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Gokhale Education Society’s College of Education and Research

IC2 Assignment No. 1

Name: - Gauri Sandeep Kambli

Roll no.: - 16
Subject: - IC2: Educational Management
Professor name: - Prof. Remya VR
Prepare a Report on any one school activity, keeping in mind five functions of

 Introduction about Education Management (Meaning & Function): -

Educational Management is the process of planning, Organizing,

Directing, Controlling and Evaluating to accomplish predetermined
objectives of an institution through co-ordinated use of human & material

Management is considered as Art/Science of getting work done with the

help of other people within an estimated budget and before or within the

According to Henry Fayol; Educational management is to manage-

forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.

He gave the theory of Management, Known as Fayolism.

He proposed that there were five primary functions of Management and

fourteen Principles of Management.

The five primary functions of Management are: -

 Planning
 Organising
 Commanding
 Co-ordinating
 Controlling

 Name of School: - R. M. Bhatt School

 Name of Activity: - PTA Meeting

 About the Activity: - The meeting was conducted by one of our senior
teacher and all the teachers were a part of it. All the students and their
parents were invited for the meeting, it was conducted in online mode.
All parents and students actively participated in the meeting and it was an
interactive meeting.
 Description: - The meeting was conducted in a systematic manner and the
management was also very good. It was planned very well it was
planned in advance almost a week ago as we were given a detailed
circular regarding it. The meeting was having a fixed time and students
were informed prior that they have to make sure that their parents attend
the meeting, the organization of the meeting was done on online mode a
google meet link was created and all the parents and students along with
the teachers joined the link. There was a proper agenda for the event that
which section will come first and will be followed by which section. All
teachers involved in the commanded regarding their part in the meeting.
What exactly they need to perform in the meeting for e.g. welcome
address, introduction of various departments, vote of thanks, etc. Proper
co-ordination between the staff was there, which could be seen during
the discussion session with the parents, parents were listening and
reacting to the instructions and information given by the teachers. Also all
the sessions were very well co-ordinated. The event was conducted in a
controlled manner as being the speaker when the teachers were
explaining about different sections the parents were listening patiently to
it, also the meeting was started at a fixed time and it ended on the
specified time.

 Conclusion & Reflection: - The conclusion from the study is that all
events need a proper kind of management so that it is carried out without
any hassel. The proper way of management refers to the five functions of
management i.e. Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Co-ordinating,
controlling. If the meeting is carried out in a way which follows all these
five functions of management then the event can be carried out
successfully. It is very essential that an event is carried in systematic
manner as many things such as trust , relationship, future outcomes all
depends on the success of the meeting.

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