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I love football

I like football because it acts as our escape valve. It brings me joy when I am going through
difficult times. It also helps me disconnect from everyday life and can function as an
"escape valve". I am a fan of the Barcelona club, I love the way it makes me feel when I see
my team play I like to see it succeed, I like to see it play, I follow their networks and I am
aware of what news and changes there are within the team or its administration , but above
all I like the way football generates passion in me.
it is a machine to generate feelings. Euphoria, joy, sadness, anger, despair, nervousness,…
are some of the sensations that I experience when I watch a game of my soccer team. That
feeling of maximum joy when our team wins as if we had been the ones who had played the
game and that desire to cry and contained rage that we sometimes feel when we see that our
team is losing.

Jair Rivaldo Benitez Oliva.

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