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Help Choosing an Issue:

Most Common Issues Chosen by Students:

i.e. issues to AVOID:

-Tiger moms
-Gun control
-Electric cars
-Drinking age
-Video games
-Aid for Africa
-Death penalty
-Online bullying
-Climate change
-Sleep / Caffeine
-Self-driving cars
-Online education
-Paradox of choice
-Childhood obesity
-Standardized testing
-Data and internet privacy
-Introversion and leadership
-Phone / screen time addiction
-Should college athletes be paid?
-Illegal immigrants and the economy
-Does music distract you while studying?

*If you want to write about one of these, that’s fine. However, please carve out a small niche or frame
for the issue rather than argue the whole issue itself. For example, instead of writing simply about
“climate change,” write about some specific kind of geoengineering and what needs to happen politically
in order for the United States to consider this seriously as a solution. Do you see how I’m carving out a
specific aspect?

**Or, make an old issue NEW by catering for a new audience, new application, etc. There are several
guides on BB about how to make issues NEW.

***note that “video games” is highlighted. This was not a mistake. If I receive another paper about video
games, I may fall over and die.
****You might also peruse John Oliver or Room for Debate as heuristics for issues (with VPN).

*****In any case, remember that you need to frame your issue with exigence. Look at the visual below.
Does this mean you should choose one of the issues on top and avoid the ones on bottom? No, but you
need to clarify why your issue is so important. If you’re writing about data privacy, you must clarify why
I should be so concerned about this in an age with so many other, more imminent threats.

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