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George goes to a grocery store to buy hand sanitizer and toilet paper.

He gathers his items

and goes to the cashier to cash his items. In panel 1, the conversation start by george telling the
cashier hello,good morning

Panel 2
The cashier takes the money and counts it.He realises that he is short of money.The cashier
then says"Excuse me sir you are short of money"
George looked confused and stunned.George then says that all the money he has.

Panel 3
George wanted the items badly but couldn't pay so he ran out of the store.The cashier called
"hey come back!"
George continues to run

Panel 4
When George reaches home he decides to take a ride on his bike.He realises that his bike tyres
are flat so he decided to pump it up.His bicycle pump when missing .He started to worry about it

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