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The Contemporary World Activity_1

I. Based on the given picture below, choose a term/word and explain how is it connected to
the process of “Globalization”. (50-100 words)

In our modern world, Technology or the internet is of the sources of our knowledge but in some
other ways, technology can totally help in our business just like store or company, Because it eases
our work just like preparing shipping documents or importation documents. Without Technology
our work now that needs to be done at a short of time will take it along of a time to be done, just
like in the late 19os in that time paper works is hard to be done in a short of time that affects it in
importation or shipping of some goods. No, because of Technology we can buy our needs while in
our home at the same time. Because Technology is the vital force in the modern world to form
business globalization.

Clifford B. de la Cruz
GE 5 Instructor
II. Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization. (Explain briefly)

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Globalization can transport technologies in a 1. Globalization can increase inequality in terms
whole world, we can use this to communicate of educational attainment or standards of some
our love ones in a whole world and to easily other company, because of this it can cause
gather data or information that we need in our poverty in our community.
everyday life.

2. Globalization give us better services, this 2. Globalization is the main reason why in some
services also provided by our technology to help other countries increase their unemployment
our life to become eases in our work and some rate, Because Globalization demands a higher-
thing that we totally needed for our daily life just skilled worker in a cheaper prize and once the
like foods that manufactured by a factory that crisis comes just like pandemic some of other
also uses technology and water supply that also workers can lose their job and they can’t easily
uses technology, because Globalization is always find another work because of their high standard
provide us better services. skill workers that they need.

3. Globalization helps us to fight against poverty 3. Globalization can cause imbalancement of

and hunger and also improve our standard living trading goods, because in other developing
on our own community. countries their always importing goods than
exporting their own goods, because of that it
decrease their exporting capabilities that can
affect it to their capital, which is affecting in
some other small business and workers in some
developing countries.
4. Globalization can affect our economic because 4. Globalization destroys our environment,
it helps it to grow by exporting and importing of because or our expanding needs environment is
resources. of the biggest victim of our Globalization, the
raw materials that needed to create goods is
came from our environment, the example of
that is papers, the raw materials of papers are
came from trees that they cut it at the thin
pieces. The effect of cutting trees are landslide,
global warming and etc.
5. Globalization provide us affordable products 5. Globalization creates terrorist, because of
that came in other country because of that some some miss understanding thoughts or hidden
of the companies are reduce the price to the agenda of some companies it forced people or
consumers. that some developing country to rebel or to fight

Clifford B. de la Cruz
GE 5 Instructor
for their rights but because of some persons that
they want to accomplish their hidden agenda
they can use government to manipulate our own

20 pts.

Clifford B. de la Cruz
GE 5 Instructor

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