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Larcade Arcana

Marine Transportation IV



Activity.Look around you and count the things that, for you, are results of globalization.
After doing so, make a short essay (around 5-10 sentences) on the topic, "Is the world a better
place to live in a globalize world?" Base your answers on the things that you have counted at
the start of this learning task.

Things such as Smartphones, Medicines, Garments, Vehicles, and Foods. The fact that
"Globalization" makes our working convenient and efficient. These things I mentioned helped
in terms of developing our society and our country. But let us expound in asking "Is the world
a better place to live in a globalize world?"

             The things we used in everyday life greatly impacted our lifestyle, one of those things
is the smartphone. One device that can do a lot of various tasks and one of the leading factors
in the evolution of globalization because technology integrated from one another making it to
have higher performance for the advancement of communication, computing, and consumer
industries. With the merge of the internet, we can easily access information and electronic
             Shipping carriage by the air, transport by the sea or delivered by railways and truck
these things fuel up the process of globalization. Imagine without transportation machinery a
hundred miles to distribute the needs of the people will be harder and the trade workers
productivity decreases .in the good perspective, transportation increases the market for goods
and services as what i have said it creates efficiency.
          Another thing that has greatly improved due to Globalization are the medicines. Since
the Globalization began, countries has helped each other to make better medicines for various
diseases, diseases that were once thought as deadly have now medicines that cures, if not,
alleviate the effects to the patient.
            Fashion and trends really never go out and can be obtained by anyone. Clothing and
apparel become to have low prices result in globalization it allows to export and import good
global markets and cultures to influence local markets fastening the production of garments.
           Lastly, we have taste and appetitite, therefore, we crave food and the food that we eat
is the product of globalization. Sharing of agricultural and production practice and
consequently of efficiency across the country is already been done for maNY centuries that
attributed to a global modernisation of agriculture and food production availabilty.
        From all the things I mentioned I  I can confidently say that we can live in a globalized
world though it has disadvangtages we are eager to  erradicate the challenges that we are
facing today through globalization.

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