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My Father, the Life Saver Yara Sulieman 1190440

Dr: Rula Yousef

When I was 19 years old, my father saved my life by having a heart attack. I was
overweight when I was growing up, and my quality of life was terrible. All I did
was relax at home, eat and play videogames. I was very unhealthy. My father was
unhealthy, too. Like me he was overweight and did not exercise, then he had his
hear attack. It was a big shock for both of us. After he came home from the
hospital, we decided to make significant improvements to our quality of life. We
got healthy together. First, we started eating vegetables or fish for every meal. At
this time, we also started walking together four days a week. After a few months,
we were running. Together, we lost over 250 pounds. One of the most important
things we did was change our attitude. Now we believe in the value of a healthy
lifestyle. I say my dad saved my life but he says I saved his, too.

1. What was similar about the writer’s life and his father’s life when the writer
was growing up?
Both the writer and his father were living an
unhealthy life, and they did not exercise, then a
disease occurred for both of them, which made them
change their way of life, live healthy life, exercise,
and eat healthy food, this made them lose weight and
change their lifestyle for the better.
2. What caused them both to make a big change? What changes did he make?

The writer had a heart attack because of obesity,

and his father saved him, then his father suffered a
hearing attack. They decided to follow a healthy diet by
eating vegetables and fish for every meal, and at the
same time they were walking four days a week, after a
few months they were starting running.

3. Have you ever experienced something bad that caused you / a family
member/ a friend to make a good change? If so, what happened?

When I started studying at university in the last

semester, I didn't know how to study well for
subjects, it changed for me from studying subjects at
school. I got bad grades in the beginning, compared
to the grades of the school I used to, as I got 97.3 in
Tawjihi, but I decided to learn a new way and to
benefit from the experiences of students at the higher
levels and asked them about the methods of study for
these subjects. I started studying hard, of course it
was not easy, but my grades started to rise gradually,
thank God in the end, and after studying well, I got
an honor degree and a score of 89.3, and by this , I
knew that the solution is to work and search and not
to give up , not only in Study, but in your life and the
problems and pressures that you face .

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