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Suarez, Reymond I.


1. Which among the Articles and Sections are most related to our subject CAE03,
specify each and why do you say so?
Section 39, in my opinion, has the most pertinent article. Heritage Education
Program (HEP) It is an educational subject that focuses on the education, learning,
acquisition, collection, preservation, and transmission of cultural identity
knowledge, as well as serving as a source of values and social attribution. It also
fosters awareness of the importance of preserving previously created cultural
heritage, practices, languages, crafts, works of art, or structures that are socially
meaningful. This is a unique opportunity a method of teaching that allows students
to comprehend the heritage resources and is a vital aspect of education, not to
mention only assisting students in recognizing their culture via history but also how
the past's heritage recognizes if it is has been founded and imbued with historical

2. Is this RA 10066 important with regards to Perfectives in Philippine Cultural

Heritage? Prove your answer.
Yes, RA 10066 is crucial for the preservation of Philippine cultural heritage. The
goal of this statute is to conserve, preserve, and promote the cultural legacy,
property, history, and communities of the United States. Its mission is to strengthen
and improve cultural institutions, as well as to safeguard cultural workers and
assure their professional development and well-being. This law enables the state to
create a balanced atmosphere in which the historical past and current society
coexist peacefully, as well as to manage I'm seeking for historical relics to serve as
guardians for the motivations and interests of present and future generations.
Government financing may be available for protection of property, conservation,
and restoration. In order to recognize permanent cultural property as valuable
cultural objects, an official Heritage Marker must be affixed on it. Historical
monuments may even be designated as National Monuments.
Certain benefits will be granted to cultural treasures and national historical
landmarks. Cultural properties may be designated as National Cultural Treasures
or Important Cultural Properties, or they may be de-listed. Its procedure is outlined
in this statute. All intervention activities and actions on cultural property
conservation must rigorously follow to established worldwide preservation
guidelines in order to preserve the cultural property. This act also emphasizes the
importance of local government units documenting historic and contemporary arts
and crafts, as well as their processes and manufacturers, and preserving their input
materials resources. It is also responsible for promoting and preserving traditional
art projects as active and sustainable sources of revenue in the neighborhood.

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