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Lecture 9: Introduction to Metal Optics

5 nm
What happened at the previous lectures ?
Light interaction with small objects (d < λ)
• Insulators (Rayleigh Scattering, blue sky..)
• Semiconductors (Size dependent absorption, fluorescence..)
• Metals…Resonant absorption at ωsp

• Particles with d ≈ λ (λ-independent scattering, white clouds)

• Particles with d >> λ (Intuitive ray-picture useful)

Dielectric photonic crystal

• Molding the flow of light

Metal Optics: An Introduction
Majority of optical components based on dielectrics
• High speed, high bandwidth (ω), but…
• Does not scale well Needed for large scale integration
Bending losses Diffraction Limit

Optical mode in waveguide > λ0/2nCORE

Solutions ?
Some fundamental problems!

Photonic functionality based on metals?!

J. D. Joannopoulos, et al, Nature, vol.386, p.143-9 (1997)

What is a plasmon ?
• Compare electron gas in a metal and real gas of molecules

• Metals are expected to allow for electron density waves: plasmons

Bulk plasmon
• Metals allow for EM wave propagation above the plasma frequency
They become transparent!

Surface plasmon z
E Strong local field

Metal I
Note: This is a TM wave

• Sometimes called a surface plasmon-polariton (strong coupling to EM field)

Local Field Intensity Depends on Wavelength

z z
D << λo

Long wavelength Short wavelength

Characteristics plasmon-polariton • Strong localization of the EM field

• High local field intensities easy to obtain

Applications: • Guiding of light below the diffraction limit (near-field optics)

• Non-linear optics
• Sensitive optical studies of surfaces and interfaces
• Bio-sensors
• Study film growth
• ……
Plasmon-Polariton Propagation in Au rod

Laser excitation
λ = 532 nm

8.1 µm Au rod

Light at the other end

R.M. Dickson and L. A. Lyon, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 6095-6098 (2000)

Plasmon-Polariton Excitation using a Launch Pad

J.R. Krenn et al., Europhys.Lett. 60, 663-669 (2002)

50 nm

• Array of 50 nanometer diameter Au particles spaced by 75 nanometer

• Guides electromagnetic energy at optical frequency below the diffraction limit
• Enables communication between nanoscale devices
• Information transport at speeds and densities exceeding current electronics

M.L. Brongersma, et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, R16356 (2000)

S.A. Maier et al., Advanced materials 13, 1501 (2001)
Purdue Near-Field Optical Microscope

• Nanonics MultiView 2000

• Tuning Fork Feedback
– Normal or Shear Force
• Aperture tips down to 50 nm
• AFM tips down to 30 nm
• Radiation Source
– 532 nm
Picture taken from Nanonics

To Piezoelectrics HV Source
Freq. Gen.
Obj. Lens
Upper Piezo Fiber Tip 532nm Source

Lock-In Detector

Lower Piezo
Tuning Fork PID Controller
Obj. Lens

Filter Computer

Enhanced Transmission
Metal through
optics will make yourSub-λ
come true….

• Ag film with a 440 nm diameter hole

surrounded by circular grooves
• Transmission enhancement of 10 x
compared to a bare hole
• 3x more light than directly impingent on hole !

• Reason: Excitation of plasmon-polaritons

T.Thio et al., Optics Letters 26, 1972-1974 (2001).

Optical Properties of an Electron Gas (Metal)
Dielectric constant of a free electron gas (no interband transitions)
• Consider a time varying field: E (t ) = Re {E (! )exp ("i!t )}

• Equation of motion electron (no damping)

d 2r
m 2 = !eE
dt d 2p
m 2 = e2E
• Dipole moment electron p (t ) = !er (t ) dt

• Harmonic time dependence p (t ) = Re {p (! )exp ("i!t )}

• Substitution p into Eq. of motion: "m! 2p (! ) = e 2 E (! )

e2 1
• This can be manipulated into: p (! ) = " 2
E (! )
Np (! ) Ne 2 1 ! p2
• The dielectric constant is: "r = 1+ # = = 1$ = 1$ 2
" 0 E (! ) " 0m ! 2 !
!p !
Dispersion Relation for EM Waves in Electron Gas
Determination of dispersion relation for bulk plasmons
! " E (r , t )
• The wave equation is given by: r
= # 2
E (r , t )
c2 "t 2
• Investigate solutions of the form: E (r , t ) = Re {E (r , ! )exp (ik " r # i!t )}

! 2" r = c 2 k 2 2
" ! p
! p2 ! %1 $ 2 & = ! 2 $ ! p2 = c 2 k 2
• Dielectric constant: " r = 1 # 2 % ! &
! ' (

• Dispersion relation:
! = ! p2 + c 2 k 2
! = ck

No allowed propagating modes
(imaginary k)

Note1: Solutions lie above light line
Note2: Metals: ħωp ≈ 10 eV; Semiconductors ħωp < 0.5 eV (depending on dopant conc.)
Dispersion Relation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
Solve Maxwell’s equations with boundary conditions
• We are looking for solutions that look like:
E z

Metal x

• Mathematically: H d = (0, H yd , 0 )exp i (k xd x + k zd z " !t )

Ed = (Exd , 0, Ezd )exp i (k xd x + k zd z " !t )

z>0 H m = (0, H ym , 0 )exp i (k xm x + k zm z " !t )

Em = (Exm , 0, Ezm )exp i (k xm x + k zm z " !t )
• Maxwell’s Equations in medium i (i = metal or dielectric):
!H "E
" #!i E = 0 !" H = 0 " # E = $ µ0 # $ H = !i
!t "t
• At the boundary:
Ex ,m = Ex ,d ! m Ezm = ! d Ezm H ym = H yd
Dispersion Relation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
• Start with curl equation for H in medium i (as we did for EM waves in vacuum)

# $ Hi = !i
where H i = (0, H yi , 0 )exp i (k xi x + k zi z " !t )
Ei = (Exi , 0, Ezi )exp i (k xi x + k zi z " !t )

$ #H zi #H yi #H xi #H zi #H yi #H xi %
' & , & , & ( = (ik zi H yi , 0, ik xi H yi )= (&i!" i Exi , 0, i!" i Ezi )
) #y #z #z #x #x #y *

• We will use that: k zi H yi = #!" i Exi k zm H yi = #!" m Exm

k zd H yd = #!" d Exd k zm k
H ym = zd H yd
!m !d
• E// across boundary is continuous: Ex ,m = Ex ,d

• H// across boundary is continuous: H ym = H yd

k zm k zd
k zm k =
Combine with: H ym = zd H yd !m !d
!m !d
Dispersion Relation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
Relations between k vectors z k zd !d = 1
k zm k zd
• Condition for SP’s to exist: = Example
!m !d k zm ! m = "1

z Air
• Relation for kx (Continuity E//, H//) : k xm = k xd Example
true at any boundary

#! $
• For any EM wave: k x2 + k zi2 = " i % &
#! $ Dispersion relation
• Both in the metal and dielectric: k sp = k x = " i & ' % k zi2 1/ 2
(c) "# ! ! $
kx = % m d &
k zm k zd c ' !m + !d (
!m !d
Dispersion Relation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
Plot of the dispersion relation
1/ 2
" # ! m! d $
• Last page: k x = % &
c ' !m + !d (
• Plot dielectric constants dielectric
!d metal

!p !
"! d

1/ 2
" & ! m! d ' " !
• Low ω: k x = lim ) ( !d k= "d
* c
c ! m #$% + ! m + ! d , c !
• At ω = ωsp (when εm = -εd): k x ! "

• Note: Solution lies below the light line k

Dispersion Relation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
Dispersion relation plasma modes and SPP

!SP , Air
Metal/dielectric with εd
"SP ,! d

• Note: Higher index medium on metal results in lower ωsp

! p2 2 2 2 ! 2
ω = ωsp when:" m = 1 # 2 = #" d ! # ! = #" d !
p !2 = p !=
! 1+ "d 1+ "d
Excitation Surface-Plasmon Polaritons with Electrons
Excitation with electrons
• First experiments with high energy electrons

• Measurement: Energy loss

Direction of e’s:

• Whole dispersion relation can be investigated

• Low k’s are hard!

Example: 50 keV has a λ = 0.005 nm << λlight

kelectron >> klight

Stringent requirement on divergence e- beam

logical next step?
Nanophotonics with Plasmonics: A logical next step?

• The operating speed of data transporting and processing systems

Photonics (µm-scale structures ~ 1µm)
1T Plasmonics? (nm-scale structures)
Operating speed (Hz)

CMOS Electronics
130 nm
Coaxial circuits
1.8 µm

Transcontinental cable Communication networks

1k Telephone CMOS Electronics
1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 Time
 The ever-increasing need for faster information processing and transport is undeniable

Electronic components are running out of steam due to issues with RC-delay times
Why not electronics?
As data rates AND component packing densities INCREASE,
electrical interconnects become progressively limited by RC-delay:


1 A
R $ L / A % C $ L # Bmax $ $ 2
# Bmax " 10 ! 2 (bit/s) ( A << L2 !)

Electronics is aspect-ratio limited in speed!

Why not photonics?

The bit rate in optical communications is fundamentally limited

only by the carrier frequency: Bmax < f ~ 100 Tbit/s (!),
but light propagation is subjected to diffraction:


a cladding

2' 2 2 2!
ncore = nclad + %n = n + %n # V = a ncore ! nclad " a 2n%n
& ë
well ! guided mode : V $ ' # a " & / 2 2n%n ! mode size : %n <<1 ( !)

Photonics is diffraction- limited in size!

Why Plasmonics?

" #m#d
D ksp =
λsp c #m + #d
εd > 0 Dispersion Relation for SPPs:
εm < 0 - - -+ + + - - - + + +
optical ω
nm-scale λ

! m (" ) # $! d (" )
λp ~ very small

SP wavelengths can reach nanoscale at optical frequencies!

SPPs are “x-ray waves” with optical frequencies
Why nanophotonics needs plasmons?

Courtesy of M. Brongersma

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