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CBETA and Master Sheng Yen

"Chronology of Master Shengyan": "(An important event at home and abroad) The Chinese
Buddhist Institute and the North American Yinshun Teacher Foundation jointly supported the
establishment of the "Chinese Electronic Buddhist Texts Association" (CBETA). "The Complete
Works of Dharma Drums 2005 Online Edition (Volume 2, Vol. 11, p. 1133)

"Chronology of Master Shengyan": "On February 15, the "China Electronic Buddhist Texts
Association" (CBETA) was officially established. The association is jointly supported by the
Chinese Buddhist Research Institute and the North American Yinshun Mentors
Association. Master Huimin, deputy director of the Chinese Buddhist Research Institute, serves
as the chairman, and Du Zhengmin, director of the information office of the institute, serves as
the director general. The office is located in the Huiri Lecture Hall. (Ibid.)" The Complete Works
of Drums 2005 Online Edition (Volume 2, Vol. 11, p. 1142)

"Chronology of Master Shengyan": "From June 20th to 25th, Master Huimin, deputy director of
the Chinese Buddhist Institute, Wei Xi'an, and Master Du Zhengmin went to Tokyo University,
Kyoto University and Hana University to discuss related electronic Buddhist scriptures.
Cooperation matters, and made a goodwill visit to Huayuan University on behalf of the Buddhist
Institute. ("Memorabilia", "1989-2001 Dharma Drum Mountain Yearbook", Dharma Drum
Mountain Foundation, published in October 2005, p. 166)" Dharma Drum Complete Works 2005
Internet Edition (Volume 2, Vol. 11, p. 1171)

"Chronology of Master Shengyan": "After the Master delivered his speech, there was a display
of the use of "electronic Buddhist scriptures" to show the results of the combination of Buddhism
and modern technology. At the same time, there will be an exposition to introduce the
development of various Buddhist colleges. ("Cross-Strait Buddhist Education Exchange Expo
and Symposium", Dharma Drum, Issue 103, July 15, 1998, Edition 1)" The Complete Works of
Dharma Drum 2005 Online Edition (Volume 2, Vol. 11, p. 1173)

21. Keynote Speech at the Cross-Strait Buddhist Education Exchange Symposium

"Two Thousand Years Walk": "The Buddhist education exposition displayed at the venue this
time was presided over by Xiandu Bhikuni, the person in charge of the Huayan Institute and
Research Institute. The materials presented are very interesting, with various charts and graphs. ,
information objects, publications, etc. are displayed, so that people can see at a glance what the
education of Taiwanese Buddhism has been in the past forty years. Another feature is the results
displayed by the China Electronic Buddhist Texts Association. Although the association was
established In less than a year, it has been quite noticeable, and it represents the function of the
combination of Buddhist culture and modern technology, in the near future." The Complete
Works of Dharma Drums 2005 Online Edition (Volume 11, Vol. 6, Page 120, Line 12)

"Chronology of Master Shengyan": "From August 23rd to 28th, the Chinese Buddhist Research
Institute, represented by two teachers, Du Zhengmin and Wei Xi'an, went to Switzerland to
participate in the "Second Session" held at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. "The 12th
International Buddhist Conference", respectively published papers and presentations on "The
Current Situation of the Electronic Buddhist Scriptures of the China Electronic Buddhist
Association" and "The Development of the Buddhist Online Database of the China Buddhist
Institute". ("Memorabilia", "Dharma Drum Mountain Yearbook 1989-2001", Dharma Drum
Mountain Foundation, published in October 2005, p. 191) "The Complete Works of Dharma
Drum 2005 Online Edition (Volume 2, Vol. 11, p. 1242)


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