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Once upon a time I was
planning to go to the nether
portal in Minecraft. Then I
saw something amazing and
it was an ender dragon, then I
steel one of its eggs and left
the nether world to hatch the
egg. Then when I hatched it,
it looked so awesome and I
fed it and also something
happened and it was my baby
ender dragon was a grown up ender dragon. I was so happy to test it out. So I go
back into my house and craft a mutton on a rod. Then when I test it out it keep
throwing me out until the 5 th try it finally let me ride him. Then when I was
traveling I saw a tiny. Then when I have a closer look I realizes that it’s my brother
house. Then I land I saw my brother and he was so surprise to see me with an
ender dragon. Then he said<How did you get that ender dragon.> and I reply and
tell him the whole story and he want to get one as well then I told him to get one
as well then when got back he said<I can’t get one then I just gave him mine for
about 200$ and I also tell him how to fly it. Then when I came back to my house I
go to my ender portal back I found a ender dragon and get there as fast as I can,
then steel one then when it hatch and when it turn to a grown up ender dragon I
would usually go to my brother house and fly with him.

The end!!!!

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