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PERSONAL FINANCE EXPERIENCES of my mother during Covid-19 homestay

Income (Million VND)

Monthly salary 10
Monthly Rental Income 12
Total income 22
Expenses (Million VND)
Fixed Expense
- Monthly parking fee for motor bikes 0.3
- Internet 0.5
- Loan payment 5
Variable Expense
- Spending for food 5.6
- Personal Protective Equipment
 Mask 0.3
 Hand sanitizer 0.4
- Clothing purchase 1
- Payment for electricity 2.5
- Charity 0.5
Total Expense 16.1
I think my mother also bought items in a wise purchasing strategy. Because of the pandemic, everyone
buys products online via online platforms. And most of the products my mother buys are food and
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

- First, my mom conducted online research to find out the stores or shops that she is going to buy. She
would look for the most reputable stores and famous brands that are appreciated by many people to
buy products. Since the products purchased are mainly food and PPE, the reliability of the store is very

- After deciding which online store to buy from, she continued to delve deeper into the different brands
and types of products. For food, it is necessary to pay attention to price, quality, and especially to have a
clear origin. For PPEs, make sure this is an authentic product, and consider the cost and intended use of
each mask or hand sanitizer to choose to buy.

- The next step is to order online

However, the only step in the wise purchasing strategy my mom does not follow is to plan for the future
purchase. Because everyone is working from home now, there is no need to use too many masks, so it is
difficult to predict and plan for future purchases. So when my family used up most of the items, she
planned to buy more

The lesson I can learnt from experience of my mother is online research is one of the essential steps in
buying and online shopping that has made it easier for consumers to research, compare prices, quality,
and origin of products. They have access to a wide variety of products, brands, and options. If you don't
research about different products and brands in advance, you won't be able to get a product at the best

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