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English for Business (Lesson 6)


An employee was saddened by the thought of his retirement. His boss told him
that he had to stop working because he was sixty-five, but he felt that he still had a
lot of good work years in him. He didn’t want to quit working, so he became
depressed. He thought that his days would become boring and useless from then
on because he couldn’t work. In fact, he became so distressed that his wife made
him find a company to work for that didn’t have a retirement policy. He felt great
after that

Activity 4

These courses these staff them They This this

our the ones After this their supervisors

Subject: Front-line Service Staff

There has recently been an increase in the number of complaints about our front-line
service staff.

As a result of  the number of complaints about our front-line service staff,

it has been decided to enrol  our front-line service staff on compulsory
customer services courses.  The compulsory customer services courses will
be held in January after office hours and will be in both English and Chinese.

 After completion of these courses,  the supervisors of the front-line

service staff will be requested to monitor closely  the staff who have
completed the customer service courses to determine  the front-line
service staff who still fail to meet  our company’s required standards.  The
staff who fail to meet the company’s required standards will then either have
their contracts terminated or be transferred internally.  Whether they have
their contracts terminated or are transferred internally will depend on the
recommendations of their supervisors and on current vacancies.

 _______________________________  _______________________________

 _______________________________
these staff
 _______________________________
the one’s
 _______________________________
courses  _______________________________
 _______________________________
after this  _______________________________

 _______________________________
their supervisors
 _______________________________

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