of the OM (e.g. Staplin 1977; Mao et al.
1994). This depends on the fact that percent of hydrogen
Pyrolysis-estimated maturity parameter (Tmax) and oxygen are lost in terms of carbon, this leads to color
changes. To standardize measurements, one taxon
Tmax represents the maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) (Classopollis spp.) has been applied for the whole Madbi
acquired at the greatest hydrocarbon production (S2) when Formation samples to ensure that no color changes due to
kerogen undergoes thermal cracking at temperatures between palynomorphs exines might occur. This method was fre-
300 and 600 °C, and is used to assess degree of thermal quently used in several world oil fields (e.g. Burgess 1977;
Staplin 1977; Teichmuller 1986; Piasecki et al. 1990; Batten
Table 5 Identified TAI values of the Madbi Formation samples 1983, 1996). Observed pollen colors for the Madbi
Formation samples range between orange yellow to dark
Formation Member Depth (m) TAI
yellow on scale of Staplin (1977) and correspond to TAI
Madbi Lam 1,260 2 values of 2 to 2+ (Table 5). This means that the Madbi
1,280 2 Formation source rock is at the oil window phase, where peak
1,300 2 oil generation to main phase of oil expulsion is reached.
1,320 2+
1,340 2+ Petroleum generation potential
1,360 2+
1,380 2+ The samples of the Madbi Formation exhibits an estimated PP
Meem 1,400 2+ of 4–11 mg HC/g dry rock to generate oil from the kerogen
1,420 2+ types II–III enclosed in the Madbi source rock (Fig. 10). This
1,440 2+
source rock contains average 4 wt % TOC and shows average
1,460 2+
HI of 257 and 173 mg HC/g TOC for the Lam and
1,480 2+
Meem members respectively, indicating mainly good to
partially excellent potential of oil generation (Fig. 11)
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2528 Arab J Geosci (2014) 7:2515–2530

Fig. 10 TOC wt% and hydrocarbon generation potential (milligram of

Fig. 12 Plot of Tmax versus PI showing the potential hydrocarbon
HC per gram of rock) of the Sabatayn-1 well
generation of Madbi Formation

from kerogen type II–III. This hydrocarbon generation in organic matter (varies between 1.2 and 7.1 wt% TOC) to
is further supported by the Tmax versus PI plot, which act as a good source for generating both oil and gases.
indicates that the samples are thermally mature (showing a Palynofacies analysis of the Madbi and Nayfa formations
maximum Tmax value of 440 °C) and are mostly susceptible to sediments reflect the occurrence of mixed types II to III
generate oil (Fig. 12). kerogen and type III, and were deposited in middle to outer
shelf environments under dysoxic–anoxic conditions.
However, kerogen occurred in shales of the lower Sabatayn
Conclusion Formation is composed of types III to II and was deposited in
an inner shelf environment of prevailing dysoxic–suboxic
The organic geochemical analyses of the studied samples conditions. Subtropical to tropical forests are thought to thrive
show that the Madbi Formation sediments are rich enough under regional warm and relatively dry palaeoclimatic condi-
tions during deposition of the studied sediments. This is based
on the abundant to common frequencies of the Classopollis
and Araucariacites pollen grains. However, local humid con-
ditions developed near/at the site of the well are also seen,
based on the presence of pteridophyte spores (e.g. Cyathidites,
Organic geochemical analyses supported by the optical
palynology of the upper part of the Madbi Formation (Lam
Member) samples indicate mainly kerogen types II to III (oil
to gas prone) that have entered the early mature oil window
stage, and show a good potential to generate and expel oil in
commercial amounts. Therefore, the Madbi Formation is
considered as the main hydrocarbon source rock in the
Marib-Shabwah Basin. The calcareous shale of the lower
part of the Madbi Formation (Meem Member) is more
enriched in thermally mature, gas-prone organic matter than
the overlying Lam Member. Accordingly, the Meem Member
is considered as a potential active source for the gas and oil in
the overlying sandstone reservoir of the Sabatayn Formation
in the Sabatayn-1 well.
The promising results of the present study recommend
carrying out a further extensive investigation on the Madbi
Formation source rock of the Marib-Shabwah Basin through
Fig. 11 Plot of HI versus TOC wt% showing hydrocarbon source several wells. This further investigation will be introduced
potential in a forthcoming paper.
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