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Independence Day contest

Saare Jahan se Achha !!  Hindositāṉ[4] hamārā !! I am proud to start explaining my project with the
golden lines of Mohammad Iqbal

I am R KRISHNA from SP robotics Gopalapuram and doing 5th in NPS

Independent India has achieved tremendous things in last 72 years, I am going to high light few in
this project

I have categorized the achievements in the following fields and if you press 1 it will high light space,
press 2 for agriculture, , press 3 for education , press 4 for pharma and press 5 for technology

Let me press each one of them and explain you the great achievements of “Mera Bharat Mahaan “

First one is space ( press the button)

In space research you all know that we have achieved the following in last 30 years

1. Chandrayaan 2 ( launch the Chandrayaan 2 rocket )

4. Mangalyaan
5. Navigation with Indian constellation

Second one is Agriculture ( press the button)

In Agriculture

1. 100 million metric tons of Rice production with a status of self-sufficient country and no
dependency on anyone else in the world ( press the button and start ploughing)
2. 128 million metric tons of Milk production
3. 90 million metric tons of wheat
4. 25 MT tons of sugar
5. 34 MT tons of cotton
We have achieved green revolution and white revolution

Third one is Education ( press the 3rd button)

In Education

26 IIT’s across the nation (press the button and show the IITS in map)

Development of modern education techniques

Pioneers in Information technology and producing world class CEO’s like Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella

Fourth one is Pharmaceuticals (press the 4 th button)

In Pharma

3rd most competitive pharma business in the world

Quality on par with developed nations

24000 companies and 11000 plants

50% medicines distributed by UN comes from Indian production

Fifth and final one is Technology (press the 5 th button)

In Technology

We are in elite club of Nuclear nations with advanced utilization of nuclear energy for constructive
purposes ( press the button and let robot salute the Indian map )

We have surpassed developed nations by launching Robotics, automation and digital world to young
kids through our institution SP Robotics

Now let me explain how I designed this project

I have used one Arduino boards, 4 LEDS, on servo motor , ……

Explain how did you achieve each one of them

Present the flow chart

JAI Hind and Vandemataram , thanks for this opportunity .

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