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BTS Classes Moulay Ismail School

Rue Al Baraka, N°15

El Basatine .Meknes.

The Manager of Menara November 26th.2020

Computer Center.

EL Ouasis Avenue .N°123

Casablanca 01

Dear Sir,

The computer N°D/L/4809/03 which I ordered from your company arrived yesterday but
unfortunately it was badly damaged. So, I would like to complain in the strongest terms about
what happened.

When I opened the packing-case, I found that the screen is scratched, the key board does not
work and the printer is missing though it is included in the price list.

Could you please let me know whether you would be willing to send me a new computer at
no extra charge and tell me when I should arrange to return the damaged one to your

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Youssef Ali.

Writing: You are the manager of Menara Computer Center. Write a reply to Mr.Ali Youssef

1-apologize for the problem.

2-agree to replace the damaged computer in three days’ time.

3-offer the collection at no extra charges

4- make a discount of 2 % any future purchases.

Reply to a complaint Page 1

Name: ............................................................ Class: ........................................



Reply to a complaint Page 2

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