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Will COVID kill globalization?

CoVid-19 has a big impact to our globalization. There is also a fact that even before the

pandemic; the globalization is already going down. Through years, science and technology are

continuing to develop and leading countries are having problem with each other. Unknowingly,

the globalization is already stepping down and it started in the financial crisis. We individual

human made the globalization as low as this, because we are the reason of climate change that

hits the economy hard. The pandemic made it worse. Some of things we have are a product of

chain supply wherein products are assembled by different parts and those parts are from trades.

Transporting goods from factories to main commercial or shopping stores is the most common

work of globalization. Internet has a big role in making the globalization present until today.

Industry of clothing is one of the industry lines that are mostly affected. Clothing industry

has a millions number of laborer here in Asia. And parts of the garments mostly are from other

countries such as Bangladesh, India and China. Problems in manufacturing these products could

be the late of production of cotton cloths, transporting that could led to cancellation of orders.

From America, sales dropped to 73.5% last year. Also the count of laborers decreases from

Bangladesh because of lack of orders and low demand of the products since we are experiencing

pandemic. Transporting goods is best known as transaction activities in globalization;

globalization is made by the related nations after the World War II for economic peace. This

allows entities products, science and technology to transfer to other countries. Year 1990, the

countries become more connected and the most known country is China. China became the

leading country and multinational companies invest in China and all over the world. Therefore,

world trade goods and services increases. There is an era where all benefits from the

globalization, cheaper products where bought and billion people had a job. Globalization started

to go down in the year 2008 because of financial crisis. Technology gets the work of the human

that makes the people poor. Factories with high technology are from China. It made other

country left out of economy. It makes the former leaders of countries decide to fight with China.

Second is the Climate change, people didn’t notice that they are already dependent with the other

countries products and they cannot produce their own because of lack of resources and

technology. It even made to a point where America and China fight over this issue. They say that

China is doing unfair trading. Current year’s GDP fell into 4.9%. It is not going up through

years and expected to experience worse in the future. Globalization is not a choice of other, they

will conduct smaller interaction such is regionalization, localization and nationalization.

Pandemic changes everything, but internet makes everything possible.

Ordinary people might not know the chaos about globalization because companies had an

alternative to meet the expectation of market through internet. In reality, millions of people lose

their job because of the technology we have. Struggles for companies to transport products make

the product expensive, it took more time to be made and deliver. We are doing not just

destroying Globalization but also our future needs are not stable. CoVid-19 is just one of the

factor that will end globalization but globalization might end because of other factors like,

technology, climate change and issues between countries.

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