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Worksheet: Maori Dance, songs and meetings:

 On this worksheet, you’ll look into different types of Maori dance and songs. Secondly,
you’ll study a beautifully decorated Maori meeting house. Enjoy!

1. The waiata song:





Questions :
 Waiata songs are said to be ‘laments’. What’s a lament?

 For who or what do the Maori sing these laments?

 Which instruments do the Maori use in a waiata? (watch the video and study the
2. Poi dancing :


 What is a poi dance exactly?

 Nowadays, a poi dance is mostly performed for pleasure but for what reason did men
and women perform it in the past?

3. The ‘Haka’:

 To find the information you need, launch the Haka feature in the right
corner. This feature requires Flash Player 6, which you can install by
clicking on ‘Flash Player 6’ if you don’t already have Flash Player 6 on your

 Only read page 989: ‘The Haka and Maori Dance’!
 Gloss: to quiver: huiveren, sidderen van angst; ferocious: woest;
inapropriate: ongepast; to mollify: bedaren, kalmeren;
to decimate: decimeren, verkleinen in aantal.


Before answering these questions, study all the links above! If you don’t understand
certain English words, verbs or expressions, use a dictionary or let Google find the
translation for you.

A. History:
 Who was Te Rauparaha?

 What’s the link between him and the haka?

 What does ‘Ka Mate, Ka Mate, Ka Ora, Ka Ora’ mean?

 By whom is the haka frequently performed today?

 True or false: the haka is only used by men. If you think the answer is false, also
mention why!

B. Artform:

 Is the Ka Mate haka a war dance? Explain!

 Why do you think facial expressions and body language are important in a haka? Why
do the All Blacks perform a Haka before a match?
3. Maori Meetings:
Exercise: backpacking with Kamal and Sun:
On the next page, you’ll find two extracts from the travel
diary of both Kamal and Sun. The duo has explored New
Zealand from the busy cities to the dense rainforests and
vast plains. Along the way, they just couldn’t ignore the rich
Maori culture.
They both kept a diary, but the journey was sometimes hard
and rough and some pages in their diary were damaged and thus incomplete. Try to
complete the following sentences from their diary by studying the links below.

 Only read the small piece of text below the 2 pictures under ‘Marae Stay -
Overnight or Full Day Experience’
 http://origin-

Kamal: 22/11/2008 – near Auckland:

Today, Sun and I were travelling along the N1 towards Auckland. We could see the city in
the distance. As we were driving, we saw a big crowd alongside the road. We stopped to
see what was happening. It appeared that people were celebrating the opening of a new
‘marae’, a Maori The Maori were very pleased to see us and invited
us to come and see their beautiful marae. When you enter a marae, you are welcomed.
This formal welcome is also called

Sun: 22/11/2008 – the marae:

The Maori are so friendly and kind! At first, the Marae seemed a ‘Maori-only’ place.
Just as I began to feel like an outsider an old Maori man came towards me.
He said: ‘you are most welcome and I’ll greet you in a typical Maori way.’
He grabbed me and pressed my against his. This sort of meeting is called the
It exchanges the Ha or
It makes visitors one with the Tangata Whenua or

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