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Chemical Reactor Stability and Sensitivity J J

Olegh Bilous and Neal R. Amundson, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The purpose of this paper is to consider the well agitated continuous reactor from the standpoint of stability of the steady
state. I t has been shown in the past that chemical-reaction systems may be unstable in the sense that on slight perturbation they
tend to move to a more stable state or that they are stable i n their steady states, small perturbations being self-correcting SO that the
system possesses autoregulation. In this paper methods of developing criteria for the quantitative determination of stability or
instability are presented and applied to some simple problems. In order that the effect of large perturbations on the system
may be determined, complete solutions of the rigorous equations are obtained on the analogue computer (R.E.A.C.). A complete
plot of reaction paths in the concentration-temperature plane may be obtained in this manner. Because of the nonlinearity of the
system one cannot predict with certainty what steady state will be approached after a given large perturbation, multiple steady
states being assumed possible. From the phase plot of reaction paths the regions in the plane which lead to certain steady states
are delineated. Also it is shown that the natural behavior of a reactor is not to approach an unstable state. So far as the
reactor is concerned, the unstable state does not exist. The stability of the system is important to the engineer, as control will
be easy or difficult and product quality will be satisfactory or not depending upon the relative stability of the steady state. An
unstable state would require more elaborate control than a stable state.

The rational design of chemical the effect of a small perturbation THE PERTURBATION METHOD
reactors is a problem of primary on the system. In order t o investi- Consider a well-agitated continu-
interest to the chemical engineer. gate the effect of large perturba- o w reactor as shown in Figure 1.
The theory and practice of cata- tions an analogue computer has This may be a single reactor or it
lytic-reactor design is still in a been used to generate solutions of may be one of a series of many
somewhat awkward stage; however, the differential equations and t o such. In a reaction A + B , irre-
the design of homogeneous reactors show very graphically the nature versible, exothermic, and kinetical-
can be approached with some confi- of the approach to the steady state. ly of the first order, q is the volu-
dence whether they be tubular, It should be pointed out that metric flow rate of the influent, k
batch, or the well-agitated con- this paper will deal with the chemi- the specific reaction velocity con-
tinuous type. I n particular, the be- cal system alone and does not in- stant, T, the temperature of opera-
havior of t h e continuous stirred volve instabilities introduced by a tion, T' the average temperature
tank reactor because of its sim- control element operating a t a time of the coolant in the coil, and U
plicity and constancy of conditions lag. This is another problem alto- the product of area and heat trans-
may be predicted with ease. These gether and will be treated a t an- f e r coefficient. A,, is the concentra-
reactors have been discussed in de- other time. The problem here is tion of A in the influent and A ,
tail by MacMullin and Weber ( l o ) , that of a chemical reaction, ex- the concentration in the reactor.
Denbigh ( Z ) , Denbigh, Hicks and othermic in nature, and the effect If V is the volume of the reactor,
Page ( 3 ) , Eldridge and Piret ( a ) , on it of large or small perturba- a mass balance gives
and Tiller (16), all of whom con- tions in the conditions under which
cerned themselves with the steady the reaction is carried out. qA, - qA8 - k,VA, = 0
state. Mason and P i r e t ( l 1 ) oon- In general f o r stability problems
sidered the transient behavior of there are two techniques available. from which
linear systems, that is, isothermal The frequency-response technique
systems in which all reactions a r e has been f o r years widely used by
kinetically of the first order. Van eIectrica1 engineers in circuit an-
Heerden (17) considered the nature alysis and feedback amplifier de- Implicit here is that T, has been
of the steady state and showed that sign. Problems in mechanics have specified so t h a t k, is fixed. A
steady states may be of different been analyzed by perturbation steady state heat balance gives
types, being stable, autoregulatory, methods. Both these methods will
or unstable, the stability manifest- be used in this paper and the suc- Q C P ( T-, T,) -k,A,V(AH) -
ing itself in the tendency of the ceeding ones. I n addition, the whole
reactor t o stay a t t h a t state. Salni- phase plane may be produced by
kov(l5) has discussed the problem the use of the analogue computer.
of periodic phenomenon in reaction These problems should be of in- and therefore the remainder of the
systems and Frank-Kamenetski ( 5 , terest to the engineer concerned parameter must be fixed in order
6 , 7 ) and Gevart ( 7 ) have con- with automatic control, for it is to satisfy this condition. The two
sidered similar problems. obvious that if t h e steady state is numbers which emerge from the
It is the purpose of this paper to unstable the difficulty of control calculation a r e A , and T,.
investigate these problems more will be increased. Stable states, as If the parameters which were
deeply and to develop methods of will be shown, a r e states in which previously fixed remain fixed except
calculation and criteria f o r the t h e reactor tends to remain; the for the temperature T and concen-
stability o r instability of the sys- system then possesses autoregula- tration A , Equations (1) and ( 2 )
tem. Analytic solutions of the may then be combined to give a
tion, and control should be simple. single equation
transient behavior will not be de- Most of the analysis, f o r the
veloped or needed even though the sake of illustration only, will be
term instability has inherent in it qcp (T - To)- IT (T' - T ) =
on a very simple system, but t h e
t h e notion of time. Rather, t h e
methods of nonlinear mechanics as methods do not have this restric-
developed and used by Poincare (13, tion. The perturbation method can
14),Liapounoff ( 9 ) , Minorsky (lZ), be applied to systems of arbitrary
and others will be used. These complexity, and the use of the
methods a r e useful in investigating analogue computer is limited only where
by the particular machine avail-
Olegh Bilnus is a t present with the Labor-
atoire Central des Poudres, Paris, France. able.

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 513

?Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of well-agitated continuous

Fig. 2. Schematic plots of heat generation a n d heat

consumption vs. temperature ; six possible cases.-+
a Q


&Fig.3. Schematic plots for ( a ) A -+ B,-AH > 0, (b)

A -+ B -+ C-both reactions exothermal; (c) and ( d )
A -+ B C-one reaction exothermal and one endother-

This is an algebraic equation from
which one can determine the tem-
perature of operation. The left-
hand side of Equation (3) repre-
sents the rate of heat consumption
in the reactor and the right-hand
side is the rate of heat generation.
When q, c p, U are assumed con-
stants, t h e left-hand side is a linear
function of T and the right-hand
side has a sigmodial shape, as
shown in Figure 3a. Figure 2a
TEMPERATURE K TEMPERATURE O K shows the left- and right-hand
(a) lb) sides plotted as functions of T, and
the temperature of operation is
certainly given by the intersection
of the two curves. It is readily
apparent that there a r e six possi-
ble cases as shown in Figure 2.
/-- The analysis of van Heerden(l7)
may be applied. If there is a sin-
gle intersection as in Figures 2a
and b the reactor is stable. Three
distinct intersections as in Figure
C 2c produce two stable points and
the middle unstable point. Figures
2cl and e have each a stable point
and a tangency implying a one-
sided stability, which really implies
instability. Figure 2f contains a
tangent a t the point of inflection,
TEMPERATURE O K TEMPERATURE * K and by van Heerden’s analysis is
(C) stable although a reactor operated

Page 514 A.1 Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

under these conditions would prob- the theory of nonlinear mechanics and
ably show sustained oscillations if
perturbed. This point is unsettled
at the moment. Thus three distinct
intersections always produce one
unstable point in the middle. Sin- 2
gle intersections are always stable.
Other pathological cases produce ( 1 . 2 ) . The equations can be linear- The soots will have negative real
instabilities which probably would ized by taking their first-order par.ts if, and only if,
not occur in practice. linearization by Taylor series
Systems of other types may be
analyzed by this method although
about the steady state position.
Then it may be supposed that all + a22 >0
the sigmoidal curve may change its a=A,-A
shape under some conditions, usual- t=T,-T a11a22 - alzazl >0
ly extreme. In Figure .3 are given
three other than the one considered and the linearization may be taken or
above. They arise from the follow- by the rule
ing situations where the reaction
is of the general form: f (20 + h, + k ) = f
yo (Xo, yo) +
+ k , f -_
> k , (-:H>

Equations (4) and (5) then can

be written in the form 4
+ k , + -_U
+ U
k , -_ >
and with suitable activation ener-
gies. It is easy to see that a mul-
tiplicity of states might arise with
stable and unstable states in close
proximity. In Figure 3b if the and these a r e necessary and suffi-
number of reactions is increased with cient conditions. Note that the
the number of bumps on the curve E criteria f o r stability or instability
may be increased for suitable acti- are given in terms of steady state
vation energies, and a profusion of values and no transients need be
stable and unstable states may re- calculated. Therefore the calcula-
sult. The existence of a real re- tions made for steady state design
action system as in Figure 3b is a r e also sufficient for the determi-
questionable. nation of the stability. Equations
This sort of stability is defined (8) and (9) taken together give
--- necessary and sufficient criteria f o r
in terms of a small perturbation
of the system and the return of
a22=-- + p ---
AHA <, ---e E RT,
the determination of the stability
the system t o its original unper- V ‘p RT~, or instability of the system pro-
vided t h a t the linearized equations
turbed state. If the system exhibits
a desire to go elsewhere after
+-- decribe the nonlinear system. It is
not obvious t h a t i t should be so,
slight irritation, perhaps to some
more desirable state, the system is Equations (6) and (7) a r e sim- and Liapounoff (9) showed that the
said to be unstable. This psycho- ple linear equations which may be linearization about the steady state
analysis of the reactor is essential, solved with ease. The solution, and the subsequent analysis of the
since the engineer must choose a however, is not needed. If the linear system was a valid opera-
control instrument which will live steady state is to be stable, that tion and described the physical
in harmony with the reactor. is, if the system is to return to system in the neighborhood of the
In order to investigate the in- that steady state after being per- steady state, provided the system
stability analytically, Equations turbed, these small perturbations, was either definitely stable or un-
(1) and ( 2 ) will be rewritten in a and t , must damp out to zero with stable. Perhaps this seems so obvi-
their transient forms : thus increasing time. Since the solution ous that the reader doubts the
to Equations (6) and (7) occurs necessity of pressing the point. To
in the form of exponentials, sta- illustrate t h a t there is some diffi-
bility may be expected only if the culty here, one sees that if the
characteristic equation has roots characteristic equation has pure
whose real parts a r e negative; i.e. imaginary roots, i.e., if a,, =+
-a,,a,, > 0, the linear sys-
I =o
0, a11a22
-a11 - y - a12
qcp (To- 2’) - pe

A V (AH) -
I - a21 - a22 - y
has two roots y1 and y2 with nega-
tem’ would exhibit sustained oscil-
lations since the solution would be
expressed in terms of trignometric
U ( T - T’)= VCP-- (5) tive real parts. I n this case the
functions, and one would be tempt-
d0 ed to say that the nonlinear sys-
These equations a r e nonlinear and characteristic equation is a quad- tem must also exhibit oscillations.
their analytic solu,tions probably ratic One has only to recall the treat-
unobtainable. However, they a r e of ment of the pendulum in elemen-
a form which appears in much of Y2+(all+a22) y+aH a22-a12 az1= 0 tary mechanics to fall into such a

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 515

mistake. However, Liapounoff's should all be positive, it being un- Direct computation will show that
theorem holds only for systems derstood t h a t where b,., r > n ap- Equations (8) and (9) are satisfied
which are definitely stable or un- pears in the determinant, it is t o simultaneously for the lowest and
stable and i t may be shown t h a t be replaced by zero. There are other highest conversions but are not satis-
methods f o r determining the char- fied for the intermediate case. This
when the linearized system exhibits example is interesting because of the
oscillations the nonlinear system acter of the roots of such an equa- closeness of the two upper states. It
may have any of t h e three be- tion, and these can be found in is apparent that difficulty of opera-
haviors, i.e., stable, unstable, or standard works on servomechanism tion would result at any but the state
oscillatory. theory. It should be noted t h a t the of lowest conversion.
Hence in order t o examine for Itouth-Hurwitz criterion leads in
stability one must investigate the the case considered above to Equa- Example 2. Suppose the following
characteristic equation, to deter- tions (8) and ( 9 ) . It would be reactions are carried out.
mine the nature of the roots. The desirable to have a method for the
system is stable if all roots have determination of the character of
negative real parts and unstable if the latent roots of a matrix direct-
there is one root with a positive ly without the polynomial reduc-
real part. For example, if a chemi- tion, but no general method is
cal system has reactions, both available. There are some special C$E , AH:!
simultaneous and consecutive, tak- results in this direction, but the
ing place with chemical species A6, matrix of coefficients which arises The transient equations which de-
the system of linearized equations generally possesses no special sim- scribe a n arbitrary displacement from
will be of the form plifying properties. the steady state are

hAo-hA-kiAB+kz CF=-

. . . + a:!, n-1 an-1 + a2, n t hBo-hB-ki AB+kz CF=--


- hFo-hF+ki AB-kz CF=--
with a,j dependent upon the steady de
state parameters. If the roots of Example 1. A reactor operates on
the simple first-order, irreversible,
all-y a12 all n
exothermic reaction, A + B. The fol-
lowing values of the parameters have
UZI az, n
=o been fixed:
Q = 1 g./cc.
an, 1 an, 2 an, n - 7 c = 1 C C J (g.) ("C.)
have negative real parts the system q = 10 cc./sec.
is stable. This is a polynomial of v=2000 cc.
the nth degree of the form U = 1.356 cal./ ("C.) (sec.) If the perturbations from the steady
-AH = 10,000 cal./mole state are defined by
b~yn+bly~-~+ +bn-ly+bn=O. T , = 300°K.
A , = 0.005 mole/liter t = T-TT,
k = 7.86 (1012)exp(-22,500/RT) a=A-AA,
The Routh - Hurwitz(8) criterion b=B-B,
T' = 305°K.
may be used t o determine t h e c=c-c,
character of the roots. The neces- The graphical or algebraic method f =F-F$
sary and sufficient condition t h a t will show that there are three inter-
this polynomial have roots with sections o r steady states with these the linearized perturbations about
parameters the steady state may be written.
negative real parts is that the suc- These will constitute a homogeneous
cessive determinants set of first-order linear differential
A , Y 103 T8 k*
4.42 306 6.6 X 10-4 equations. The matrix whose latent
1.67 330 1.00 x 10-2 roots must have negative real parts
1.57 330.8 1.09 x 10-2 to ensure stability is

Page 516 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

a, - b, A -c, A e-n/RT
decreases. Similarly, for fixed T,as
A is increased
- -
f = kz, cs,g = k3s. a2- b,T+ c,A e-EJRT
This determinant may be expanded increases. Therefore above curve 1
t o give d A l d 0 < 0, and below curve 1, dAl
d0 > 0, since it is zero on curve 1.
+ rIZ t ( h + d +(hfr)

(h (u+b+ Likewise above curve 2, dTld0 > 0,

and below curve 2, dTId0 < 0. In
\ the six regions of the A , T plane
and the y’s satisfying this equation the following values appear :
have negative real parts. Thus the
Fig. 4. Qualitative plot showing isothermal system is always stable.
trends of reaction paths. Certainly these methods may be
generalized t o any chemical system
where f o r the continuous stirred reactor,
however complex may be the kin-
etics. The physical mechanism of
instability is dear and needs no
eluclidation. It would be interesting
to investigate the oscillatory state, The steady state for the reactor is
but from a practical point of view defined by the parameters ai, bcr
this cannot be much more than a and ci and there are three such
curiosity since, seemingly, i t would states a t the three intersections.
require a coincidental choice of From the earlier argument the two
parameters. extreme states are stable but t h e
NATURE OF THE APPROACH TO middle one is unstable. Any point
THE STEADY STATE on the A , T plane is a possible
El Ez Reactors are generally brought transient state f o r the reactor, and
X = ki A,B kz s CsD s -- t o a steady state in practice by a in undergoing the transient the
R~ 2 , R~ 2 , coaxing and coercing process bring- reactor must ultimately end at one
ing temperatures and concentra- of the three states. Attached t o
every point on this plane is a
Y , = x,- k3s---cCs
E3 tions to the desired point. This
vector pointing in the direction
may be easy or difficult and it i s
R T: the purpose of this section t o study which the reactor coordinates will
- - x AH1 U in detail, not this process, but move on this plane. I n region C,
d A l d 0 < 0, dTldO > 0, and hence
s -
rather the natural behavior of a
reactor in the region o r neighbor- the reactor must move in the gen-
hood of its steady states. For sim- eral direction indicated by the
plicity only the simple case A + B, arrow. It must continue to move
first order, will be considered, buT; in this direction until it crosses
the generalization to more com- over into region F , where, because
Five equations must be written as the plex systems may be carried out. of the sign of the derivatives, it
perturbations must be arbitrary. The must move as the arrow indicates.
task of determining the latent roots The two transient equations (4)
I n region B the arrow points up-
of a matrix of large order can be and (5) may be in the ward and to the right and i t ap-
pears t h a t the right-hand steady
dA = -E/RT state will be approached perhaps
-- UI- b l A - c l A e (10) even by transient states, which a r e
ai > 0,bi > 0,ci > 0 initially closer to the left-han&
d T_--az
- bz T + c2 Ae
(11) steady state. I n regions A and B
the vectors will point away from
For the plane A , T , if in Equa- the unstable state, and hence this,
carried out with facility with new tions (10) and (11) dAld0 and appears to be a state toward whicR
high-speed computation equipment. d T l d 0 are set equal to zero, two a reactor would never naturally
It may be of interest to consider equations result which may be tend. It is clear t h a t this method
the stability of the corresponding plotted in this A , T plane to give, could be made quantitative by a
isothermal system; that is, to con- numerical scheme and the whole
sider only perturbations which alter respectively, the curves 1 and 2 in
the concentrations, on the assump- Figure 4. On curve 1, d A l d 0 = 0 , plane could be filled in with re-
tion that temperature control and and on curve 2, d T l d 0 = 0 . For action paths. Thus one could con-
mixing are instantaneous. The secu- fixed T,as A is increased sider any point on the plane as an
lar determinant is then initial point, resulting from start
- up or from a large perturbation,
1 -h-a-y -b
and couId calculate and plot on
such a diagram the time history of
the reactor in its approach to the
=O steady state. This would be a diffi-
cult task and it is easier and
- quicker to accomplish this on an
analogue computer.

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 517




8s .0020

320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 .0010

Fig. 5a. Reaction paths for a single stable state.

I I I \ \ l \ Y R\
300 310 320 330 340 350
Fig. 5d. Reaction paths f o r a system with one stable state;
data same as in Figure 5b except that q = 5 cc./sec.

300 310 320 330 340 350 360


Fig. 5b. Reaction paths f o r a system with three steady

states; q = 10 cc./see.


Fig. 5e. Reaction paths for a system with two stable states
with a superimposed time grid, €Ih = V / q .

chosen as it illustrates more

graphically reactor behavior.
I n Figure 5a are shown t h e re-
action paths for a single intersec-
tion at a high temperature such as
in Figure 26. The numerical data
used a r e not important; suffice it
to say t h a t they are not much dif-
ferent from those of Example 1.
All transient states lead t o the
sadmestable steady state. I n Figure
56 t h e data would produce three
TEMPERATURE K steady states, one of which is un-
Fig. 5c. Reaction paths f o r a system with one stable state; stable. In this case a flow rate of
data same as in Figure 5b except that q = 20 cc./sec. q = 10 cc./sec. was used, and this
plot bears out the qualitative argu-
ment used above. The unstable
state is approached OR no reaction
With this end in view Equations traces made by the pen on the plot- path and the plane seems to be
(10) and (11) were programmed ting board. On the R.E.A.C. one divided into two domains by a line
for the Reeves electronic analogue may obtain the two plots A vs. 0 (not drawn) such that all tran-
computer (R.E.A.C.) ( 1 ) and the and T vs. 0, or one may use the sients in one part lead to one
reaction paths obtained. Figure 5 plotting board and feed A and T steady state while all transients in
was obtained by this method and to pens to obtain the reaction paths the other part lead to t h e other
the curves shown a r e the actual directly. The. latter method was steady state. Two transient states

Page 518 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

Q +'tr

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of reactor

with recycle stream.

the capacity of the machine was ex-

ceeded in these special cases. A
great deal of time was put on the
case corresponding to Figure 2f.
No conclusive results were obtained
but indications were t h a t this case
300 320 340 360 380 T would exhibit oscillatory or peri-
Fig. 6. Transient behavior caused by a step function in the feed showing odic (limit cycle) reaction paths.
overshoot. Numbers on curves refer t o new feed concentration. In the language of nonlinear me-
chanics the points of stability ap-
pear t o be stable nodal points.
which are very close initially might One further study was made in The points of instability are either
lead to widely different steady connection with the transient from saddle points or unstable nodal
states. one steady state to another. It was points. Focal points have not been
If the data f o r Figure 5b are supposed that t h e reactor had been noticed, but these probably exist
kept unchanged except t h a t the operated at a n influent concentra- in some problems of the type con-
flow rate is increased to q = 2 0 tion A , = 0.005 and T o= 300°K. sidered here.
cc./sec., then Figure 5c results. At 6 = 0 a step change in feed con- One sees thus that the approach
The high-conversion steady state centration is made. As shown in to a steady state is not a straight-
i s wiped out completely, as i t Figure 6, if the step is positive forward procedure but may be
should be, because the slope of the the concentration in t h e reactor al- rather involved. The unstable state
heat-consumption curve increases. ways increases over the prior is also recognized as a state which
There a r e some transient states steady state value and then damps a reactor will not naturally ap-
however a t which t h e reactor ap- off to a higher conversion, higher proach. If a perturbation is large,
pears to be seeking a high-conver- temperature steady stake. When the it is also evident t h a t the reactor
sion steady state. None existing, it step is negative, these trends a r e of its own accord might shift to a
must then return to the low con- inverted. new steady state. A t stable states
version state. All these reaction paths show the system is autoregulatory, al-
If the flow rate instead of being overshoot and false-start phenome- ways returning after small per-
doubled is cut in half, q = 5, the na which seem a little surprising. turbations to the same state. Con-
low-conversion state is wiped out, However such systems have been trol is thus a simple problem. At
and the reactor approaches only observed by Denbigh, Hicks, and unstable states the control must be
the high conversion state, as shown Page ( 3 ) . good as the reactor must be main-
in Figure 5d. It appears, however, It would be interesting to con- tained in a state to which it has
that transients would prefer to go sider other types of steady states no natural tendency.
t o a low-conversion steady state such as were discussed in connec-
but are forced to converge t o a tion with Figures 3 and 2d, e , and A REACTOR WITH A RECYCLE
high-conversion state. f. Some effort was put on this but STREAM
On each reaction path there is the practicality of such a discus- The product from a stirred re-
implicit a time scale and in theory sion is limited and it was decided actor, R, may be supposed to pass
i t would require infinite time to to put no more time on it since to a separztting unit, S. From this
traverse a single path, the speed the technique was now clear and re- unit a stream rich in unreacted
along the path becoming less and actor behavior had been illustrated feed is recycled into the reactor
less as the steady state is ap- and elucidated. These special states while the enriched product passes
proached. This manifests itself on a r e difficult to produce as they re- out. The external and recycle flows
the computer in exactly the same quire a coincidental choice of para- are q and Q respectively. The sepa-
way. I n Figure 5 e , Figure 5b is meters. Systems with a high degree rating unit might be a distillation
essentially reproduced except that of instabilityaredifficult t o simulate column, extractor, crystallizer, set-
during the course of tracing out on the analogue computer and the tler, etc. The simple reversible re-
t h e reaction paths a record was reason is not hard to find. F o r if action, A * B , first order in each
kept of the elapsed time and a the simulation is a real analogue, direction, is carried out in the
time grid then superimposed on one must expect the electric cir- schematic system of Figure 7. A
the totality of reaction paths. I n cuit to become unstable also. This linear equilibrium is assumed in
this way the time f o r various tran- seemed to be the case in some of the separator and the rate of sepa-
sients can be compared. the work since more often than not ration in the separator is the usual

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 519

one for mass transfer. A and B The transient equations may then separator product
stand for concentrations a s well as be written
A 2.50 + 1.90 7 su
chemical species. The transient iso-
thermal equations a r e easily set up : dA + (1.5 + 0 . 5 ~A) = 0.5 A3 f - 3.50 + 7.90 y
ti0 Bls = ------AAo
+ 0.5 y A’
2B (18)
3.50 + 7.90 y
The product yield increases with
-- + (2.5 + 0.5 y) B = A +0.5yB’
V (kl A - kz B ) dR the reflux ratio y,
d6 y 0 0.50 1.00 2.00 co
(19) B , / A , 0.286 0.537 0.615 0.675 0.760

17 (kl A - kz B ) (13) do
_(lA’~ - ( 2 + 2 y ) A’ = 2 (1 + I n practice the reflux ratio would
have to be determined by some
optimizing process.
d A’
= ( q + & ) A - &A’ - y) A + IOAi (20)
The transient, as stated above,
was developed on the analogue
computer, and Figure 8 shows the
SKA (A’ - a A) (14) dB’
+ (4 f 2 y ) B ’ = 2 (1 + effect of a step change in t h e feed
concentration and gives the two
concentrations A , and B , as func-
H--dB’ = (q +&) B - Qb” - tions of the time for the case y = 1.
Each of these curves will become
SKs. (B’ - P A L ) (15) asymptotic t o a line which can be
calculated from the steady state
dA solution.
h-L=SK,(A’- aAl)-qAi In order to study the stability of
+ 2.8 B I = 4 B’ (23) the system the methods used above
could be applied, but it is interest-
dBi and the steady state solution is ing to approach the problem from
h---=SXK,(B’- PB,) - ~ B I
d6 t h e f requency-response technique.
(17) recycle F o r such a system, from control
theory, it is known that if L de-
The symbols a r e defined completely A,’ = 6A,, notes the Laplace transform oper-
a t t h e end of the paper. The first B,’ = 0.7B1, ator, then the transfer function of
pair of equations describes the re- the system is
actor. Equations (14) and (15)
describe the lean phase where H reactor product L (outputj
is the holdup, S K , is the over-all
G (8) = ---__-
L (inputj
mass transfer faotor, and a is the
equilibrium constant for the phase where s is t h e Laplace transform
equilibrium. Equations (16) and parameter. The product of G (jw),
where j = u - 1 and w is the fre-
(17) describe the rich phase. This
system of equations could be solved quency of the input signal, and
the input signal gives the output
analytically, but the solving of a
signa!. In this case
sixth-order system is a little tedi-
ous and so will be omitted. The
solution can easily be obtained on
the analogue computer, and in fact -0.57 0 0 0.5
systems in which the kinetics a r e -1 2.5 f 0 . 5 ~+S 0 -0.57 0 0
more complicated or in which the
separation is more complex may 0 -10 0
also be treated. A particular ex-
ample will be considered to illus- 4+2y+s 0 0
trate what may be done.
0 12+s 0
Let y =Qlq -4 0 0
which may be called a reflux ratio.
V = 2000 liters
q = 1000 litersihr.
Q =yq 0 0 0
Iz = 500 liters
H = 500 liters -0.57 0 0
k, = 1.00 hr.-1 0 -10 0
k, = 2.00 hr.-1
S K , = 1000 literslhr. 4+2y+s 0 -0.8
S K , = 2000 litersihr.
u = 5 ; p=0.2 0 12+s 0
A, = 1 mole/liter
B,, = 0 -4 0 2.8 fs

Page 520 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

and after reductions 1.00 Q = recycle flow r a t e (recycle
G(s) =--- 4 7f (14+2y) s+s2
w --_-_____ 0.8C p = frequency factor in reaction
P6 (s) velocity constant
SK,,SK, = separation-rate con-
where P , ( s ) is a polynomial of t h e stants in separator
sixth degree i n s. System stability T = reactor temperature
may be discussed by applying t h e < 04C T , = reactor steady state tempera-
Routh-Hurwitz criterion t o P , (s) . 5 ture
Also theoretical Nyguist and Bode
2- 0.20
T = average coolant temperature
diagrams may be calculated from 0 in reactor cooling coil
the expression f o r G ( j w ) . I f , f o r 5i To= influent temperature
example y = 1 and t h e frequency
w = 1 radianlhr., then
0.40 s = Laplace transform variable
U = product of h e a t transfer co-
z efficient and surface area in
Amplitude ratio = G (jw)= 0.70 2 0.30
Phase lag = @ = 130” V = reactor volume
These considerations will not be 020
given in more detail here since t h e
elucidation of t h e method of solu- Greek Letters
tion was all t h a t was intended. 0 1 2 3 4 5 GL,@= equilibrium constant in sepa-
Clearly t h e inclusion of heat ef- T I M E , HOURS
fects f o r exothermic reactions, etc., Y = root of characteristic equation
will cause only a complication and Fix. 8. Effect of step change on the (stability) o r recycle ratio
i n no way alters t h e method. F o r feed with a system with a recycle (recycle problem)
ratio equal to 1. p = density
recycle systems one should expect
instabilities in t h e system as well 0 = time
as increased sensivity, a s a recycle The methods of this paper may be
stream in chemical operations extended t o systems with arbitrary
would play t h e same role a s feed- kinetics and heat effects. The prob- LITERATURE CITED
back in electric circuit and ampli- lems were chosen as simply as possi- 1. Acrivos, A., and N. R. Amund-
fier design. ble here in order t o illustrate the son, Znd. E n g . Chcm., 45, 467
method. (1953).
SUMMARY 2. Denbigh, K. G., T r a n s . F u r a d a y
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT 3. - , M. Hicks, and F. M. Page,
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A portion of this paper was writ-

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S.S.S.R., Otdel. Khim. N a u k , 4,
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centration of corresponding 11. Mason, D. R., and E. L. Piret,
reaction paths. As f a r as the natural Zizd. E n g . Chenz., 42, 817 (1950) ;
behavior of the reactor is concerned, specie
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the unstable states do not even exist A,,B, = concentration in t h e rich 12. Minorsky, N., “Non-linear Me-
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N a u k S.S.S.R., 60, ( 3 ) , 405
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Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 521

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