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Abishek’s Speech
Good morning everyone, now I’m not here to discuss about all your past attitude or thinking’s. I’m here
to share a small story with u all. The was an ex-military person who was dull and idle sitting in his home
after retirement, he wished and wanted to do something and get rid off the idleness, so he instantly
thought what is good in with him and found that his love in making chicken dishes is unique and wished
to start that as a business. The very next day he stared to go knocking door after door and ringing bell
after bell to sell his food, but everyone refused to buy. He never stopped and did the same on even the
second consecutive day yet failed once again, and he never stopped but kept on repeating 1009 times
failing again and again and was there a person on the 1010 time said hey man get inn and the guy bought
the dish he prepared. Do you guys still wonder about whom the guy I’m speaking about?

Its none other than Colonel Sanders the man who made us to starve for his fried chicken in ques which is
Kentucky Fried Chicken, the KFC.

So, guys cheer up, if single person was able to success why not we as a family cant update to the change
and battle up for the win.

I have 200% confidence on my family and lets all make our firm once again proud.

Stay Strong Stay Positive!

Vignesh’s Speech
As Abishek said KFC is the best-known example for everyone’s motivation. As of now our
manufacturing plant has gone down for last six months, and it’s time to improve our manufacturing plant
to an another level. We respect your work, and from now onwards you will be let known on the
techniques of improvising your working style. Don’t ever feel of being negative and take this as an
opportunity to develop your professional skills. We appreciate your sincerity to the working and mark my
words that your salary will be increased from the very next month. I hope our family as a community gets
increased as profits thus by everyone’s hard work. Thanks everyone and wish you all luck.

Sri Hari’s Speech

Everyone must have faith in whatever work you do, but It is hard and is equally tough to have faith,
when you are facing challenges. If you have struggles in your work, you have to think “how we can come
out “.

As an employee, everyone must have a good communication mechanism to understand each other’s
needs, interests and difficulties. “You can’t have a million-dollar dream with a minimum work ethic. If
you want to be succeed at a game, you can’t quit at the middle season, you must play the whole game,
through challenges and opponents. I am confident that you can easily come out from the dark. ”Get up ,
stand up and don’t give up to fight”. Keep fighting and discourse your strength. I wish everyone for the
best and have a great day and May God blesses all.

Thank you

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