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Department of Management and Business Administration


Bachelors in Business Administration (SESSION 2016-2020)

Project Supervisor

Project Authors

“Impact of Entrepreneurship Programs on Students Skills &
Creativity and Economic Growth”


Firstly we dedicate this report to Allah Almighty, who is the kindest, gracious and merciful.

Thank you for the leadership, control of mind, strength, protection and skills and giving us a

healthy life.

Honestly thanks to our supervisor for her supervision, guidance and support. We would also like

to thank our beloved parents, who have been our inspiration and gave strength when we were

thinking about giving up and always providing moral, religious, physical and mental support.

Eventually, thanks to my friends and classmates who expressed their suggestions and inspiring

words for completing this study

May Allah bless you


All praise and glory to the love ALLAH ALMIGHTY, the most noble, the most merciful, creator

of the whole world, with ideas of beauty, symmetry and Who knows the true reality of the world

which is the beneficiary, who guided us in darkness and difficulty and who gave us courage and

patience to carry out this work.

We thank the last prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), for his advice to the mankind forever.

We find the impact of entrepreneurship program on students’ skills and creativity and on

economic growth. That research is helpful in finding out the ways of data collection, data

analysis and sampling. The tasks are difficult, but our morals are high.

We thank our supervisor, DR. Nousheen Syed, most sincerely for taking part in valuable

decision making and providing advice and encouragement, as well as for arranging every facility

for success. We chose this opportunity to remember her grateful contribution.

Rida Fatima

Esha Saleem

Masooma Abbas

Saba Kausar


Performance is calculated as the implementation of an action or one’s ability. Nowadays

entrepreneurial education programs have become more popular but there are some problems that

are blocking growth of entrepreneurial education programs. The one is, not fully providing the

environment that increase entrepreneurial skills and helps to develop creative ideas. The second

is the support that provides from family or government to enhance entrepreneurial skills and

knowledge of students and encourage them to run their own business. This study is conducted to

explore the role and impact of entrepreneurial education on students’ intentions such as their own

skills, knowledge and creative ideas, also explain the technique and methods that help to develop

and encourage the environment in which the entrepreneurial skills of student enhance. There are

same objectives that are needed to be expressed, to fulfill the aim. Entrepreneurship programs are

now part of the universities events and this subject was focused by several researchers, whose

goal is to identify the importance and importance of Pakistani institutions' entrepreneurial

education and their influence on students’ skills and their creative ideas and also shows its

impact on economic growth. The aim of the study was to define the content of enterprise

education at the university and its impact on economic growth. The essence of the analysis is

quantitative as it deals primarily with the universe of study, the design of the samples and the

collection of data. The survey method is described as a research technique, using a questionnaire

to gather information. Owing to the pandemic state of COVID-19, primary data will be collected

online via Google's form questionnaire in July 2020.The secondary data will be obtained from

different sources, including research papers, journals, posts, blogs and previous work related to

this study. The study sample size was of 200 respondents. The data were analyzed by using SPSS

software. The model has been developed in order to show the relationship between variables.

The result shows that there is a positive and strong significant of entrepreneurship programs on

economic growth and skills & creativity. Entrepreneurship courses shows a great effect

on students, universities and other schools and their goals have to deliver this form of business

training program to inspire students to introduce new ideas to society.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneur, skills, self confidence, creativity,

economic growth.


French economist Jean-Baptiste Say provided a wide explanation of entrepreneurship at the

beginning of the 19th century, stating that "it transfers economic resources from a low- and a

higher productivity area into a higher yield." Entrepreneurs build something new, change or

introduce values. Enterprise courses help in students’ skills, expertise and confidence to

encourage leadership behavior under a variety of conditions. Variations of entrepreneurial

preparation are offered by graduate degree programs at all school levels from primary or

secondary schools.

Sexton and Bowman (1984) suggest that there is also a similarity between "entrepreneurship"

and "small business." Small businesses can differ broadly, from simple types of freedom that are

growing gardens, building cages, to running the post office or corner store, to operating the high-

tech business in a scale that is small when compared with those in a similar field. It must not

forgotten that while all businessmen are self-employed, they are not all self-employed.

Conceptually and sensibly, the change from self-employer to entrepreneur is different.

According to researchers, the impact of business studies using various techniques and courses on

student abilities would be good; knowledge and creativity through innovation and pro-activity

with greater increases in entrepreneurial events benchmarks shows a reduction in unemployment

levels (Audretsch, 2002).

Entrepreneurial education has seen huge growth in the last two decades among most developed

countries. During the period from 1979 to 2001, the number of courses related to business

programs in the USA was tenfold. And there is still a huge rise in entrepreneurial commitment.

This increase can be seen as an indication of government's strong belief in a nation's positive

economic and political collision infrastructure. Public policymakers have also recognized the

value of business enterprise as a driver of economic growth and therefore endorse tools such as

entrepreneurship learning (Vollery & Lorz, 2011).

Entrepreneurial risk-building is an important economic growth factor. Problems which

encourage students to start their own enterprises are very important because it is more likely that

businesses launched by entrepreneurial educators will have a significant influence on economic

growth, since those without such education are more likely (Wurthmann, 2014).

According to Sultan, Maqsood and Sharif (2016), education places a high-flying role in

entrepreneur’s perception, confidence, skill and level of caucus. The study found that

entrepreneurial education shows positively affects towards students’ awareness and knowledge

about entrepreneurship and their self efficiency. Entrepreneurship is a system for people to

decide what they want in the direction of their lives, either to start their business or go for

another way of earning. During the last past two decades entrepreneurial education has gone

through unusual phases. Entrepreneurship education is now a well known subject among the

students, who are prepared to start up there small businesses of their own choices. However the

entrepreneurial resources are scarce.

An important question also remains instead of being answered as to how to evaluate

entrepreneurship education. One of the best ways to test a business plan is by assessing the

intention of individuals toward start a new business (Biemans, Karimi, Lans, Chizari, & Mulder,


As a key part of the entrepreneurs' scholarly research, the opportunity recognition is now a

required capacity for entrepreneurs. One of the most important traits of winning entrepreneurs is

seeking new opportunities for starting up smaller businesses (Detienne, McKelvie, & Chandler,

2015).Entrepreneurship is now an engine that drives economic growth in many countries. Most

countries are now dedicating an impact test support resources to their infrastructure and leading

entrepreneurial education (Chen, Hsiao, Chang, Chou, Chen, & Shen, 2015).

Research Problem:

The research was started to explain the role and impact of entrepreneurship education on

students’ intention and to examine its relation with economic growth, what method should be

implemented to encouraging environment for polishing students’ skills. This study helped to

evaluate the impact of entrepreneurship programs on student’s skills, creativity, intention and

how it effect economic growth.

Research Questions:

To find out the result of the study at hand the following questions are considered:

 Does workshops related to entrepreneurship at university level are helpful to encourage

students to start their own business?

 Do you think entrepreneurship program give positive impact on students?

 Does entrepreneurial education improve and create the entrepreneurial skills in student?

 Do you agreeing that entrepreneurial activities perform positive impact on economic


Research Objectives:

The reason for conducted this research to shows the value and effects of Entrepreneurship

education on students’ personal skills and its effect on economic growth. Some objectives as


1. To examine / check the impact Entrepreneurial education on student’s skills.

2. To find tentrepreneurship program give positive impact on students.

3. To evaluate the effect of entrepreneurs on economic growth.

4. To explore the relation among the given variables focusing towards universities, business

schools to students /and Entrepreneur

Literature review:

According to Kyro (2008), entrepreneurship educations outcomes show the change in attitudes at

peoples to wait for start a new business and involved in already existing business with

innovations. Entrepreneurship education enhances their education from teaches the students how

they can use their invented new things by using their skills and knowledge, how to begin a new

business or how to reach opportunities and also teaches how to students start digital enterprises

(Nowinski, Haddoud, Lancaric, Egerova, & Czegledi, 2019).

Maresch, Harms, Kailer, and Wurm (2016) conducted a study in which he explained the student's

intention towards entrepreneurship education. The data were collected from 4548 students from

23 different higher education institutions in Austrian. The study concludes that entrepreneurship

affects students' intentions towards entrepreneurship but their numbers were very low.

Hamidi, Wennberg, and Berglund (2008) were explained a study about inventiveness in

entrepreneurial education. They also pay important attention on student’s innovative skills. Their

data were collected from 40 entrepreneurship students of three different programs and also

collected from 38 graduate students in Sweden. The study concludes that entrepreneurial

learning develops the entrepreneurial aim of students and personal creativity has a strong impact

on entrepreneurial objective in the result it motivates the students to start their own business. The

primary purpose of the study was to check the effect of entrepreneurial education on students' to

establish a new enterprise. The data were collected from 180 undergraduate students of Egyptian

university. The study concludes that entrepreneurial education has a positive influence on

students and it motivates the students for self-employment but education has no effect on self-

efficacy means self-confidence of students (Hattab, 2015).

Gundry, Ofstein, and Kickul (2014) were conducted a study in which entrepreneurship programs

and courses provide meaning and information to improve learning of students and development

of skills and actions aimed at creating value for large enterprises. The study concluded that

creativity enhances the student's ideas to open a new and innovative business but many

entrepreneurship courses just focus only on entrepreneurial management and planning skills they

don't focus on the impact of creative skills of students. Also Whereas students participating in

learning experiences have been interested in classroom-based study, which means that they can

think about ideas generating new ideas for enterprise, their work is based on how these learning

can implemented and used by their own team and organization. Consequences indicate the key

creative activities are developed when students are taught methods and techniques to develop

ideas and to build new values at leadership and team level.

Bagheri and pihi (2013) studied to know the development of entrepreneurial leadership through

entrepreneurship programs. The data were collected from face to face and conduct 16 semi-

structural interviews of students and university. The study concludes that entrepreneurship

education provides innovative ideas to students and also develops entrepreneurial leadership in

the students. The impact of entrepreneurial education was positively affecting the higher

education of students. The information was collected from 358 students of different degree

programs in which some took an entrepreneurship course and some had not it. The study

concluded that entrepreneurial learning has a positive impact on the innovation of students and

only entrepreneurial parents encourage students for risk-taking. Their study also explores that

female is very active for entrepreneurship but engineering students have no interest in

entrepreneurship (Marques, Santos, Galvao, Mascarenhas, & Justino, 2018).

According to Younis, Katsioloudes, and Bakri (2020), this research study calculate the

connection between personality and background factors associated with attitudes, conceptual

behavior manage and subjective standards which determine the digital entrepreneurial intention

(DEI) of students at the University of Qatar. The study found the relationship between

characteristics. This also seeks to evaluate for the student community their link between

entrepreneurial awareness and DEI. The information was collected from 203 students from

different programs at Qatar University. Their study explores that digital entrepreneurial

knowledge (DEI) has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial objective of students of business

departments rather than none business students.

The study was conducted to investigate the influencing factors on entrepreneurial intentions of

students. The information was collected from 375 final year students at Malaysian Universities.

The study concluded that innovativeness, risk-taking propensity, family background, supportive

environment, and entrepreneurship background affect the student's intention toward

entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial education enhances the student's entrepreneurial intentions as a

result students are not easily quitting when they face any barriers in starting a new business

(Shamsudin, Mamun, Nawi, Nasir, & Zakaria, 2017).

Mandela and Noyes (2016) were conducted a study to examine experiential entrepreneurial

education offerings events. The data were collected from the top 25 undergraduate

entrepreneurship events in America. The study concludes that experimental entrepreneurial

education is conveyed in different kinds but the central part of program purposes are contained

having students work in any uncertainty, students can deal with the social complexity during

interacting with pro-activeness in determining entrepreneurial opportunities.

Jun Li, Zhang, and Matly (2015) was conducted a study on entrepreneurship learning in China.

The study concludes that entrepreneurship depends upon a encouraging environment and

entrepreneurial training plays an important role in small, micro, medium enterprises sectors

(SMMEs). Entrepreneurship education helps to establish a new business; as a result, it

establishes a new economic environment.

Theoretical framework:

The theoretical framework of the research is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a

research study. Entrepreneurship’s program in economic growth is to build employment and

wealth. Developing entrepreneurship is relevant in light of the position. The theoretical

framework of the strategy of entrepreneurship can be divided in this research focused on

creativity or skills and economic growth.

Creativity & Skills

Program Economic growth

Research Hypothesis:

H1: Entrepreneurship program significantly influence economic growth.

H2: Creativity and skills significantly influence economic growth.

H3: Entrepreneurship program has a direct relationship with skills and creativity.

H4: Creativity and skills has positively influence entrepreneurship programs

This research was used for both primary data and secondary data from multiple sources. The

primary and secondary data has been collect from questionnaires, different websites and

researched articles. The study design of this research is cross-sectional study. Due to the

pandemic state of COVID-19, primary data will be collected online via Google's form

questionnaire. In the survey, we took 200 respondents as a sample size by asked them the impact

of entrepreneurship programs on students’ skills and creative ideas. The information of primary

data is based on the survey in which questionnaire is used to gather the data. Secondary data was

collected from literature reviews and internet sources or different websites.

Data sampling techniques:

Due to pandemic of Covid-19, the sample techniques we use is simple random sampling to

collect data, reason for using this technique is that it is easily available as we collect data from

online via Google form questionnaire. The sample size is 200 respondents.

Data analyzing procedures:

The data analyzing procedure we use to collect the data is SPSS. All the gathered information is

transferred to SPSS and analyzes accordingly. Different statistical methods & calculation such as

regression, correlation, reliability test and also percentages have been conducted for all the

quantitative variables.

Distribution of questionnaire:

The questionnaire is used to collect from random sampling. And distribute online link via

Google form. Almost 20 questions have been distributed for collect the data and information.

The questionnaire was based on likert scale from 1= strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree.

Results & Findings:

Table 1:

Correlations of the variables:

Variable Entrepreneurship Economic growth Creativity and Skills

Entrepreneurship program 1 .750** .868**
Economic growth .750** 1 .699**
Creativity and Skills .868** .699** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The above table 1 shows the correlations among Entrepreneurship Program and economic

growth are significant at 0.750. It means that our alternative hypothesis (H1) in which both

variables show direct relation is true. The correlation between economic growth and skills &

creativity is 0.699. It means that our alternative hypothesis, (H2) indicates in which the variables

are significantly influences each other that is true. The correlation between entrepreneurship

programs and creativity and skills are significant at 0.868. It means that there is a strong

relationship between entrepreneurship programs and creativity and skills.

Table 2:

Reliability test:

Cronbach’s alpha reliability test:

Variable Cronbach’s alpha No. of items
Entrepreneurship program .722 8
Economic growth .709 7
Creativity and Skills .603 4

Table 3:


Variables Mini Max Mean Std. Deviation

Entrepreneurship program 1.00 2.63 1.6256 .37326

Economic growth 1.00 3.71 2.0794 .48699
Skills & Creativity 1.00 3.00 1.7268 .53846

In the above table 3, shows the descriptive statistics values of all the variables are presented. The

values of mean and standard deviation of all variables are used in analysis.

Table 4:


A: Impact of Entrepreneurship programs and Economic growth:

Dependent Variable: Economic Growth
Variable R R2 Adj.R2 β Sig.
Entrepreneurshi .750a .562 .560 .750 .000
p programs
Source field data=205
Model F=260.251, t=16.132

The above table A shows a liner regression was calculated to predict the relationship between

independent and dependent variables that are entrepreneurship programs and economic growth.

The entrepreneurship program provides the value of R and R2. The R value is presenting the

simple correlation that is 0.750, which indicated high level of correlation. The R2 value explained

the total variation in dependent variable that is 0.562 means that linear model explained 56.2% of

the variance. A significant regression equation was found F=260.251, t = 16.132 and

Adj.R2=0.560. The figure shows that the regression model calculate the dependent variable

significantly well, as p < 0.00003 which is less than 0.05. Predicted beta (β) value is 0.750,

which also show that the entrepreneurship programs are significant.

B: Impact of Entrepreneurship programs and Skills & Creativity

Variable R R2 Adj.R2 β Sig.

Entrepreneurshi .868a .753 .752 .868 .000
p programs
Dependent variable: Skills & Creativity
Source field data=205
Model F = 618.466, t = 24.869

The above table B shows, a regression was calculated to predict the relationship between

independent and dependent variable that are entrepreneurship programs and skills & creativity.

The entrepreneurship programs provide the value of R and R2. The R value is viewing the simple

correlation that is 0.868, which indicated high degree of correlation. The R2 value explained the

total variation in dependent variable that is 0.753 means that linear model explained 75.3% of the

variance. A significant regression equation was found F= 618.466, t = 24.869 and Adj.R2=0.752.

The figure shows that the regression model calculate the dependent variable significantly well, as

p < 0.0001 which is less than 0.05. Predicted beta (β) value is 0.868, which also show that the

entrepreneurship programs are significant.

C: Impact of Entrepreneurship Programs and Skills & Creativity on Economic Growth:

Variable R R2 Adj.R2 β Sig.

Entrepreneurship program .750a .562 .560 .578 .000
Skills and creativity .756 .571 .567 .198 .034
Independent variable: Entrepreneurship Program
Dependent variable: Economic Growth
Mediator: Skills & Creativity.
Source field data=205
Model 1 (E-P): F=260.251, t=6.239
Model 2 (S & C): F= 134.672, t= 2.132

A multiple liner regression was calculated to predict the relationship between independents,

dependent variables and mediator. In table C, entrepreneurship programs and skills & creativity

are independent and economic growth is dependent. The entrepreneurship programs column

provides the value of R and R2. The R value is viewing the simple correlation that is 0.750, which

indicated high degree of correlation. The R2 value explained the total variation in dependent

variable that is 0.562 means that linear model explained 56.2% of the variance. A significant

regression equation was found F=260.251, t = 6.239 and Adj.R2=0.560. the above figures shows

that the regression model calculate the dependent variable significantly well, as p < 0.00003

which is less than 0.05. Predicted beta (β) value is 0.578, which also show that the

entrepreneurship programs are significant. The skills & creativity column provides the value of

R and R2. The R value is viewing the simple correlation that is 0.756, which also indicated high

level of correlation. The R2 value explained the total variation in dependent variable that is 0.571

means that linear model explained 57.1% of the variance. A significant regression equation of

second variable was found F=134.672, t = 2.132 and Adj.R2= 0.67. The figure shows the

regression model calculate the dependent variable significantly well, as p < 0.034 that is less than

0.05. Predicted beta (β) value is 0.198, this indicates that the variables are significantly

influencing each other.

In the above three tables A, B & C; we found the impact of mediator variable which is skills &

creativity on economic growth. For this we added the beta (β) values of above table B & C by

which we found the correct effect of mediator with other variables. Beta (β1) value is 0.868 and

Beta (β2) value is 0.198. By adding both beta values 0.868+0.198 = 1.066, which is more than

the relation between entrepreneurship eduction and economic growth that is 0.750. It means the

impact of skills & creativity is significant on entrepreneurship education and economic growth.


Impact of entrepreneurship programs and economic growth:

This graph shows, there is direct relationship between entrepreneurship programs and economic

growth, it means when the entrepreneurship events will conducted it will positively effect on

economic growth


Entrepreneurial courses are the fastest increasing factor and have also appeared over last two

decades as debatably the most compelling economic force the world has ever experienced. In our

research, we focuses on the impact of entrepreneurship programs on universities also improve

their creativity and programs are interrelated. Yet, a comprehensive understanding is still lacking

concerning the interface of all of those variables: Entrepreneurship programs, creativity or skills

and economic growth. The main objectives of the research are to check the impact of

entrepreneurship education on economic growth and explore the relation among the given

variables focusing towards universities, business schools. It is most important factors because

this is an important role to boost up the economy. The significant values of all the variables are

less than 0.05 which shows that there is also a positive relationship between entrepreneurship

program, economic growth and skills & creativity. The overall result of the research report is

positive impact on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a preparation meant to improve skills

among people. In other words, it is the inculcation, advancement and grooming of

entrepreneurship skills into a person needed to established and efficaciously run an enterprise.

Education or entrepreneurship programs places a high-flying role in entrepreneurs perceptions,

confidence, attitude and level of convention. The study found that an entrepreneurial program

shows positively effects towards student’s awareness and skills about entrepreneurship and their

self-efficiency. We also focus on rousing or motivating students towards entrepreneurship

awareness which help them to run their own business.


Although the research builds numerous important contributions but our results and conclusions

must be evaluated within the circumstance of limitation of the study. These limitations can lead

to further research. The research has various limitations, due to COVID-19 and lockdown the

data was collected through an online survey. Data were gathered from graduate students and

some other people in the professional field because of the research topic. Data was collected

from the only areas of Faisalabad due to lack of contacts. Also there is a shortage of time by

which data was not collected properly. Only 205 responses are available because of an online

survey due to COVID-19 and people not take much interest to fill the questionnaire and provide

information. In data analysis also faces difficulties due to not expert in data analyzing and works

according to people's answers. This research type is based on a quantitative research method.

And the sample of the population we use is simple random sampling which is easy for this



The role of entrepreneurial education is rising a country's economic growth, in literature it

emphasized because entrepreneurs are fundamentally contributing to economic development in

country. The research contributes to broadening the theoretical relationship between

entrepreneurial education and economic growth. Entrepreneurial education provides students

with a new way of seeing the world, regardless, how they want to create their own business.

Entrepreneurial risk-building is an important factor for economic development. The result shows

the positive relationship between entrepreneurship programs and economic growth. The primary

objective of the research is to systematically determine the student's creativity towards

entrepreneurship its effects on economic development and education. Education or

entrepreneurial education has a highly significant role in entrepreneurs' perception, confidence,

attitude and level of convention. We've seen a lot of research exploring the implications from

entrepreneurship to economic success. The literature review done had provided some indications

about a positive relation between entrepreneurial education and economic growth and enhance

the creativity skills among the students due to entrepreneurial programs. The support that

provides from family or government will enhance entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of

students and encourage them to run their own business with also influence the economic growth

of the country.


There are some recommendations for the future research.

 Universities must explain the strong definition and understanding of entrepreneurship that

helps students to understand entrepreneurship and it also helps students to be good

entrepreneurs in the future.

 The universities must be added entrepreneurship education as a subject for business

students in their four-year degree programs and it helps them to be entrepreneurs in the

future it also helps them in their job.

 In Pakistan, the government must conduct the entrepreneurship programs, entrepreneurial

seminars, and success stories of different entrepreneurs to enhance the entrepreneurial

skills in students and other people. The government should support students to start

entrepreneurship business; it helps to increase the economy.

 Universities must conduct entrepreneurial programs that enhance the inner skills and

creativity of students and they come up with new ideas.

 We recommend future researchers to pay attention on this topic and try to gather data

from interviewees all over the world because we don’t have sufficient resources, so our

work is limited.

 To provide guidance but delegate power and control- follow a 'top-down' and 'bottom-up'

approach that transfers power to local and regional authorities.


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