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‘Globalisation’ is one of the most important intellectual and social phenomena of

the contemporary moment, yet its meanings and effects are widely contested. From
the financial crisis to climate change, it is clear that local issues can have
global impacts, and, equally, global pandemics, corporations, markets and other
phenomena impact upon local lives in multiple and uneven ways. This module
critically engages with globalisation, exploring some of the key ways in which the
concept has been theorised, and how it has been used as a lens through which to
understand social change. In addition to engaging with the key debates, we will
focus on themes such as urban change, migration and identities, and the
globalisation of food and religion. Central to our critical engagement with the
concept will include a focus on alternative processes and narratives of
globalisation and we will contemplate what the future of globalisation might look

=Globalization seems to be the means by which a country achieves success and

progress. It gives opportunities to developing countries and helps them to strive
for a better future. It connects people across the world and unites each other by
trading goods, services, and operations. Globalization will lead to a greater
knowledge of foreign beliefs and attitudes. There will be less prejudice and
misunderstandings about other races and cultures. For example, Filipinos are huge
fans of Korean idols, and we millennials enjoy purchasing Korean goods as a result.
Similarly, Koreans adore bananas, which are bountiful in the Philippines. We can
see the foreign trade between the two countries in this scenario. We can also
appreciate each other's culture by purchasing each other's goods. According to
Global Partners (2021a), not all of globalization's good consequences are measured
in billions or trillions of dollars. Ideas, food, music, media, and linguistic
exchanges across cultures are equally valuable. Their newfound understanding aids
in the development of greater empathy and admiration for persons from diverse
cultures. When countries actively participate in trading and exchanging goods with
one another, globalization is said to have a better impact on each country. This
stands to benefit both the country's economy and social development. Most likely,
once technological advancements have reached all countries, there will be no more
countries suffering from persistent poverty, which will raise living standards and
improve a nation's overall wellbeing. Anyone can benefit from globalization in
terms of new business opportunities. Young people can even start small businesses
and grow them into a huge one. They may be able to sell not only locally, but also
internationally. Globalization leads to an increase in gross domestic product,
industrialization, and economic growth. Based on National Geographic Society
(2019), It gives businesses a competitive edge by enabling them to supply raw
resources in low-cost locations. Organizations could also take advantage of cheap
labor in developing economies while utilizing the technological experience and
expertise of more advanced economies as a result of globalization. We've also seen
how globalization has benefitted immensely in a variety of ways, including goods,
machines, medications, and vaccinations. According to Ortiz-Ospina (2017), because
of the expansion of global trade, vaccines, as well as antibiotics produced in a
few countries, are now widely used throughout the world to eliminate illnesses and
treat fatal infectious diseases. This also has helped us in obtaining information
and ideas. And of course, the reason why our modern world becomes more and more
advanced.A few of the benefits of globalization are that customers can purchase
products at cheaper prices and of higher quality. As stated in Globalization
Partners (2021b), global competition in the market raises both quality and cost.
Consumers will always choose the finest and most affordable options available once
they realize they have a wide range of options from all over the world,
necessitating firms to improve quality and provide great deals in order to maintain
a competitive advantage.

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