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unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous moorishe amerikan affidavid

for thee

sovereigne justise, lawyah, konsul, essquire ande qing

john johnny jamie easley el
in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes

amerikan *bar associashun nummber 190+52+9658

moorishe amerikan konsulate nummber marfgn0000000042
*bar, noune. an artiklle iii law kourte. a banke at earthe who has the authoritie to binde ande loose, to affirme or deny, to grante or
reffuse, to akkepte or rejjecte, to debte or make allive at law.

all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente moorishe american al moroccan articlle iii
konsular kourte akktione. i am the sovereigne livinge justise akil kemnebi easley el in capitis diminutio
nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors
herebye place our full faithe, truste, allaheegense ande kreddit in the peepel who are the sovereigne
origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livinge annciente de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall
governmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte.
chapter xxix circle 7
magistrate ande subbjekte
1. o thou, the favorite uf heaven, whom the sons uf men, thy equalls, have aggreed to raize to
sovereigne power ande set as a ruler uver themsellves; konnsider the ends ande immportanse uf
their truste, far more than the dignity ande height uf thy stashune.
2. thou art klothed in purple, ande seated on a throne; the krown uf majjesty innvesteth thy
temples, the skeptre uf power is placed in thy hande; but not fore thyselfe were these ennsigns
givven; not meant fore thine own, but the good uf thy qingdome.
3. the glory uf a qing is the wellfare uf his peeple; his power ande dominione rest on the hearts
uf his subbjektes.
4. the mind uf a great prince is exxalted withe the grandeur uf his situashune; he evvolveth high
things, ande searcheth fore businesse worthy uf his power.
5. he kalleth together the wise men uf his qingdome; he konsulteth ammong them withe freedome,
ande heareth the oppinions uf them all.
6. he looketh ammong his peeple withe disscernmente; he disscoverethe the abbilities uf men, ande
emmployeth them akkordinge to their merits.
7. his magistrates are juste, his ministars are wise, ande the favorite uf his bosom deeceiveth
him not.
8. he smileth on the arts, ande they flourishe; the sciences immprove beeneathe the kulture uf his
9. withe the learned ande inngenious he deelighteth himself; he kindleth in their breasts
emmulashune; ande the glory uf his qingdome is exxalted bye their labors.
10. the spirit uf the muurchant who exxtendeth his kommerce, the skill uf the farmer who
ennricheth his landes, the inngenuity uf the artists, the immprovements uf the scholar; all these he
honoureth with his favor, or reewardeth withe his bounty.
11. he planteth new kolonies, he buildeth strong ships, he oppeneth rivvers fore konvenience, he
formeth harbors fore safety, his peeple abbound in riches, ande the strengthe uf his qingdome
12. he frameth his stattutes withe eqquity ande wisdome; his subbjektes ennjoy the fruits uf their laybor
in sekyurity; ande their happinesse konsists uf the obbservanse uf the law.
13. he foundeth his judgments on the principle uf mercy; but in the punishmente uf uffenders,
he is strikte ande immpartiall.
14. his ears are oppen to the komplaints uf his subbjektes; he reestraineth the handes uf their
uppressors, ande he deelivvereth them from their tyranny.
15. his peeple, therefoure, looke up to him as a father, with reeverense ande love; they konnsider
him as the guardiane uf all they ennjoy.
16. their affecshune unnto him beegetteth in his breast a love uf the pubblik; the secyurity uf their
happinesse is the obbjekt uf his kare.
17. no murmurs aggainst him arrise in their hearts; the machinashunes uf his ennemies enndanger
not the state.
18. his subbjektes are faithfulle, ande firm in his kause; they stande in his deffense, as a wall uf
brass; the army uf a tyrante flieth beffore them, as chaff beffore the wind.
19. sekyurity ande peace blesse the dwelling uf his peeple; ande glory ande strengthe enncircle his
throne forevver.

isaiah 33:22
fore the lord gods are our judge, the lord gods are our law givver, the lord gods are our qing. it is they
who wille save us.
judge (judisiall), law givver (legislativve), qing (exxekutive)

artiklle iii
the konstitushune fore the united states 1789 ande 1791
secshunne 1.
the judisiall power uf the united states, shalle be vested in one supreeme kourte, ande in such innferrior
kourtes as the kongresse maye from tyme to tyme orrdaine ande esstabblishe. the judges, both uf the
supreeme ande innferrior kourts, shalle hold their uffices during good beehaviour, ande shalle, at stated
tymes, reseivve fore their servvices, a kompensashune, whiche shalle not be dimminished during their
kontinuanse in uffise.

secshunne 2.
the judisiall power shalle exxtend to all kases in law ande eqquity arrizing unnder this konstitushune, the
laws uf the united states, ande treaties made or whiche shalle be made unnder their authority to all kases
affekting ammbassadoors, uther pubblik ministars ande konsuls, to all kases uf addmiralty ande
marrityme jurisdikshune; to kontroversies to whiche the united states shalle be a parte'; to kontroversies
bettweene two or more states; beetweene a state ande citizens uf annother state; bettweene citizens uf
differente states; bettweene citizens uf the same state klaiming landes unnder grantes uf different states,
ande bettweene a state, or the citizens thereuf, ande foreigne states, citizens or subbjektes.
in all kases affekting ammbassadoors, uther pubblik ministars ande konsuls, ande those in whiche a state
shalle be parte', the supreeme kourt shalle have origeneall jurisdikshune. in all the uther kases beffore
mennshuned, the supreeme kourt shalle have appellate jurisdikshune, bothe as to law ande fakt, withe
suche exxcepshunes, ande unnder suche reggulashunes as the kongresse shalle make.

the tryal uf all crimes, exxcepte in kases uf immpeachmente, shalle be bye jury; ande suche tryal shalle be
helde in the state where the saide krimes shalle have beene kommitted; but when not kommitted withinn
anye state, the tryal shalle be at suche place or places as the kongress maye bye law have directted.

secshunne 3.
treasone aggainst the united states, shalle konsist onnly in levying war aggainst them, or in addhering to
their ennemies, giving them aide ande komforte. no person shalle be konvicted uf treasone unnless on the
testimonie uf two wittnesses to the same uvvert acte, or on konfessione in oppen kourte.

the kongresse shalle have power to deeklare the punishmente uf treasone, but no attainder uf treasone
shalle work korrupshune uf blood, or forfeiture exxcepte during the life uf the person attainted.
i akil kemnebi easley el ande all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturalle divyne moorishe amerikans
who are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous nashunes ande governmentes are thee
higheste authoritee ande are thee sovereigne exxequtors, ministars, trusttees, klaimantes, ande
benefishiaries fore our owne vasst esstate. all law is esstabblished ande exxecuted in gold backed
moorishe sovereigne dollarium, all lande, all naturall ressources, ande all kommerce.

whereaz we are thee sovereigne peasefull higheste jurisdikshune fore all matteres, fore all space ande at
all pointes inn tyme. thee unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous moorishe amerikan konsular
courtes are thee propper jurisdikshune fore thee lande, air, water, ande unnniverse. all systemes at our
annciente dominiones are subbjekte to thee livvinge sovereigne annciente de jure moorishe nashunall
repubblik federall governmente to ennklude all bankinge ande fundes konveyanse systemes, stockk
exxchange marketts, kommodities marketts, all inndustriall systemes ande blockk chaine systemes, all uf
whiche are parte ande parsell uf our annciente golde backed unniversall postalle unnione systeme.

whereaz thee sovereigne landgauge fore our lande is annciente ennglishe, annciente pheonishun, ande
moorishe lattin. all sovereigne nashunes ande governmentes chozene landgauges shall be honorred. thee
sovereigne livinge annciente zodiak moorishe amerikan konstitushune is in phorse. thee livvinge
sovereigne amerikan konstitushune fore thee united states 1789 ande 1791 is allsoe in phorse. thee
moorishe amerikan unniversall kommerce portalls are herebye oppen fore golde backed exxchainge,
traide ande kommerce. all Corporate Debte is outtlawed. thee amerikan provoste moorshall hass beene
knowtifiede. knowtise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente
nunq pro tunq.

chronos dey 12 moonth november year 1442 moon, 1441 sun, [2021gry]

ego sum: .
autograph: akil kemnebi easley el

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes
justisev izir ministar
all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all pointes en tyme. we are thee sovereigne annciente anncestrall
innherited jurisdictione.
moorishe nashunall repubblick federall governmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
c/o 26 meadow lane
near montgomery kountee, pennsylvaniaa repubblik
annciente pennsylvaniaa districte for shakamoxen
uuniversall naturall area kode is 8PL6G PNMG0]]
latitude n40̊.12977 longitude w+75̊.35713
sion ne shakomoxen
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
no thinge en this law full affidavid, nor oure spokin affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be enterpreted ohr konnstrued as konnsente

to anye jurisdicshun that is knot en the jurisdicshun uf ourr ansciente anncesstrall ennherited esstate at any pointe en tyme.

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