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Godzilla Vs Kong analysts

Godziilla vs kong starts of with kong on a his home skull island but this skullisland was accually a manmade one. This
was created for kong to grow larger becauce radiations and stress levels in the island was to low not allow to grow
taller. In the 2017 kong skull island he was still grow and to face godzilla he needs to grow more becauce he was only
104 ft in kong skull island while godzilla is 393 ft tall making kong 4 times small so when they move him to the fake
skull island he can grow taller and in the godzilla vs kong movie he grew to 335 ft tall , not exzaclly taller then godzilla
but he is tall enough , even being the biggest in hes whole intier spiecies but back to the movie. When the scence cut
to a child named jai who is kongs human friend. Jai was making a king kong doll and then she ran to show kong ,
when kong saw it he happy but not for long. As hebegin to relise some diffrences on the island then he is use to he
pick up a tree and cut the branches and root of he threw it to the sky breaking the man made sky then as he found
out its not hes real home he roared with rage people from momarch came rushing in and at the end he threw more
big trees but he eventually came down. Then the scene cut to where jai was running to her adopted mother and use
sign launguage to tell her that kong was angry.The reason why she used sign launguage was becuace she is adopted
from another country and her adopted mother cant under stand but they both knew sign launguage so they
communicate using sign lauguage.

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