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Medical- Surgical Nursing 1



(for surgical procedure)

Name: _______________________________________ _Date:______________________________

Year Level and Block:_______________________ Clinical Instructor:________________
Rating scale:
3 Performed correctly, systematically according to standard with correct rationale.
2 Performed correctly, with correct rationale but not systematic.
1 Performed correctly, but not systematic and with inadequate rationale.

0 Performed incorrectly.

Performance Remarks
Procedure Rationale
3 2 1 0
- To remove debris and transient
microorganisms from the nails,
1. Do surgical scrubbing (surgical
hands and forearms,
handwashing) prior to entering the - Reduce the resident microbial
OR/ theater. count to a minimum, and
- To inhibit rapid rebound growth
of microorganisms
*Bacteria frow better in moist
2. Once at the OR, dry hands with areas
sterile towel (following the steps sited Drying wet hands is important to
at the surgical handwashing checklist) keep out bacteria &
contamination at bay on your
3. The circulating nurse standing at the
opposite side of the table will assist Circulating nurse ensures that
the scrub nurse in opening the operating rooms and other sterile
wrapper of the sterile gown. personnel are sterilized and that
they remain sterile during
- The circulating nurse should only procedures. Therefore, they work
be touching the folds of the only at the non-sterile field and at
wrapper. least 1 foot away from the sterile
- After the wrap was opened the areas or to any sterile personnel.
circulating nurse moves back away
from the area, then the scrub
nurse approach the table.

Picking up the Gown

4. With one hand, pick up the entire
folded gown from the wrapper by Maintains sterility of the gown
grasping the gown through all layers, and position it for donning. Edges
being careful to touch only the inside of anything that encloses sterile
top layer which is exposed. contents are considered unsterile.
5. Once your hands are securely To avoid contaminating outer
pinching the gown. Hold the gown surface, ungloved hands can only
near the gown's neck and touch the exposed layer of the
allow it to unfold. gown.
6. Step back from the shelf and allow
the gown to drop. Make sure the Be careful and do not let the gown
gown does not touch any surrounding touch anything unsterile as it
unsterile objects. drops.

4. Grasp the inside shoulder seams Proper identification of the

and open the gown with the armholes armholes provide a smooth and
facing you. easy access of inserting the gown.

Inserting your arms into the sleeves of the gown

5. Carefully insert your arms part way
into the gown one at a time, keeping Keep hands inside the cuffs to
hands at shoulder level away from the prevent contamination and a
body. preparation for closed gloving.

6. Slide the arms further into the gown

sleeves and when the fingertips are level
with the proximal edge of the cuff, grasp Shrug your arms into the sleeves
the inside seam at the cuff hem using while keeping your hands
thumb and index finger. Be careful that wrapped into the cuffs until you
no part of the hand protrudes from the get your gloves.
sleeve cuff.

Fastening the gown

7. A theatre assistant/ circulating nurse
will fasten the gown behind you, Prevents any part of the gown
positioning it over the shoulders by from touching a non-sterile object
grasping the inside surface of the gown provides complete coverage of
at the shoulder seam. The theatre
assistant’s hands should only ever be in
contact with the inside surface of the

8. The theatre assistant/ circulating This adheres to the sterile-sterile,

nurse then prepares to secure the gown unsterile-unsterile movements,
at the neck and upper back. Gowns and to avoid contaminating the
differ in how they are secured, but most
front of the gown that is already
with have either ties, buttons or Velcro
tabs. considered sterile.

9. The circulating person then ties the Gowns of the surgical team are
gown at waist level at the back.
considered sterile in front from
Note: before the final tie of the gown the the chest to the level of the sterile
scrub nurse must first perform the sterile field
close gloving procedure.
Final tie of the gown

10. The scrub person will take hold of

Secure the closure of the gown by
the belt tab which is securing the belt
ties. Keeping hold of the left side tie with assisting the circulating nurse in
the left hand pull the tab with the right- handling the tab while still
hand ties still secured and hand the tab preventing contact with them.
to the circulating person.

Variation: in the absence of the belt tab, Circulating nurse should only
the scrub nurse may use a sterile forceps come contact with unsterile items
to hold the tip of the belt. The forceps and areas. Contact with unsterile
will then be handed to the circulating surgical team could contaminate
nurse. The circulating nurse must only gown and gloves. Gown must
hold on to the forceps, careful not to
enclose undergarments.
touch any part of the tie.

11. The circulating person will take hold Unsterile personnel keep in
of the tab/ forceps being very careful contact with unsterile items and
not to touch the tie and will move to the areas only. They also must be
side or behind the scrub person. The knowledgeable on the proximity
scrub person will then turn, if necessary, to the sterile field and personnel
to enable them to reach and retrieve the
to avoid contamination.

12. When the scrub person is properly

positioned they will then take hold of Sterile OR personnel come in
the belt tie only being careful not to direct contact with persons who
touch the tab or forceps and pull on the wears gowns and gloves only.
tie leaving the circulating person with The items that they will touch are
only the tab/ forceps in their hand The sterile equipment. Any supply
circulating person must hold on tightly brought by an unsterile staff
to the tab/ or release clamp of the
should transfer the item in a
forceps so that when the scrub person
pulls on the tie the tab/ forceps doesn't sterile manner.
come with it and contaminate them.

Securing the ties properly

13. Finally the scrub practitioner will provides complete coverage of
secure the ties on left side. undergarments from being

Signature over Printed Name of Student

Evaluated By:

Signature over Printed Name
Clinical Instructor

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