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Once upon a time there was a monkey and a man, the monkey is called George and the man is called the man with
the yellow hat. George woke up in the morning and saw a balloon flew over his window, then he was curious and go
down and look over the balcony and saw a market in front of his apartment then the man with the yellow hat
showed up and said (George want to go to the market.) and George agreed and they gone to the market. Then
George heard someone said grapes grapes get your juicy grapes, then when he tried the grapes he loved it so much
he wanted to try one more, but when he was about to try one more he heard someone else said (juice juice selling
healthy delicious juice) then when he reached to the place, the seller of the juice let him try one then he loved it,
then the man with the yellow hat came and said (look George look how much things I got) then George ignore the
things that the man with the yellow hat and let him try some of the juice, then the man with the yellow hat said (just
a bit ok George because I’m not that thirsty) then when he taste he thinks about it and so thinks is very good so he
bought two more cups. And went back home to enjoy it. Then when they reached back to their apartment room they
sit on the couch and enjoy their delicious drink, then the man with the yellow hat said (I now the drinks are tasty but
we keep some for later) 10 seconds later. The man with the yellow hat said to George (Ok we can have some more)
then when they drank it all, George want to drink more. But then the man with the yellow hat said (are you thinking
whatever I’m thinking) then, George knew exactly what the man with the yellow hat is thinking. Soo they were
thinking about going to buy some more juice. So they go and get some more juice in the market, but when they go to
the lobby they saw no market and as the lobby man and he said (they moved out, but is ok because they will come
back in a week) then George was worried that how can he will live without delicious juice for a week. Then George
frowned, but then the man with the yellow hat said (Its ok, because there is a kitchen supplies store right there, we
can buy a juicer and make our own juice.) Then when they bought and go back home then the man with the yellow
hat looked for the intrusion and he couldn’t find it so they tried to work it without the intrusion, then the man with
the yellow hat think that he and George can do it so he said (Maybe a smart man and a smart monkey can do it
right.) then George nodded, so while they try to work it someone call on the phone and it was professor wise men,
then when the man with the yellow hat finish calling he said (Oh George I have to go because there is a new yellow
hat coming on so I have to go now, just wait until I come back then we can make the juice now I have to go) then ge

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